
# Class \code{methodObj}
# Class \code{methodObj} contains a regression or prediction method and any
#   user specified inputs to be passed to the regression or prediction method.
# @name methodObj-class
# @slot method ANY A character name or function.
# @slot methodArgs A list of inputs to be passed to the method.
# @keywords internal
         slots = c(    method = "ANY",
                   methodArgs = "list"))

# Retrieve the method
# Returns the character or function of the regression/prediction method
# @param object An object of class \code{methodObj}
# @return A character or function.
# @name method
# @rdname method
# @keywords internal
setGeneric(name = "method",
           def = function(object,...) { standardGeneric("method") })

# @rdname method
setMethod(f = "method", 
          signature = c(object = "ANY"), 
          definition = function(object,...) { stop("not defined") })

# @rdname method
setMethod(f = "method", 
          signature = c(object = "methodObj"), 
          definition = function(object,...) { return( object@method ) })

# Retrieve the arguments to be passed to method
# Returns/Sets the list of arguments to be passed to the 
#   regression/prediction method.
# @param object An object of class \code{methodObj}
# @return A list.
# @name methodArgs
# @rdname methodArgs
# @keywords internal
setGeneric(name = "methodArgs",
           def = function(object,...) { standardGeneric("methodArgs") })

# @rdname methodArgs
setMethod(f = "methodArgs", 
          signature = c(object = "ANY"), 
          definition = function(object,...) { stop("not defined") })

# @rdname methodArgs
setMethod(f = "methodArgs", 
          signature = c(object = "methodObj"), 
          definition = function(object,...) { return( object@methodArgs ) })

# @rdname methodArgs
setGeneric(name = "methodArgs<-",
           def = function(object,value) { standardGeneric("methodArgs<-") })

# @rdname methodArgs
setMethod(f = "methodArgs<-",   
          signature = c(object = "ANY",
                        value = "ANY"), 
          definition = function(object, value) { stop("not defined") })

# @rdname methodArgs
setMethod(f = "methodArgs<-",   
          signature = c(object = "methodObj",
                        value = "list"), 
          definition = function(object, value) {

              nms <- names(x = object@methodArgs)
              nmsNew <- names(x = value)

              fmls <- names(x = formals(fun = object@method))
              tst <- nmsNew %in% fmls

              if (!all(tst) && !("..." %in% fmls)) {
                stop(paste0(nmsNew[!tst], collapse = ", "), 
                     " not found in formal arguments of method",
                     call. = FALSE)

              newArgs <- object@methodArgs

              for (i in 1L:length(x = nmsNew)) {
                newArgs[[ nmsNew[i] ]] <- value[[ i ]]

              object@methodArgs <- newArgs

              return( object )

# Create an object of class methodObj
# Creates an object of class methodObj that holds the regression or prediction
#   method and the necessary inputs.
# @param method A character providing the name of the function or the function
#   itself.
# @param args A list of input arguments to be passed to the function when 
#   called.
# @return An object of class \code{methodObj}.
# @name newMethodObj
# @rdname newMethodObj
# @keywords internal
setGeneric(name = ".newMethodObj", 
           def = function(method, args) { standardGeneric(".newMethodObj") })

# @rdname newMethodObj
setMethod(f = ".newMethodObj",  
          signature = c(method = 'ANY',
                        args = 'ANY'), 
          definition = function(method, args) { stop("not defined") })

# @rdname newMethodObj
setMethod(f = ".newMethodObj",  
          signature = c(method = 'character',
                        args = 'list'), 
          definition = function(method, args) {

              if (!exists(x = method)) {
                stop("method does not exist.", call. = FALSE)

              nms <- names(x = args)
              fmls <- names(x = formals(fun = method))

              tst <- nms %in% fmls

              if (!all(tst)) {
                if (!("..." %in% fmls)) {
                  stop(paste(nms[!tst], collapse = ", "), 
                       " not found in formal arguments of method",
                       call. = FALSE)

              obj <- new("methodObj", 
                         method = method, 
                         methodArgs = args)

              return( obj )

# @rdname newMethodObj
setMethod(f = ".newMethodObj",  
          signature = c(method = 'function',
                        args = 'list'), 
          definition = function(method, args) {

              nms <- names(x = args)
              fmls <- names(x = formals(fun = method))

              tst <- nms %in% fmls

              if (!all(tst)) {
                if (!("..." %in% fmls)) {
                  stop(paste(nms[!tst], collapse = ", "), 
                       " not found in formal arguments of method",
                       call. = FALSE)

              obj <- new("methodObj", 
                         method = method, 
                         methodArgs = args)

              return( obj )

# Execute Regression/Prediction Method
# Execute regression/prediction method
# @param object A methodObj object
# @return The value object as defined by the regression/prediction method 
#   called.
# @name internal-fit
# @rdname internal-fit
# @keywords internal
setGeneric(name = ".fit", 
           def = function(object,...) { standardGeneric(".fit") })

# @rdname internal-fit
setMethod(f = ".fit",  
          signature = c(object = "methodObj"), 
          definition = function(object, data, response, ...) {

                mm <- tryCatch(expr = do.call(what = object@method,
                                              args = object@methodArgs),
                               error = function(e) {
                                         return( e )

                return( mm )

# Obtain predictions
# Execute prediction method
# @param object A methodObjPredict object
# @return The value object as defined by the prediction method called. If a
#   vector is returned by method it is converted to a single column matrix.
# @name internal-predict
# @rdname internal-predict
# @keywords internal
#' @import methods
setGeneric(name = ".predict", 
           def = function(object,...) { standardGeneric(".predict") })

setMethod(f = ".predict",  
          signature = c(object = "ANY"), 
          definition = function(object, ...) { stop("not defined") })

# @rdname internal-fit
setMethod(f = ".predict",  
          signature = c(object = "methodObj"), 
          definition = function(object, newdata, fitObj, ...) {
                mm <- tryCatch(expr = do.call(what = object@method,
                                              args = object@methodArgs),
                               error = function(e) {
                                         return( e )

                return( mm )

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modelObj documentation built on June 7, 2022, 9:07 a.m.