
Defines functions sir_byfutime

Documented in sir_byfutime

#' Calculate standardized incidence ratios with custom grouping variables stratified by follow-up time
#' @param df dataframe in wide format
#' @param dattype can be "zfkd" or "seer" or NULL. Will set default variable names if dattype is "seer" or "zfkd". Default is NULL.
#' @param ybreak_vars variables from df by which SIRs should be stratified in result df. Multiple variables will result in
#'                    appended rows in result df. 
#'                    Careful: do not chose any variables that are dependent on occurrence of count_var (e.g. Histology of second cancer).
#'                    If y_break_vars = "none", no stratification is performed. Default is "none".
#' @param xbreak_var One variable from df by which SIRs should be stratified as a second dimension in result df. This variable will be added as
#'                    a second stratification dimension to ybreak_vars and all variables will be calculated for subpopulations of x and y combinations. 
#'                    Careful: do not chose any variables that are dependent on occurrence of count_var (e.g. Year of second cancer).
#'                    If y_break_vars = "none", no stratification is performed. Default is "none".                
#' @param futime_breaks vector that indicates split points for follow-up time groups (in years) that will be used as xbreak_var.
#'                      Default is c(0, .5, 1, 5, 10, Inf) that will result in 5 groups (up to 6 months, 6-12 months, 1-5 years, 5-10 years, 10+ years). 
#'                      If you don't want to split by follow-up time, use futime_breaks = "none".
#' @param calc_total_row option to calculate a row of totals. Can be either FALSE for not adding such a row or TRUE for adding it at the first row. Default is TRUE.
#' @param calc_total_fu option to calculate totals for follow-up time. Can be either FALSE for not adding such a column or TRUE for adding. Default is TRUE.
#' @param count_var variable to be counted as observed case. Cases are usually the second cancers. Should be 1 for case to be counted.
#' @param refrates_df df where reference rate from general population are defined. It is assumed that refrates_df has the columns 
#'                  "region" for region, "sex" for biological sex, "age" for age-groups (can be single ages or 5-year brackets), "year" for time period (can be single year or 5-year brackets), 
#'                  "incidence_crude_rate" for incidence rate in the respective age/sex/year cohort.The variable "race" is additionally required if the option "race_var" is used.
#'                  refrates_df must use the same category coding of age, sex, region, year and t_site as age_var, sex_var, region_var, year_var and site_var. 
#' @param region_var variable in df that contains information on region where case was incident. Default is set if dattype is given.
#' @param age_var variable in df that contains information on age-group. Default is set if dattype is given.
#' @param sex_var variable in df that contains information on sex. Default is set if dattype is given.
#' @param year_var variable in df that contains information on year or year-period when case was incident. Default is set if dattype is given.
#' @param race_var optional argument, if SIR should be calculated stratified by race. If you want to use this option, provide variable name of df that contains race information. If race_var is provided refrates_df needs to contain the variable "race".
#' @param site_var variable in df that contains information on site or subsite (e.g. ICD code, SEER site code or others that matches t_site in refrates_df) of case diagnosis. Cases are usually the second cancers. Default is set if dattype is given.
#' @param futime_var variable in df that contains follow-up time per person between date of first cancer and any of death, date of event (case), end of FU date (in years; whatever event comes first). Default is set if dattype is given.
#' @param expect_missing_refstrata_df optional argument, if strata with missing refrates are expected, because incidence rates of value 0 are not explicit, but missing from refrates_df. 
#'                  It is assumed that expect_missing_refstrata_df is a data.frame has the columns 
#'                  "region" for region, "sex" for biological sex, "age" for age-groups (can be single ages or 5-year brackets), "year" for time period (can be single year or 5-year brackets), and "t_site" for 
#'                  The variable "race" is additionally required if the option "race_var" is used.
#'                  refrates_df must use the same category coding of age, sex, region, year and t_site as age_var, sex_var, region_var, year_var and site_var. 
#' @param alpha significance level for confidence interval calculations. Default is alpha = 0.05 which will give 95 percent confidence intervals.
#' @param quiet If TRUE, warnings and messages will be suppressed. Default is FALSE.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' #There are various preparation steps required, before you can run this function.
