
Defines functions mnis_eligible

Documented in mnis_eligible

#' mnis_eligible
#' Returns all members who are able to sit in either house, or who are
#' currently ineligible to sit. Members ineligible to sit include but are
#' not necessarily limited to former MPs, members of the judiciary, who are
#' recused from House of Lords duties.
#' @param eligible If the member is currently eligible to sit. Accepts
#' `TRUE` or `FALSE`. Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @param house The house to which the member belongs. Accepts one of 'all',
#' 'lords' and 'commons', defaults to 'all'. This parameter is not case
#' sensitive, so 'commons', 'Commons' and 'cOmMOnS' will all return the
#' same data.
#' @param party The party to which a member belongs. Defaults to NULL. The
#' party must be fully spelled out (e.g. 'green party'), the API does not
#' accept searches on this parameter. For a tibble of parties,
#' see [ref_parties()]. This parameter is not case sensititive.
#' @param tidy Fix the variable names in the tibble to remove special
#' characters and superfluous text, and converts the variable names to a
#' consistent style. Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @param tidy_style The style to convert variable names to, if `tidy=TRUE`.
#' Accepts one of "snake_case", "camelCase" and "period.case".
#' Defaults to "snake_case"
#' @keywords mnis
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- mnis_eligible(eligible = FALSE, house = "all", party = "labour")
#' y <- mnis_eligible(eligible = TRUE, house = "all", party = "green party")
#' z <- mnis_eligible(house = "commons")
#' }
mnis_eligible <- function(eligible = TRUE, house = "all", party = NULL,
                          tidy = TRUE, tidy_style = "snake_case") {
  house <- tolower(as.character(house))

  if (is.na(pmatch(house, c("all", "lords", "commons")))) {
    stop("Please select one of 'all', 'lords' or 'commons' for the parameter 'house'")

  if (house == "lords") {
    house_query <- "|house=lords"
  } else if (house == "commons") {
    house_query <- "|house=commons"
  } else if (house == "all") {
    house_query <- "|house=all"

  if (is.null(party) == FALSE) {
    party <- paste0("|party=", utils::URLencode(party))

  query <- paste0(base_url, "members/query/iseligible=", eligible,
                  house_query, party)

  got <- mnis_query(query)

  x <- tibble::as_tibble(got$Members$Member)

  if (tidy == TRUE) {
    x <- mnis::mnis_tidy(x, tidy_style)

    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
      x$member_from <- stringi::stri_trans_general(x$member_from, "latin-ascii")

      x$member_from <- gsub("Ynys MA\U00B4n", "Ynys M\U00F4n", x$member_from)

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mnis documentation built on April 4, 2021, 1:06 a.m.