carry_out: Select items to carry into simulated output

View source: R/chain.R

carry_outR Documentation

Select items to carry into simulated output


When items named in this function are found in the input data set (either data_set() or idata_set()), they are copied into the simulated output. Special items like evid or amt or the like are not copied from the data set per se, but they are copied from datarecord objects that are created during the simulation.


carry_out(x, ...)

carry.out(x, ...)



model object.


unquoted names of data items to copy into the simulated output.


There is also a carry_out argument to mrgsim() that can be set to accomplish the same thing as a call to carry_out in the pipeline.

carry.out and carry_out both do the same thing; using the underscore version is now preferred.


mod <- mrgsolve::house()

e <- ev(amt = 100, ii = 6, addl = 3, WT = 70, dose = amt)

out <- mod %>% ev(e) %>% carry_out(amt, dose, WT) %>% mrgsim()


mrgsolve documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 5:12 p.m.

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