#' #Please refer to the Introduction vignette to see how to prepare your data
#' \dontrun{
#' usdata_wide %>%
#'   sir_byfutime(
#'         dattype = "seer",
#'         ybreak_vars = c("race.1", "t_dco.1"),
#'         xbreak_var = "none",
#'         futime_breaks = c(0, 1/12, 2/12, 1, 5, 10, Inf),
#'         count_var = "count_spc",
#'         refrates_df = us_refrates_icd2,
#'         calc_total_row = TRUE,
#'         calc_total_fu = TRUE,
#'         region_var = "registry.1",
#'         age_var = "fc_agegroup.1",
#'         sex_var = "sex.1",
#'         year_var = "t_yeardiag.1",
#'         site_var = "t_site_icd.1", #using grouping by second cancer incidence
#'         futime_var = "p_futimeyrs",
#'         alpha = 0.05)
#'         }

sir_byfutime <- function(df,
                         dattype = NULL,
                         ybreak_vars = "none",
                         xbreak_var = "none",
                         futime_breaks = c(0, .5, 1, 5, 10, Inf),
                         refrates_df = rates,
                         calc_total_row = TRUE,
                         calc_total_fu = TRUE,
                         region_var = NULL,
                         age_var = NULL,
                         sex_var = NULL,
                         year_var = NULL,
                         race_var = NULL,    #optional when matching by race is wanted
                         site_var = NULL,
                         futime_var = NULL,
                         expect_missing_refstrata_df = NULL, #optional df when missing refrates strata are defined
                         alpha = 0.05,
                         quiet = FALSE) {
  # ---- 0 function basics ----
  ## --- 0a setting default parameters
  na_explicit <- "zzz_NA_explicit" # string for explicit NAs
  ## --- 0b getting and setting names / preferences
  count_var <- rlang::ensym(count_var)
  futime_breaks_quo <- rlang::enquo(futime_breaks)
  if(ybreak_vars[1] != "none"){
    yb <- TRUE
    ybreak_vars <- rlang::enquo(ybreak_vars)
    ybreak_var_names <- rlang::eval_tidy(ybreak_vars)
    length_yb <- length(ybreak_var_names)
  } else{
    yb <- FALSE
    length_yb <- 1
  if(xbreak_var[1] != "none"){
    xb <- TRUE
    xbreak_var <- rlang::enquo(xbreak_var)
    xbreak_var_names <- rlang::eval_tidy(xbreak_var)
    length_xb <- length(xbreak_var_names)
    x <- 1
  } else{
    xb <- FALSE
    length_xb <- 1}
  if(futime_breaks[1] != "none"){
    fu <- TRUE
  } else{
    fu <- FALSE
  #if dattype is null, all relevant vars need to be provided
    #test if any variable is not provided
                       futime_var), is.null))){
      rlang::abort(c("Missing parameters in function call.",
                     "i" = "If dattype is NULL, all variable names for `region_var`, `age_var`, `sex_var`, `year_var`, `site_var` and `futime_var` need to be provided."
    rs <- FALSE
  } else{
    rs <- TRUE
  #check param calc_total
      "Parameter `calc_total_fu` should be logical (TRUE or FALSE). Default `calc_total_fu = TRUE` will be used instead.",
      " "
    calc_total_fu <- TRUE
  if(calc_total_fu == TRUE){
    ft <- TRUE
  } else{ft <- FALSE} #dummy to show loop for Total line
  #option expect_missing_refstrata_df
    emr <- TRUE
  } else{emr <- FALSE}
    # setting default var names and values for SEER data --> still need to update to final names!
    if (dattype == "seer") {
      if (is.null(region_var)) {
        region_var <- rlang::sym("p_region.1")
      } else{
        region_var <- rlang::ensym(region_var)
      if (is.null(age_var)) {
        age_var <- rlang::sym("t_agegroup.1")
      } else{
        age_var <- rlang::ensym(age_var)
      if (is.null(sex_var)) {
        sex_var <- rlang::sym("SEX.1")
      } else{
        sex_var <- rlang::ensym(sex_var)
      if (is.null(year_var)) {
        year_var <- rlang::sym("t_yeardiag.1")
      } else{
        year_var <- rlang::ensym(year_var)
      if (is.null(site_var)) {
        site_var <- rlang::sym("t_site.2")
      } else{
        site_var <- rlang::ensym(site_var)
      if (is.null(futime_var)) {
        futime_var <- rlang::sym("p_futimeyrs.1")
      } else{
        futime_var <- rlang::ensym(futime_var)
        race_var <- rlang::ensym(race_var)
    #setting default var names and values for ZfKD data
    if (dattype == "zfkd") {
      if (is.null(region_var)) {
        region_var <- rlang::sym("p_region.1")
      } else{
        region_var <- rlang::ensym(region_var)
      if (is.null(age_var)) {
        age_var <- rlang::sym("t_agegroupdiag.1")
      } else{
        age_var <- rlang::ensym(age_var)
      if (is.null(sex_var)) {
        sex_var <- rlang::sym("SEX.1")
      } else{
        sex_var <- rlang::ensym(sex_var)
      if (is.null(year_var)) {
        year_var <- rlang::sym("t_yeardiag.1")
      } else{
        year_var <- rlang::ensym(year_var)
      if (is.null(site_var)) {
        site_var <- rlang::sym("t_site.2")
      } else{
        site_var <- rlang::ensym(site_var)
      if (is.null(futime_var)) {
        futime_var <- rlang::sym("p_futimeyrs.1")
      } else{
        futime_var <- rlang::ensym(futime_var)
  } else{
    # ensym if no dattype is given
    region_var <- rlang::ensym(region_var)
    age_var <- rlang::ensym(age_var)
    sex_var <- rlang::ensym(sex_var)
    year_var <- rlang::ensym(year_var)
    site_var <- rlang::ensym(site_var)
    futime_var <- rlang::ensym(futime_var)
      race_var <- rlang::ensym(race_var)
  # create empty objects for possible warnings and errors
  problems_pyar_attr <- tidytable::tidytable()
  problems_not_empty_attr <- tidytable::tidytable()
  problems_missing_ref_strata_attr <- tidytable::tidytable()
  problems_missing_futime_attr <- tidytable::tidytable()
  problems_missing_count_strata_attr <- tidytable::tidytable()
  problems_missing_fu_strata_attr <- tidytable::tidytable()
  problems_duplicate_ref_strata_attr <- tidytable::tidytable()
  notes_refcases <- tidytable::tidytable()
  # create vector with basic matching variables age, sex, region, site_var, year
  strata_var_names <- c(rlang::as_string(age_var), rlang::as_string(sex_var), rlang::as_string(region_var), rlang::as_string(site_var), rlang::as_string(year_var))
  #add additional options for cohort calculations
  #CHK2: check whether all required variables are defined and present in dataset
  defined_vars <-
  not_found <- defined_vars[!(defined_vars %in% colnames(df))]
  if (length(not_found) > 0) {
      c("Columns are missing in `df`",
        "x" = paste0(paste(not_found, collapse = ", "), " are missing")
  #CHK3: check whether all cases used for analysis have futime calculated
  if (fu){
    problems_missing_futime <- df %>%
    if (nrow(problems_missing_futime) > 0) {
      problems_missing_futime_attr <- tidytable::bind_rows(problems_missing_futime_attr, problems_missing_futime)
  #Check that count_var is in correct format
      c("The column defined in `count_var` is not numeric.",
        "i" = paste0("You have used `count_var = \"", rlang::as_name(count_var), "\"`"),
        "!" = "Please make sure that the column of df defined as `count_var` is numeric and coded 1 for observed cases."
