
Defines functions check.mono

Documented in check.mono

#' Check that a detection function is monotone
#' Check that a fitted detection function is monotone non-increasing.
#' Evaluates a series of points over the range of the detection function (left
#' to right truncation) then determines:
#' 1. If the detection function is always less than or equal to its value at
#' the left truncation (\code{g(x)<=g(left)}, or usually \code{g(x)<=g(0)}).
#' 2. (Optionally) The detection function is always monotone decreasing
#' (\code{g(x[i])<=g(x[i-1])}). This check is only performed when
#' \code{strict=TRUE} (the default).
#' 3. The detection function is never less than 0 (\code{g(x)>=0}).
#' 4. The detection function is never greater than 1 (\code{g(x)<=1}).
#' For models with covariates in the scale parameter of the detection function is evaluated at all observed covariate combinations.
#' Currently covariates in the shape parameter are not supported.
#' @param df a fitted detection function object
#' @param strict if \code{TRUE} (default) the detection function must be
#' "strictly" monotone, that is that (\code{g(x[i])<=g(x[i-1])}) over the whole
#' range (left to right truncation points).
#' @param n.pts number of equally-spaced points between left and right
#' truncation at which to evaluate the detection function (default 100)
#' @param tolerance numerical tolerance for monotonicity checks (default 1e-6)
#' @param plot plot a diagnostic highlighting the non-monotonic areas (default
#' \code{FALSE})
#' @param max.plots when \code{plot=TRUE}, what is the maximum number of plots
#' of non-monotone covariate combinations that should be plotted? Plotted
#' combinations are a random sample of the non-monotonic subset of evaluations.
#' No effect for non-covariate models.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the detection function is monotone, \code{FALSE} if
#' it's not. \code{warning}s are issued to warn the user that the function is
#' non-monotonic.
#' @keywords utility
#' @author David L. Miller
#' @importFrom stats as.formula model.matrix
#' @importFrom graphics polygon rug
#' @importFrom grDevices rgb
#' @export
check.mono <- function(df, strict=TRUE, n.pts=100, tolerance=1e-6, plot=FALSE,

  # extract the ddf object from the fitted model
  ddfobj <- df$ds$aux$ddfobj

  # if we didn't converge then ddfobj ends-up NULL, so just return NULL
  # in that case
  if(is.null(ddfobj)) return(NULL)

  # extract the truncation
  right.trunc <- df$meta.data$width
  left.trunc <- df$meta.data$left

  # generate distances between truncation points
  x <- seq(left.trunc, right.trunc, len=n.pts)

  # grab the unique covariate combinations from the data
    # no covariates or scale parameter for uniform, so
    # just return a 1x1 matrix of 1
    udat <- matrix(1, 1, 1)
    udat <- unique(ddfobj$scale$dm)

  # function to apply over the unique rows
  chpply <- function(this.udat, ddfobj, x, strict, plot=FALSE){

    # uniform doesn't need a design matrix update, as there is no formula
      # build the design matrix for this covariate combination
      this.udat.save <- this.udat
      this.udat <- matrix(this.udat, nrow=1)[rep(1, length(x)), , drop=FALSE]
      ddfobj$scale$dm <- this.udat

      # dummy data matrix for shape
        ddfobj$shape$dm <- matrix(1, nrow=length(x), ncol=1)
    # make predictions over the data
    ps <- as.vector(detfct(x, ddfobj, width=right.trunc, standardize=TRUE))

    # catrch nasty errors
    if(any(is.na(ps) | is.nan(ps) | is.infinite(ps))){
      return(rep(NA, 4))

    ## check for monotonicity
    # weak monotonicity
    # check all evaluations are less than that at the left truncation point
    weak.diff <- ps[2:length(ps)]-ps[1]
    ps.weak.chk <- weak.diff <= tolerance
    #  maybe some are greater than g(left), but
    #  they might be less than tolerance
    ps.weak.chk[!ps.weak.chk] <- abs(weak.diff[!ps.weak.chk]) <= tolerance

