as.list-mrgmod-method: Coerce a model object to list

as.list,mrgmod-methodR Documentation

Coerce a model object to list


Coerce a model object to list


## S4 method for signature 'mrgmod'
as.list(x, deep = FALSE, ...)



a model object.


if TRUE, extra information is returned in the output list (see Details).


not used.


If deep is TRUE, then the values for trans, advan, and mindt are returned as well as a summary of internal model functions (with a call to mrgsolve:::funset()).


A named list containing formatted contents from x.


  • npar: number of parameters

  • neq: number of compartments or differential equations

  • pars: names of model parameters

  • covariates: names of parameters identified as covariates

  • cmt: names of model compartments

  • param: the parameter list

  • init: initial condition list

  • omega: ⁠$OMEGA⁠ matrices, as a matlist object

  • sigma: ⁠$SIGMA⁠ matrices, as a matlist object

  • fixed: named list of ⁠$FIXED⁠ values

  • model: model name

  • project: model project directory

  • soloc: directory where the model is being built

  • sodll: complete path to the model shared object

  • cfile: path for the model source code file

  • shlib: list of compilation information

  • start: simulation start time

  • end: simulation end time

  • delta: simulation time step

  • add: additional simulation times

  • capture: names of captured data items

  • request: compartments requested upon simulation

  • cmti: named indices for current output compartments

  • capturei: named indices for current output capture

  • random: names and labels of ⁠$OMEGA⁠ and ⁠$SIGMA⁠

  • code: model source code from cfile

  • details: model details data frame

  • nm_import: a character vector listing the names of nonmem output files that were read to import estimates from a completed nonmem run

  • cpp_variables: a data frame listing variables internal to the model cpp file

  • atol: see solversettings

  • rtol: see solversettings

  • ss_atol: absolute tolerance to use when advancing to PK steady state

  • ss_rtol: relative tolerance to use when advancing to PK steady state

  • maxsteps: see solversettings

  • hmin: see solversettings

  • hmax: see solversettings

  • envir: the model environment

  • plugins: plugins invoked in the model

  • digits: number of digits to request in simulated data

  • tscale: multiplicative scalar for time in results only

  • mindt: simulation output time below which there model will assume to have not advanced

  • preclean: logical indicating to clean up compilation artifacts prior to compiling

  • debug: print debugging information during simulation run

  • verbose: print extra information during setup for model run


mod <- mrgsolve::house()
l <- as.list(mod)

mrgsolve documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 5:12 p.m.