  if(!( c(1) %in% (unique(df[[rlang::as_name(count_var)]])))){
        c("[WARN No Counts] The column defined in `count_var` does not contain any rows where count_var == 1. So no observed cases are found.",
          "i" = paste0("You have used `count_var = \"", rlang::as_name(count_var), "\"`"),
          "!" = "Please make sure that the column of df defined as `count_var` is numeric and coded 1 for observed cases.",
          " "
  #CHK4: check whether all required variables are defined and present in refrates_df
  defined_vars_ref <-
  not_found_ref <- defined_vars_ref[!(defined_vars_ref %in% colnames(refrates_df))]
  if (length(not_found_ref) > 0) {
        "The following variables are not found in the provided refrates_df: ",
        paste(not_found_ref, collapse = ", ")
  #CHK5: check whether all required variables are defined and present in expect_missing_refstrata_df
    defined_vars_emr <-
    not_found_emr <- defined_vars_emr[!(defined_vars_emr %in% colnames(expect_missing_refstrata_df))]
    if (length(not_found_emr) > 0) {
          "The following variables are not found in the provided expect_missing_refstrata_df: ",
          paste(not_found_emr, collapse = ", ")
  #CHK6: check that expect_missing_refstrata_df and refrates_df do not overlap
    duplicate_emr <- expect_missing_refstrata_df %>%
      tidytable::inner_join(refrates_df, by = c("t_site", "region", "year", "sex", "age",
                                                if(rs){"race"})) %>%
    if (duplicate_emr > 0) {
          "x" = "The strata in expect_missing_refstrata_df have duplicates in refrates_df.",
          "rows are affected."
  # ---- 1 data modifications ----
  ## --- 1a: prepare df
  # remove columns from data.frame that is not needed to safe memory
  df <- df %>%
  # change factors to character to avoid warning messages
  df <- df%>%
    tidytable::mutate(tidytable::across(.cols = where(is.factor), .fns = as.character))
  # remove all labels from df to avoid warning messages
  df[] <- lapply(df, function(x) { attributes(x) <- NULL; x })
  #make all important variables characters and make NAs explicit (for better matching)
  df <- df %>%
      age = as.character(!!age_var),
      sex = as.character(!!sex_var),
      region = as.character(!!region_var),
      year = as.character(!!year_var),
      t_site = as.character(!!site_var)) %>%
    tidytable::mutate(tidytable::across(.cols = c(age, sex, region, year, t_site), 
                                        .fns = ~tidytable::replace_na(., na_explicit)))
  #prepare df for race stratification if needed
    df <- df %>%
        race = as.character(!!race_var)) %>%
      tidytable::mutate(tidytable::across(.cols = c(race), 
                                          .fns = ~tidytable::replace_na(., na_explicit)))
  #make all important variables characters and make NAs explicit for ybreak_vars (for better matching)
    df <- df %>%
      tidytable::mutate(tidytable::across(.cols = tidyselect::all_of(ybreak_var_names), .fns = ~as.character(.))) %>%
      tidytable::mutate(tidytable::across(.cols = tidyselect::all_of(ybreak_var_names), .fns = ~tidytable::replace_na(., na_explicit)))
  #make all important variables characters and make NAs explicit for xbreak_var (for better matching)
    df <- df %>%
      tidytable::mutate(tidytable::across(.cols = tidyselect::all_of(xbreak_var_names), .fns = ~as.character(.))) %>%
      tidytable::mutate(tidytable::across(.cols = tidyselect::all_of(xbreak_var_names), .fns = ~tidytable::replace_na(., na_explicit)))
  #get used age, sex, region, year, t_site
  used_age <- unique(df$age)
  used_sex <- unique(df$sex)
  used_region <- unique(df$region)
  used_year <- unique(df$year)
  used_t_site<- unique(df$t_site)
    used_race <- unique(df$race)
  } else {
    used_race <- "none"
  ## --- 1b: prepare calc_total_row option
      "Parameter `calc_total_row` should be logical (TRUE or FALSE). Default `calc_total_row = TRUE` will be used instead.",
      " "
    calc_total_row <- TRUE
  if(calc_total_row == TRUE){
    #create a new variable total_var that is constant for giving a total for all rows in df when grouping
    df <- df %>%
      tidytable::mutate(total_var = "Overall")
    #add total_var to ybreak_vars
      length_yb <- length_yb + 1
      ybreak_var_names <- c("total_var", ybreak_var_names) #add total before all other ybreak_vars
    } else{
      yb <- TRUE
      length_yb <- 1
      ybreak_var_names <- c("total_var")
  ## --- 1c: prepare futime
    df <- df %>%
      tidytable::mutate(futimegroup = cut(!!futime_var, breaks = !!futime_breaks, right = FALSE))
    # capture and change futime levels to make grouping readable 
    futimegroup_levels <- levels(df$futimegroup) %>% 
      stringr::str_replace("\\[0,", "to ") %>% 
      stringr::str_replace(",Inf\\)", "\\+ years") %>% 
      stringr::str_replace("\\[", "") %>% 
      stringr::str_replace(",", "-")  %>% 
      stringr::str_replace("\\)", " years") %>% 
      stringr::str_replace("to 0.0833 years", "to 1 month") %>% 
      stringr::str_replace("to 0.167 years", "to 2 months") %>% 
      stringr::str_replace("to 0.25 years", "to 3 months") %>% 
      stringr::str_replace("to 0.333 years", "to 4 months") %>% 
      stringr::str_replace("0.0833-0.5 years", "1-6 months") %>% 