    # strict monotonicity
      # check that all values are less than or equal to the previous
      strict.diff <- diff(ps)
      ps.strict.chk <- strict.diff <= tolerance
      # is the greater than difference less than tolerance?
      ps.strict.chk[!ps.strict.chk] <- abs(strict.diff[!ps.strict.chk]) <=
      ps.strict.chk <- TRUE

    ## if we were asked to provide a diagnostic plot
      # min and max values of the evaluations
      gmax <- max(c(1, ps))
      gmin <- min(c(0, ps))

      # function to plot the polygons
      # definitely didn't just define this to get a cool function name
      plot.monopoly <- function(chk, gmax, gmin, col){
        start.l <- min(x[which(!chk)])
        end.l <- x[min(max(which(!chk)+2),length(x))]
        polygon(x=c(start.l, start.l, end.l, end.l, start.l),
                y=c(gmin, gmax, gmax, gmin, gmin), col=col,

      # if we have covariates then put that info in the plot title
        cov.info <- paste0("\n",paste0(
                                       "=", this.udat.save[-1]),
                                 1, paste0, collapse=""), collapse=","))
        cov.info <- ""

      # need to pick out levels here for covariate models
      plot(x, ps, type="l",
           xlim=c(left.trunc, right.trunc),
           ylim=c(gmin, gmax),
           xlab="Distance", ylab="Detection function evaluation",
           main=paste0("Monotonicity diagnostic plot", cov.info))

      # plot the areas of weak non-monotonicity
        plot.monopoly(ps.weak.chk, gmax+1, gmin-1, rgb(0.5, 0, 0, 0.5))

      # plot the areas of strict non-monotonicity
        plot.monopoly(ps.strict.chk, gmax+1, gmin-1, rgb(0.5, 0, 0, 0.5))

      # plot detection function >1
        plot.monopoly(rep(FALSE, length(ps)), gmax+1, 1, rgb(0.5, 0, 0, 0.5))
      # plot detection function <0
        plot.monopoly(rep(FALSE, length(ps)), 0, gmin-1, rgb(0.5, 0, 0, 0.5))

    # return logical -- TRUE == montonic
    return(c(all(ps.weak.chk), all(ps.strict.chk),
             all(ps<=1), all(ps>=0)))
  } # end chpply

  # apply the check function to all the unique covariate combinations
  mono <- apply(udat, 1, chpply, x=x, strict=strict, ddfobj=ddfobj)

    stop("Detection function values are NA/Nan/infinite!")
  # roll together for general info
  mono.status <- all(mono)

  # give individual warnings for each situation
    warning("Detection function is not weakly monotonic!", immediate.=TRUE)
    warning("Detection function is not strictly monotonic!", immediate.=TRUE)
    warning("Detection function is greater than 1 at some distances",
    warning("Detection function is less than 0 at some distances",

  # if plotting was requested and there are non-monotonicity
    # if no covariates or only 1 unique combination
      # re-run doing plotting but not producing the warnings a second time
      d <- suppressMessages(apply(udat, 1, chpply, x=x, strict=strict,
                                  ddfobj=ddfobj, plot=TRUE))
        # data frame of non-monotonic covariate combinations
        plot.data <- udat[!mono.status, ]
        # all plot data
        plot.data <- udat

      # take a sample
        # might be fewer combinations than max.plots
        max.plots <- min(max.plots, nrow(plot.data))
        plot.sample <- plot.data[sample(seq_len(nrow(plot.data)), max.plots), ]
        # if we have only 1 row
        plot.sample <- matrix(plot.data, nrow=1)
        max.plots <- 1

      # use plot_layout to get the layout
      dd <- plot_layout(seq_len(max.plots), pages=1)

      # make the plots
      d <- suppressMessages(apply(plot.sample, 1, chpply, x=x, ddfobj=ddfobj,
                                  strict=strict, plot=TRUE))

  # AND together the per-(covariate combination) montonicity statuses
  # then return the logical

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