
Defines functions mt_angles

Documented in mt_angles

#' Calculate movement angles.
#' Calculate point-based and vertical-based angles for the points in the 
#' movement trajectory. Point-based angles are the angle defined by three 
#' subsequent points on the trajectory. Vertical-based angles are the angles 
#' between two subsequent points and the vertical axis.
#' By default, angles are reported in radians, the alternative is degrees. For 
#' the first point in a trajectory, the angle values are always not defined 
#' (\code{NA}).
#' For vertical-based angles (\code{angle_v}), positive values indicate a 
#' movement to the left of the vertical, negative values to the right of the 
#' vertical. If there was no movement across two consecutive points, 
#' \code{angle_v} is not defined and, by default, \code{NA} is returned. If 
#' \code{na_replace} is \code{TRUE}, the next existing angle value is reported 
#' instead.
#' For point-based angles (\code{angle_p}), angles indicate changes of movement 
#' within three consecutive time steps. The reported angle is always the smaller
#' one. A value of pi (= 3.14...) (for radians) or 180 (for degrees) indicates a
#' constant movement direction, a value of 0 (both for radians and degrees) a 
#' complete reversal. If there was no movement across two consecutive points, 
#' \code{angle_p} is not defined and, by default, \code{NA} is returned. If 
#' \code{na_replace} is \code{TRUE}, the next existing angle value is reported 
#' instead. \code{angle_p} is also not defined for the last point of the 
#' trajectory.
#' @inheritParams mt_time_normalize
#' @param dimensions a character string specifying which trajectory variables 
#'   should be used. Must be of length 2.
#' @param na_replace logical specifying whether \code{NA}s in the angle values 
#'   should be replaced using the next existing angle value (see Details). 
#'   Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param unit character specifying the unit for the angles. Default is 
#'   "radian", alternative is "degree".
#' @author
#' Dirk U. Wulff
#' @return A mousetrap data object (see \link{mt_example}) with point-based and 
#'   vertical-based angles added as additional variables to the trajectory array
#'   (called \code{angle_p} and \code{angle_v}). If a trajectory array was 
#'   provided directly as \code{data}, only the trajectory array will be 
#'   returned.
#' @examples
#' # Calculate movement angles
#' mt_example <- mt_angles(mt_example)
#' # Calculate movement angles (in degree)
#' # and replace NAs with next existing value
#' mt_example <- mt_angles(mt_example,
#'   unit="degree", na_replace=TRUE)
#' @export
mt_angles <- function(data,
                     dimensions=c('xpos', 'ypos'),
  # Extract data
  trajectories <- extract_data(data, use)

  # Input assertions
  if (length(dimensions) != 2)
    stop('Dimensions must be of length 2.')
  if (!unit %in% c("radian", "degree"))
    stop('Unit must either be "radian" or "degree".')
  if (!all(dimensions %in% dimnames(trajectories)[[3]]))
    stop('Not all dimensions exist.')

  # Get angles
  anglesP <- getAnglesP(extract_dimensions(trajectories,dimensions[1]),
  anglesV <- getAnglesV(extract_dimensions(trajectories,dimensions[1]),

  # Replace NAs (where angle could not be calculated, see documentation)
  if (na_replace == TRUE) {
  } else {
    anglesP[anglesP == -100] <- NA
    anglesV[anglesV == -100] <- NA

  # Set NAs for cases where no dimension values where found in the data
  # plus the first (and for angleP also the last) point of the trajectory
  anglesP[anglesP == -90] <- NA
  anglesV[anglesV == -90] <- NA

  # Convert to degree (optional)
  if (unit == "degree") {
    anglesP <- (anglesP * 180) / pi
    anglesV <- (anglesV * 180) / pi

  # Add angles to trajectories
  trajectories <- mt_add_variables(

    data=data, results=trajectories,
    use=use, save_as=save_as

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mousetrap documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:39 a.m.