      stringr::str_replace("0.167-0.5 years", "2-6 months") %>% 
      stringr::str_replace("0.25-0.5 years", "3-6 months") %>% 
      stringr::str_replace("0.333-0.5 years", "4-6 months") %>% 
      stringr::str_replace("to 0.5 years", "to 6 months") %>% 
      stringr::str_replace("0.5-1 years", "6-12 months")
    #assign levels
    levels(df$futimegroup) <- futimegroup_levels
    #normalized names without spaces and special characters
    futimegroup_levels_norm <- futimegroup_levels %>% 
      stringr::str_replace_all(stringr::fixed(" "), "") %>% 
      stringr::str_replace_all("-", "to") %>% 
      stringr::str_replace_all("\\.", "") %>% 
      stringr::str_replace_all("\\+", "plus") %>% 
      stringr::str_replace(stringr::regex("^[[:digit:]]"), "x")
    #create dummy variables for each level of fub
    for (lv in 1:nlevels(df$futimegroup)){
      df[, paste0(futimegroup_levels_norm[lv])] <- ifelse(as.numeric(df$futimegroup) >= lv, 1, 0)
    # prepare calc_total_fu option - add total level at the end of futime_groups
      #add to all levels
      futimegroup_levels <- c(futimegroup_levels, paste0("Total ", futime_breaks[1]," to ", futime_breaks[length(futime_breaks)], " years"))
      #normalized names without spaces and special characters
      futimegroup_levels_norm <- futimegroup_levels %>% 
        stringr::str_replace_all(stringr::fixed(" "), "") %>% 
        stringr::str_replace_all("-", "to") %>% 
        stringr::str_replace_all("\\.", "") %>% 
        stringr::str_replace_all("\\+", "plus") %>% 
        stringr::str_replace(stringr::regex("^[[:digit:]]"), "x")
      #create total dummy
      df[, paste0(futimegroup_levels_norm[length(futimegroup_levels)])] <- ifelse(!is.na(df$futimegroup), 1, 0)
    #CHK - check that there are no missing values for futimegroups
    chk_futimegroups <- df %>% tidytable::filter(is.na(futimegroup)) %>% nrow()
    if(chk_futimegroups > 0) {
          "\n [WARN FU missing] Missing information on follow-up time for some cases.",
          "!" = paste0("There are: ", chk_futimegroups, " cases that do not belong to a follow-up time group."),
          "i" = "These cases will be omitted when calculating sir_byfutime and the totals.",
          "It is recommeded to either:",
          " - filter cases by futime_var that are out of the range of futime_breaks or",
          " - adjust futime_breaks so that its range includes all available fu_times.",
          " "
    #make symbols out of fu_time_levels
    fu_var_names <- futimegroup_levels_norm
    length_fu <- length(fu_var_names)
  #make settings for fu == FALSE
  if (!fu){
    length_fu <- 1
    fu_var_names <- c("Total_FU")
    futime_breaks <- c(0,Inf)
    df <- df %>%
      tidytable::mutate(Total_FU = 1)
  #set-up progess bar
  n_iters <- (length_fu * length_yb) + 1
  cli::cli_progress_bar("Calculating SIR", total = n_iters)
  ## --- 1d: prepare refrates_df
  #make factor variables to character for better matching
  refrates_df <- refrates_df %>%
    tidytable::mutate(tidytable::across(.cols = where(is.factor), .fns = as.character))
  #remove attributes of refrates_df for better matching
  refrates_df[] <- lapply(refrates_df, function(x) { attributes(x) <- NULL; x })
  #add 0 incidence rows if expect_missing_refstrata_df is defined
    refrates_df <- refrates_df %>%
      tidytable::bind_rows({expect_missing_refstrata_df %>%
          tidytable::mutate(incidence_cases = 0,
                 incidence_crude_rate = 0)})
  #refrates_df -> filter lines that are not needed in age, sex, region, year, but do not filter for t_site
  refrates_df <- refrates_df %>%
    tidytable::filter(age %in% !!used_age,
                      sex %in% !!used_sex,
                      region %in% !!used_region,
                      year %in% !!used_year)
  #prepare for race stratification option, if rs=TRUE
    ##get available race levels from refrates and compare to used in df
    available_race <- unique(refrates_df$race)
    miss_race <- used_race[!used_race %in% available_race]
    ##take precautions for missing race data in df
    if(length(miss_race) > 0){
          "[INFO Unknown Race] There are values from race missing in refrates_df.",
          "i" = "The following values for race_var present in the data, is not availabe in refrates_df:",
          paste0(" -> ", miss_race),
          "For all missing reference levels of race, data will be matched to the category 'Total' in refrates_df.",
          "!" = "It is recommeded to clean race_var before running this function.",
          " "
      refrates_total <- refrates_df %>%
        tidytable::filter(substr(race, 1, 5) == "Total")
      #replicate refrates_total for each miss_race value and rowbind to refrates_df
      for(lev in miss_race){
        refrates_df <- refrates_total %>%
          tidytable::mutate(race = !!lev) %>%
    ##filter refrates to used_race
    refrates_df <- refrates_df %>%
      tidytable::filter(race %in% !!used_race)
  } #end if(rs)
  #If no race stratification is used, but, race var in refrates_df, filter refrates so that only totals remain
  if(!rs & "race" %in% colnames(refrates_df)){
        "[INFO Race Refrates] Parameter `race_var = NULL`, but refrates_df contains the column `race`",
