
mod <- list(
  lm(mpg ~ hp, data = mtcars),
  glm(vs ~ hp + cyl, data = mtcars, family = binomial))

# function inside glue string
st <- "{ifelse(p.value <0.001, 'Significant', 'Not significant')}"
tab <- modelsummary(mod,
  statistic = st,
  fmt = NULL,
  output = "dataframe")
expect_equivalent(tab[[4]][2], "Significant")
expect_equivalent(tab[[5]][2], "Not significant")

# glue + no statistic",{
tab <- modelsummary(
  estimate = "**{estimate}** [{conf.low}, {conf.high}] ({p.value})",
  statistic = NULL,
  output = "data.frame",
  gof_omit = ".*")
truth4 <- c("**30.099** [26.762, 33.436] (<0.001)", "**-0.068** [-0.089, -0.048] (<0.001)", "")
truth5 <- c(
  "**9.089** [4.102, 18.413] (0.006)", "**-0.041** [-0.139, 0.013] (0.255)",
  "**-0.690** [-2.499, 0.795] (0.382)")
expect_equivalent(tab[[4]], truth4)
expect_equivalent(tab[[5]], truth5)

# glue + multi statistics",{
tab <- modelsummary(
  fmt = "%.3f",
  estimate = "**{estimate}** [{conf.low}, {conf.high}]",
  statistic = c(
  output = "data.frame",
  gof_omit = ".*")
truth4 <- c(
  "**30.099** [26.762, 33.436]", "t=18.421", "p=0.000", "**-0.068** [-0.089, -0.048]",
  "t=-6.742", "p=0.000", "", "", "")
truth5 <- c(
  "**9.089** [4.102, 18.413]", "t=2.759", "p=0.006", "**-0.041** [-0.139, 0.013]",
  "t=-1.139", "p=0.255", "**-0.690** [-2.499, 0.795]", "t=-0.873", "p=0.382")
expect_equivalent(tab[[4]], truth4)
expect_equivalent(tab[[5]], truth5)

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modelsummary documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:44 p.m.