Man pages for mrbin
Metabolomics Data Analysis Functions

addToPlotA function for adding NMR spectra to the plot list.
annotatemrbinA function for annotating mrbin objects.
atnvA function replacing negative values.
checkmrbinA function for checking mrbin objects.
contMinA function for changing plotNMR plots.
contPlusA function for changing plotNMR plots.
createmrbinA function for creating mrbin objects.
cropNMRA function for cropping HSQC spectra.
dilutionCorrectionA function for scaling to individual dilution factors.
downA function for changing plotNMR plots.
editmetabolitesmrbinA function for editing metabolite identities.
editmrbinA function for editing mrbin objects.
fiaA function identifying features of importance.
getEnvA function for saving the package environment.
intMinA function for changing plotNMR plots.
intPlusA function for changing plotNMR plots.
leftA function for changing plotNMR plots.
logTrafoA function for log transforming data.
metadatamrbinA function for interactively editing metadata of mrbin...
mrbinA function setting the parameters and performing binning and...
mrbinrunA function performing all data read and processing steps.
mrplotA function for plotting NMR spectra.
plotMultiNMRA function for plotting NMR spectra.
plotNMRA function for plotting NMR spectra.
plotPCAA function for plotting PCA plots.
plotResultsA function for plotting quality indicators, including PCA...
PQNScalingA function for PQN scaling.
predictWrapperA function returning predicted values for use with the fia...
printParametersA function for printing parameters to the screen.
putToEnvA function for changing and adding variables in the package...
readBrukerA function for reading Bruker NMR spectra.
recreatemrbinA function recreating parameters from previous runs.
removeFromPlotA function for removing NMR spectra from the plot list.
removeNoiseA function for removing bins below noise level.
removeSpectrumA function for removing a spectrum.
resetEnvA parameter resetting function
rightA function for changing plotNMR plots.
setCurrentSpectrumA function for interactively setting the current spectrum.
setDilutionFactorsA function for setting dilution factors.
setNoiseLevelsA function for setting and plotting noise levels.
setOffsetA function for changing plotNMR plots.
setParamA function setting parameters and checking for consistency.
timeStampMrbinA function for time stamping mrbin objects.
trimZerosA function for trimming zero-values bins.
unitVarianceScalingA function for scaling to unit variance.
upA function for changing plotNMR plots.
zoomA function for changing plotNMR plots.
zoomInA function for changing plotNMR plots.
zoomOutA function for changing plotNMR plots.
mrbin documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:39 a.m.