        "i" = "By default, only strata from `refrates_df` where column `race` starts with `Total` will be used.",
        " "
    refrates_df <- refrates_df %>%
      tidytable::filter(substr(race, 1, 5) == "Total")
  #getting all ICD codes from refrates_df
  refrates_site_all <- refrates_df %>%
    tidytable::distinct(t_site) %>%
    tidytable::filter(substr(t_site, 1, 5) != "Total") %>% #removing icd codes that are not based on 3 digits (e.g. Total categories)
    tidytable::pull() %>%
  #add missing levels that are found in data, but missing from refrates_df
  if(length(used_t_site[!(used_t_site %in% refrates_site_all)]) > 0){
    refrates_site_all <- c(refrates_site_all, used_t_site[!(used_t_site %in% refrates_site_all)])
  # Check that there are no duplicates
  ref_df_duplicates <- refrates_df %>%
    tidytable::add_count(tidyselect::all_of(c("age", "sex", "region", "year", "t_site",
                         name = "n") %>%
    tidytable::filter(n > 1)
  problems_duplicate_ref_strata_attr <- tidytable::bind_rows(problems_duplicate_ref_strata_attr, ref_df_duplicates)
  # ---- 2 analysis - refrates option ----
  ### F2 Calculating Observed by group (within cohort) and PYARs
  #start loop for iterations of ybreak_vars [y]
  for(y in 1:length_yb){
      syb_var <- rlang::sym(ybreak_var_names[y])
      syb_var_name <- rlang::as_string(syb_var)
      sxb_var <- rlang::sym(xbreak_var_names[1])
      sxb_var_name <- rlang::as_string(sxb_var)
    #start loop for iterations of follow-up levels [f]
    fu_tot_f <- FALSE
    for(f in 1:length_fu){
      fub_var <- rlang::sym(fu_var_names[f])
      #set identifier fu_tot_f to see whether we are in the loop that calculates the total
      if (substr(rlang::as_string(fub_var), 1, 5)=="Total"){
        fu_tot_f <- TRUE
      #F2b calculate observed
      sircalc_count <- df %>%
        tidytable::mutate(count_var_new = tidytable::case(
          !!fu_tot_f & ((!!count_var) == 1) & ((!!futime_var) >= !!futime_breaks[1]) & ((!!futime_var) < !!futime_breaks[length(!!futime_breaks)]), 1, #for iteration fu_tot_f count_var is 1 if it occurs between first and last futime_break
          ((!!count_var) == 1) & ((!!futime_var) >= !!futime_breaks[f]) & ((!!futime_var) < !!futime_breaks[f+1]), 1, #otherwise only count cases occurring between futime_breaks
          default = 0)) %>% 
        tidytable::summarize(i_observed = sum(.data$count_var_new, na.rm = TRUE), 
                             .by = tidyselect::all_of(c("age", "sex", "region", "year", "t_site",
                                                        if(yb){rlang::as_string(syb_var)}, if(xb){rlang::as_string(sxb_var)}, 
      complete_vars_quo <- rlang::syms(c("age", "sex", "region", "year", 
                                         if(yb){rlang::as_string(syb_var)}, if(xb){rlang::as_string(sxb_var)}))
      sircalc_count <- sircalc_count %>% #complete groups where i_observed = 0
        tidytable::filter(!!fub_var == 1) %>%  #remove category fub_var == 0, which does not apply #incompatiblity with fu=FALSE (unclear, how to do conditional filtering)
        tidytable::complete(., !!!complete_vars_quo, t_site = !!refrates_site_all) %>%
          i_observed = tidytable::case(is.na(i_observed), 0,
                                       default = i_observed),
          !!fub_var := 1) 
      #for ybreak_var: make NAs explicit
      if(yb & !xb){
        sircalc_count <- sircalc_count %>% 
          tidytable::mutate(tidytable::across(.cols = !!syb_var, .fns = ~tidytable::replace_na(., na_explicit)))
      #for xbreak_var: make NAs explicit
      if(!yb & xb){
        sircalc_count <- sircalc_count %>% 
          tidytable::mutate(tidytable::across(.cols = !!sxb_var, ~tidytable::replace_na(., na_explicit)))
      #for ybreak_vars and xbreak_var: make NAs explicit
      if(yb & xb){
        sircalc_count <- sircalc_count %>% 
          tidytable::mutate(tidytable::across(.cols = c(!!syb_var, !!sxb_var), ~tidytable::replace_na(., na_explicit)))}
      #F2c person-years at risk
      sircalc_fu <- df %>%
          futime_var_new = tidytable::case(!!fu_tot_f & ((!!futime_var) < !!futime_breaks[1]), 0,
                                           !!fu_tot_f & ((!!futime_var) < !!futime_breaks[length(futime_breaks)]), ((!!futime_var) - !!futime_breaks[1]),
                                           !!fu_tot_f & ((!!futime_var) >= !!futime_breaks[length(futime_breaks)]), ((!!futime_breaks[length(futime_breaks)]) - !!futime_breaks[1]),
                                           (!!futime_var) < !!futime_breaks[f], 0,
                                           (!!futime_var) < !!futime_breaks[f+1], ((!!futime_var) - !!futime_breaks[f]),
                                           (!!futime_var) >= !!futime_breaks[f+1], (!!futime_breaks[f+1] - !!futime_breaks[f]),
                                           default = 0),
          base_n_fugroup = tidytable::case((!!fub_var) == 1, 1,
                                           default = 0)) %>%
          i_pyar = sum(.data$futime_var_new, na.rm = TRUE),
          n_base = sum(.data$base_n_fugroup, na.rm = TRUE),
          .by = tidyselect::all_of(c("age", "sex", "region", "year",
                                     if(yb){rlang::as_string(syb_var)}, if(xb){rlang::as_string(sxb_var)}, 
