contour: Contour plot

contourR Documentation

Contour plot


Contour plot of a RasterLayer from a DBBMM or dynBGB object.


  ## S4 method for signature '.UD'
contour(x, ...)
  ## S4 method for signature '.UDStack'
contour(x, ...)



a DBBMM, DBBMMStack, dynBGB, .UD or .UDStack object


additional arguments, like levels and nlevels, that can be passed to contour (graphics package). See 'Details'.


The contour function creates a shape of the area in which the animal can be found by a certain probability (i.e. the 90% contour describes the area in which the animal can be found with the 90% probability).
One or several probabilities can be set with levels (numeric or vector of values between 0 and 1). If no value is set all contour lines are returned.
You can also use nlevel to set a number of fixed distance levels.
To change parameters of the contour or line plotting use the usual parameters of the plot function (like lwd, lty, and so on).
You can also add the contour lines to a plot of a DBBMM, dynBGB or .UD object by adding add = TRUE.


Marco Smolla & Anne Scharf


## to add a 50% and 95% contour to a plot from DBBMM object dbbmm
contour(leroydbbmm, levels=c(.5,.95), add=TRUE)
contour(leroydbbmm, levels=c(.5,.95))

move documentation built on Sept. 29, 2024, 9:06 a.m.