
Defines functions bandwidth_bootstrap

Documented in bandwidth_bootstrap

#' Bootstrap bandwidth for local polynomial estimator of a psychometric function
#' This function finds a bootstrap estimate of the optimal bandwidth h for a local polynomial
#' estimate of the psychometric function with specified guessing and lapsing rates.
#' @usage bandwidth_bootstrap( r, m, x, H, N, h0 = NULL, link = "logit",
#'                      guessing = 0, lapsing = 0, K = 2, p = 1,
#'                      ker = "dnorm", maxiter = 50, tol = 1e-6, method = "all")
#' @param  r number of successes at points x
#' @param  m  number of trials at points x
#' @param  x  stimulus levels
#' @param  H  search interval
#' @param  N number of bootstrap replications
#' @param  h0 (optional) pilot bandwidth; if not specified, then the scaled plug-in bandwidth is used
#' @param  link (optional) name of the link function to be used; default is "logit"
#' @param  guessing (optional) guessing rate; default is 0
#' @param  lapsing  (optional) lapsing rate; default is 0
#' @param  K    (optional) power parameter for Weibull and reverse Weibull link; default is 2
#' @param  p     (optional) degree of the polynomial; default is 1
#' @param  ker   (optional) kernel function for weights; default is "dnorm"
#' @param  maxiter (optional) maximum number of iterations in Fisher scoring; default is 50
#' @param  tol      (optional) tolerance level at which to stop Fisher scoring; default is 1e-6
#' @param  method   (optional) loss function to be used in bootstrap: choose from: "ISEeta", "ISE", "deviance"; by default all possible values are calculated
#' @returns  \verb{h  } bootstrap bandwidth for the chosen "method"; if no "method" is specified, then it has three components: $pscale, $eta-scale and $deviance
#' @importFrom stats rbinom optimize
#' @examples
#' data("Baker_etal")
#' x = Baker_etal$x
#' r = Baker_etal$r
#' m = Baker_etal$m
#' plot( x, r / m, xlim = c( 0.16, 7.83 ), ylim = c( -0.01, 1.01 ), type = "p", pch="*" )
#' val <- binomfit_lims( r, m, x, link = "probit" )
#' numxfit <- 199; # Number of new points to be generated minus 1
#' xfit <- (max(x)-min(x)) * (0:numxfit) / numxfit + min(x)
#' # Plot the fitted curve
#' pfit<-predict( val$fit, data.frame( x = xfit ), type = "response" )
#' lines(xfit, pfit )
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data("Miranda_Henson")
#' x = Miranda_Henson$x
#' r = Miranda_Henson$r
#' m = Miranda_Henson$m
#' numxfit <- 199; # Number of new points to be generated minus 1
#' xfit <- (max(x)-min(x)) * (0:numxfit) / numxfit + min(x)
#' # Find a cross-validation bandwidth
#' bwd_min <- min( diff( x ) )
#' bwd_max <- max( x ) - min( x )
#' # This might take a few minutes
#' niter <- 500 # Note number of bootstrap iterations should be at least 500
#' bwd <- bandwidth_bootstrap( r, m, x, c( bwd_min, bwd_max ),niter, method="deviance")
#' pfit <- locglmfit( xfit, r, m, x, bwd )$pfit
#' # Plot the fitted curve
#' plot( x, r / m, xlim = c( 0.1, 1.302 ), ylim = c( 0.0165, 0.965 ), type = "p", pch="*" )
#' lines(xfit, pfit )
#' }
#' @export
bandwidth_bootstrap <- function( r, m, x, H, N, h0 = NULL, link = "logit", guessing = 0,
                               lapsing = 0, K = 2, p = 1,
                               ker = "dnorm", maxiter = 50, tol = 1e-6,
                               method = "all") {
# The function finds a bootstrap estimate of the optimal bandwidth h for a local polynomial
# estimate of the psychometric function with specified guessing and lapsing rates.
# r    - number of successes at points x
# m    - number of trials at points x
# x    - stimulus levels
# H    - search interval
# N    - number of bootstrap replications
# h0       - pilot bandwidth; if not specified, then the scaled plug-in
# 			bandwidth is used
# link     - name of the link function to be used; default is "logit"
# guessing - guessing rate; default is 0
# lapsing  - lapsing rate; default is 0
# K    - power parameter for Weibull and reverse Weibull link; default is 2
# p        - degree of the polynomial; default is 1
# ker      - kernel function for weights; default is "dnorm"
# maxiter  - maximum number of iterations in Fisher scoring; default is 50
# tol      - tolerance level at which to stop Fisher scoring; default is 1e-6
# method   - loss function to be used in bootstrap: choose from:
# "ISEeta", "ISE", "deviance"; by default all possible values are calculated
# h - bootstrap bandwidth for the chosen "method"; if no "method" is
# specified, then it has three components: $pscale, $eta-scale and $deviance