      sircalc_fu <- sircalc_fu %>% #only keep relevant groups and fill NA with 0
        tidytable::filter(!!fub_var == 1) %>%  #remove category fub_var == 0, which does not apply #incompatiblity with fu=FALSE (unclear, how to do conditional filtering)
          i_pyar = tidytable::case(is.na(i_pyar), 0,
                                   default = i_pyar),
          n_base = tidytable::case(is.na(n_base), 0,
                                   default = n_base))
      #fill missing syb_var and sxb_var categories with explicit "missing"
        sircalc_fu <- sircalc_fu %>% 
            !!syb_var := tidytable::case(is.na(rlang::eval_tidy(!!syb_var)), "missing",
                                         default = !!syb_var))
        used_sybvar <- unique(sircalc_fu[[rlang::as_string(syb_var)]])
      } else {
        used_sybvar <- "none"
        sircalc_fu <- sircalc_fu %>% 
            !!sxb_var := tidytable::case(is.na(rlang::eval_tidy(!!sxb_var)), "missing",
                                         default = !!sxb_var))
        used_sxbvar <- unique(sircalc_fu[[rlang::as_string(sxb_var)]])
      } else {
        used_sxbvar <- "none"
      #CHK_sircalc_n - Check that all combinations of age, sex, region, year, t_site, syb_var, sxb_var are present in sircalc_count and sircalc_fu
      #required number of strata in counts is product of distinct values found in df for age, sex, region, year, syb, sxb, race multiplied with all t_sites from refrates_df
      n_strata_required_count <- length(unique(sircalc_count$age)) * 
        length(unique(sircalc_count$sex)) * length(unique(sircalc_count$region)) * 
        length(unique(sircalc_count$year)) * length(refrates_site_all)
        n_strata_required_count <- n_strata_required_count * length(unique(sircalc_count$race))
        n_strata_required_count <- n_strata_required_count * length(unique(sircalc_count[[rlang::as_string(sxb_var)]]))
        n_strata_required_count <- n_strata_required_count * length(unique(sircalc_count[[rlang::as_string(syb_var)]]))
      #required number of strata in fu is distinct combinations of age, sex, region, year, syb, sxb, race found in df
      n_strata_required_fu <- df %>%
        tidytable::filter(!!fub_var == 1) %>%
        tidytable::distinct(tidyselect::all_of(c("age", "sex", "region", "year", 
                                                 if(yb){rlang::as_string(syb_var)}, if(xb){rlang::as_string(sxb_var)}))) %>%
      #not found strata in sircalc_fu
      n_not_found_fu <- n_strata_required_count - (n_strata_required_fu * length(refrates_site_all))
      if (n_strata_required_count != nrow(sircalc_count)) {
            paste0("[WARN Calculation Problem] ", "Occured in: ", fub_var,",", syb_var),
            "i" = paste0("The calculation of observed events was performed for: ", nrow(sircalc_count), " strata."),
            "x" = paste0("However ", n_strata_required_count, " strata are required."),
            " "
      if (n_strata_required_fu != nrow(sircalc_fu)) {
            paste0("[WARN Calulation Problem] Occured in: ", fub_var,",", syb_var),
            "i" = paste0("The calculation of follow-up time was performed for: ", nrow(sircalc_fu), " strata."),
            "x" = paste0("However ", n_strata_required_fu, " strata are required."),
            " "
      #F2d merge
      #prepare merging
      #vector of matching variables in join functions
      match_vars <- c("age", "sex", "region", "year", if(rs){"race"}, 
                      if(yb){rlang::as_string(syb_var)}, if(xb){rlang::as_string(sxb_var)}, rlang::as_string(fub_var))
      #check that there are no conflicting rows with regard to matching variables for join between fu and count
      n_dist_sircalc_fu <- sircalc_fu %>% 
        tidytable::distinct(tidyselect::all_of(match_vars)) %>%
      if(n_dist_sircalc_fu != nrow(sircalc_fu)) {
            "[WARN Calculation Problem] There are conflicts in matching the follow-up time to the observed count strata!",
            " "
      #merge sircalc_count and sircalc_fu
      sircalc <- sircalc_count %>%
        tidytable::full_join(sircalc_fu, by = match_vars)
      #CHK2d check that merge worked as intended with all sircalc_count strata finding a match in sircalc_fu
      ##CHK2d-1 no unmatched sircacl_count strata
      if(nrow(sircalc) != nrow(sircalc_count)){
        #missing strata
        missing_count_strat <- sircalc_fu %>%
          tidytable::anti_join(sircalc_count, by = match_vars)
        problems_missing_count_strata_attr <- tidytable::bind_rows(problems_missing_count_strata_attr, missing_count_strat)
      ##CHK2d-2 All available sircalc_fu strata were matched
      n_i_pyar_miss <- sircalc %>% tidytable::select(i_pyar) %>% tidytable::filter(is.na(i_pyar)) %>% nrow()
      if(n_not_found_fu != n_i_pyar_miss){
        #missing strata
        missing_fu_strat <- sircalc_count %>%
          tidytable::anti_join(sircalc_fu, by = match_vars)
        problems_missing_fu_strata_attr <- tidytable::bind_rows(problems_missing_fu_strata_attr, missing_fu_strat)
      rm(sircalc_count, sircalc_fu)
      #some missings in t_site are expected after merge for those strata where no observed case occurred
      #make NAs in t_site in sircalc explicit
