
# library(mosaic)

test_that("CI on quantitative variables give correct values and have right names", {
  t1 <- df_stats(~ hp, data = mtcars, mn = ci.mean, md = ci.median, sd = ci.sd, long_names = FALSE)
    c(t1$mn_lower, t1$mn_upper),
    c(121.9679, 171.4071),
    tolerance = 0.001
    c(t1$md_lower, t1$md_upper),
    c(109, 175),
    tolerance = 0.001
    c(t1$sd_lower, t1$sd_upper),
    c(54.96708, 91.15293),
    tolerance = 0.001

test_that("CI for sample proportions work.", {
  t2 <- df_stats(~ cyl, data = mtcars, six = ci.prop(success = 6), long_names = FALSE)
  ref <- stats::binom.test(table(mtcars$cyl != 6))
  expect_equivalent(t2[c("six_lower", "six_upper")],
  expect_equivalent(t2[c("six_center")], ref$estimate)

test_that("CI for sample proportions work with long_names.", {
  t2 <- df_stats(~ cyl, data = mtcars, six = ci.prop(success = 6))
  ref <- stats::binom.test(table(mtcars$cyl != 6))
  expect_equivalent(t2[c("six_lower", "six_upper")],
  expect_equivalent(t2[c("six_center")], ref$estimate)

test_that("Alternative methods for proportion CI work", {
  if (require(mosaic)) {
    t3 <- ci.prop(mtcars$cyl == 6, method = "Plus4")
    ref <- mosaic::binom.test(mtcars$cyl == 6, ci.method = "Plus4")
    expect_equivalent(t3[c(1, 3)], ref$conf.int)
    expect_equivalent(t3[2], ref$estimate)

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mosaicCore documentation built on Nov. 5, 2023, 9:06 a.m.