    ISE <- function( f1, f2 ) {
        return( sum( ( f1 - f2 )^2 ) );
# get ise for this value of h
# this is a nested function, so it shares variables!
    get_ise_p <- function( h ) {
        fest <- matrix( 0, n, N );
        for( i in 1:N ) {
            fest[,i] <- locglmfit( x, samp[,i], m, x, h, FALSE, link,
                        guessing, lapsing, K, p, ker, maxiter, tol )$pfit;

# return MISE for this h
		return( mean( ISE( f1, fest ) ) );
# get ise on eta scale on for this value of h
# this is a nested function, so it shares variables!
    get_ise <- function( h ) {
        fest <- matrix( 0, n, N );
        for( i in 1:N ) {
            fest[,i] <- locglmfit( x, samp[,i], m, x, h, FALSE, link,
                        guessing, lapsing, K, p, ker, maxiter, tol )$etafit;
# return MISE for this h
	return( mean( ISE( eta1, fest ) ) );
# get deviance for this value of h
# this is a nested function, so it shares variables!
    get_dev <- function( h ) {
        devfit <- numeric( N );
        for( i in 1:N ) {
            fest <- locglmfit( x, samp[,i], m, x, h, FALSE, link,
                    guessing, lapsing, K, p, ker, maxiter, tol )$pfit;
            devfit[i] <- deviance2( r, m , fest );
# return MISE for this h
        return( mean( devfit ) );

# First 5 arguments are mandatory
    if( missing("r") || missing("m") || missing("x") || missing("H") ||
        missing("N")) {
        stop("Check input. First 5 arguments are mandatory");
    checkdata[[1]] <- x;
    checkdata[[2]] <- r;
    checkdata[[3]] <- m;
    checkinput( "psychometricdata", checkdata );
    rm( checkdata )
    checkinput( "minmaxbandwidth", H );
    checkinput( "bootstrapreplications", N );
    if( !is.null( h0 ) ) {
        checkinput( "bandwidth", h0 );

    checkinput( "linkfunction", link );
    if( length( guessing ) > 1 ) {
        stop( "Guessing rate must be a scalar" );
    if( length( lapsing ) > 1 ) {
        stop( "Lapsing rate must be a scalar" );
    checkinput( "guessingandlapsing", c( guessing, lapsing ) );
    if (link == "weibull" || link == "revweibull"){
	    checkinput( "exponentk", K );
	pn <- list()
	pn[[1]] <- p
	pn[[2]] <- x
    checkinput( "degreepolynomial", pn );
    checkinput( "kernel", ker );
    checkinput( "maxiter", maxiter );
    checkinput( "tolerance", tol );
    checkinput( "method", method );

    n <- length(x);
    if( is.null( h0 ) ) {
        h0 <- (1.5 * n^.1) * bandwidth_plugin( r, m, x, link, guessing, lapsing, K, p, ker );

# pilot over-smoothed estimate with bandiwdth h0
    f <- locglmfit( x, r, m, x, h0, FALSE, link, guessing, lapsing, K,
                    p, ker, maxiter, tol );

# re-sampling
    samp <- matrix( 0, n, N );
	samp <- matrix(rbinom(N*n,m,f$pfit),n,N)

# exclude "degenerate samples" if min(M)>1
    if( min( m ) > 1 ) {
        ok <- NULL;
        for( i in 1:N ) {
            ok[i] = length( unique( samp[,i] ) ) > 3;
        while( any( ok == FALSE ) ) {
            lis <- which( ok == 0 );
  			samp[,lis] <- matrix(rbinom(length(lis)*n,m,f$pfit),n,length(lis))
            for( i in 1:length( lis ) ) {
                ok[lis[i]] <- length( unique( samp[,lis[i]] ) ) > 3;

f1 <- matrix( rep( f$pfit, N ), n, N );
eta1 <- matrix( rep( f$etafit, N ), n, N );

    h <- NULL;
    if( method == "ISE" ) {
# p-scale
        h <- optimize( get_ise_p, lower = H[1], upper = H[2] )$minimum;
     else {
         if ( method == "ISEeta") {
# eta scale
             h <- optimize( get_ise, lower = H[1], upper = H[2] )$minimum;
         else {
             if( method == "deviance" ) {
                 h <- optimize( get_dev, lower = H[1], upper = H[2] )$minimum;
             else {
# p-scale
                 h$pscale   <- optimize( get_ise_p, lower = H[1], upper = H[2]

# eta scale
                 h$etascale <- optimize( get_ise, lower = H[1], upper = H[2]

                 h$deviance <- optimize( get_dev, lower = H[1], upper = H[2]
    return( h );

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modelfree documentation built on May 31, 2023, 7:17 p.m.