      sircalc <- sircalc %>% 
        tidytable::mutate(tidytable::across(.cols = c(t_site), .fns = ~tidytable::replace_na(., na_explicit)))
      #all strata that have missing i_pyar are not in df and therefore i_pyar = 0 and n_base = 0 
      sircalc <- sircalc %>% #complete groups where i_observed = 0
          i_pyar = tidytable::case((is.na(i_pyar) & i_observed == 0), 0,
                                   default = i_pyar),
          n_base = tidytable::case((is.na(n_base) & i_observed == 0), 0,
                                   default = n_base))
      #CHK2d-3: make check for unexpected discrepancies
      problems_not_empty <- sircalc %>%
        tidytable::filter(i_pyar == 0 & i_observed != 0) 
      if (nrow(problems_not_empty) > 0) {
        problems_not_empty_attr <- tidytable::bind_rows(problems_not_empty_attr, problems_not_empty) #save information to write as attribute later
      #filter empty rows for non-matched site from sircalc_count
      sircalc <- sircalc %>%
        tidytable::filter(!(t_site == !!na_explicit & i_observed == 0)) %>%
        #remove all lines with 0 information (0 observed and 0 follow-up time)
        tidytable::filter(!(i_pyar == 0 & i_observed == 0))
      ### F2e: Merging reference rates (for refpop only) by t_site, region, year, sex and age 
      #CHK2e-1: reporting used regions and whether they can be found in rates
      if(f == 1 & y == 1){
        used_strata <- sircalc %>%
          tidytable::distinct(tidyselect::all_of(c("age", "sex", "region", "year", if(rs){"race"}, "t_site"))) %>%
        missing_ref_strata <- used_strata %>%
          tidytable::anti_join(refrates_df, by = c("age", "sex", "region" , "year", if(rs){"race"}, "t_site"))
        if(nrow(missing_ref_strata) > 0){
          problems_missing_ref_strata_attr <- tidytable::bind_rows(problems_missing_ref_strata_attr, missing_ref_strata)
      #F2e: Do merge
      sir_or <- sircalc %>%
        tidytable::left_join(refrates_df, by = c("age", "sex", "region" , "year", if(rs){"race"}, "t_site")) %>%
        tidytable::select(-tidyselect::any_of(c("comment", "population_n_per_year")))
      ### F2f Calculating Expected by group (from reference rates) [refrates]
      sir_basic <- sir_or %>%
          i_expected = .data$i_pyar * .data$incidence_crude_rate / 100000
      ### F2g Making SIR calculations 
      #SIR and Confidence intervals using calculation methods by @breslowStatisticalMethodsCancer1987
      ##F2g-1: calculating SIR and confidence intervals
      sir_longresult_strat_f <- sir_basic %>%
          sir = .data$i_observed / .data$i_expected,
          sir_lci = (stats::qchisq(p = !!alpha / 2, df = 2 * .data$i_observed) / 2) / .data$i_expected,
          sir_uci = (stats::qchisq(p = 1 - !!alpha / 2, df = 2 * (.data$i_observed + 1)) / 2) / .data$i_expected
      #preparing binding
        futimegroup_levels_f <- futimegroup_levels[f]
        sir_longresult_strat_f <- sir_longresult_strat_f %>%
          tidytable::mutate(fu_time = !!futimegroup_levels_f,              #new var fu_time that indicates fu_time for calculated stratum
                            fu_time_sort = !!f) %>%          
          tidytable::select(fu_time, tidyselect::everything()) %>%       #move fu_time col to front
          tidytable::select(-tidyselect::starts_with(rlang::as_string(fub_var))) #remove old column named after fub_var
      } else{
        sir_longresult_strat_f <- sir_longresult_strat_f %>%
      #depending on which iteration of [f] is conducted, data should be joined (append new columns to right)
      if(f == 1){
        sir_longresult_strat <- sir_longresult_strat_f
      } else{
        sir_longresult_strat <- tidytable::bind_rows(sir_longresult_strat, sir_longresult_strat_f)
      #end loop [f] iterations
    #F4b: preparing binding if needed
    if(!xb & yb){
      sir_longresult_strat <- sir_longresult_strat %>%
        tidytable::mutate(yvar_name = !!syb_var_name,
                          yvar_sort = !!y) %>%
        tidytable::rename(yvar_label = !!syb_var)  %>%
        tidytable::select(yvar_name, yvar_label, tidyselect::everything())
    if(xb & yb){
      sir_longresult_strat <- sir_longresult_strat %>%
        tidytable::mutate(yvar_name = !!syb_var_name,
                          yvar_sort = !!y,
                          xvar_name = !!sxb_var_name,
                          xvar_sort = !!x) %>%
        tidytable::rename(yvar_label = !!syb_var,
                          xvar_label = !!sxb_var)  %>%
        tidytable::select(yvar_name, yvar_label, xvar_name, xvar_label, tidyselect::everything())
    #F4c: binding results if needed
      sir_longresult <- sir_longresult_strat
      if(y == 1){
        sir_longresult <- sir_longresult_strat
      } else{
        sir_longresult <- tidytable::bind_rows(sir_longresult, sir_longresult_strat)
  } #end loop [y] iterations
  ### F2h: Restructuring results
  #checking results 
  #CHK_R1 - PYARS should be the same for all age, sex, year, region groups
  problems_pyar <- sir_longresult %>% 
      min_pyar = min(.data$i_pyar),
      max_pyar = max(.data$i_pyar),
      .by = tidyselect::any_of(c("age", "sex", "region", "year", if(rs){"race"},
                                 if(yb){c("yvar_name", "yvar_label")}, 
                                 if(xb){c("xvar_name", "xvar_label")},
                                 if(fu){"fu_time"}))) %>% 
    tidytable::filter(min_pyar != max_pyar)
  if(nrow(problems_pyar) > 0){
    problems_pyar_attr <- problems_pyar #save information to write as attribute later
  #CHK_R2 - observed cases should also occur in reference rates dataset
  notes_refcases <- sir_longresult %>% 
    tidytable::filter(i_observed > incidence_cases)
  #final dataset should have the structure: columns
  #t_site #yvars(1-y) #xvar1 #xvar2 #xvar3 ..#xvarx _ #n_base #observed #expected #pyar #sir #sir_uci #sir_lci
  #vi) rename vars
  sir_result_pre <- sir_longresult %>%
    tidytable::rename(observed = i_observed,
                      expected = i_expected,
                      pyar = i_pyar,
                      ref_inc_cases = incidence_cases,
                      ref_population_pyar = population_pyar,
                      ref_inc_crude_rate = incidence_crude_rate)
  #progress bar
  #5d rounding
  sir_result_pre <- sir_result_pre %>%
    tidytable::mutate(tidytable::across(.cols = c(pyar, sir, sir_lci, sir_uci), 
                                        .fns = ~round(.,2))) %>%
    #ensure that all vars are exported as numeric
    tidytable::mutate(tidytable::across(.cols = c(observed, expected, n_base, ref_inc_cases, ref_inc_crude_rate, ref_population_pyar), 
                                        .fns = ~as.numeric(.))) 
  #collapse_ci option
  ### F2i: labeling and returning results
  #since tidytable::arrange() does not support tidyselect, we need to create a list of symbols to pass on
  final_sort_var_quo <- rlang::syms(c("age", "region", "sex", if(rs){"race"}, "year", 
                                      if(yb){c("yvar_sort", "yvar_label")}, 
                                      if(xb){c("xvar_name", "xvar_label")}, 
                                      if(fu){"fu_time_sort"}, "t_site"))
  sir_result <- sir_result_pre %>%
    tidytable::select(tidyselect::any_of(c("age", "region", "sex", if(rs){"race"}, "year", 
                                           if(yb){c("yvar_name", "yvar_label")}, if(xb){c("xvar_name", "xvar_label")}, 
                                           "t_site", "observed", "expected", "sir", "sir_lci", "sir_uci")),
                      tidyselect::everything()) %>% 
    #remove race_var when race_var = NULL; but race is present in refrates
    tidytable::select(-tidyselect::any_of(c(if(!rs){"race"}))) %>%
  #implement check for missing observed in refrates_df
  sir_result <- sir_result %>%
    #create empty warning message
    tidytable::mutate(warning = NA_character_) %>%
    #write warning of CHK_R2
    tidytable::mutate(warning = tidytable::case(
      .data$observed > .data$ref_inc_cases, paste(
        "This stratum contains observed cases in i_observed that do not occur in the refrates_df (ref_inc_cases).",
        "A possible explanation can be:",
        " * DCO cases",
        " * diagnosis of second cancer occured in different time period than first cancer"),
      default = .data$warning
  ### F2j: Wrap up: write attributes to results 
  #write attributes for matched strata
  attr(sir_result, "strata_var_names") <- strata_var_names
  #write attributes for error and warning messages
  if(nrow(problems_pyar_attr) > 0){
        "[INFO Multiple refrates matches] There are differing pyar values for the same age, sex, year, region strata.",
        "i" = paste0(nrow(problems_pyar_attr), " strata are affected"),
        "!" = "Check attribute `problems_pyar` of results to see what strata are affected.",
        " "
    attr(sir_result, "problems_pyar") <- problems_pyar_attr
  if(nrow(problems_not_empty_attr) > 0){
        "[INFO Cases 0 PYARs] There are conflicts where strata with 0 follow-up time have data in observed.",
        "i" = paste0(nrow(problems_not_empty_attr), " strata are affected."),
        " - This might be caused by cases where SPC occured at the same day as first cancer.",
        " - You can check this by excluding all cases from wide_df, where date of first diagnosis is equal.",
        "!" = "Check attribute `problems_not_empty` of results to see what strata are affected.",
        " "
    attr(sir_result, "problems_not_empty") <- problems_not_empty_attr
  if(nrow(problems_missing_ref_strata_attr) > 0){
        "[INFO Refrates Missing] For some strata refrates are missing.", 
        "i" = paste0(nrow(problems_missing_ref_strata_attr), " strata have no reference rates in `refrates_df`"),
        " - Solution could be to add these strata to `refrates_df`.",
        "!" = "Check attribute `problems_missing_ref_strata` of results to see what strata are affected.",
        " "
    attr(sir_result, "problems_missing_ref_strata") <- problems_missing_ref_strata_attr
  if(nrow(problems_missing_futime_attr) > 0){
        c("[INFO FU Time Missing] The variable for follow-up time has missings.",
          "i" = paste0(nrow(problems_missing_futime_attr)," rows in the data set have missing futime_var."), 
          "Please make sure that you have:", 
          " - calculated FU time for all cases where the index event occured and", 
          " - have removed all cases from the dataset that do not count at baseline.",
          "!" = "Check attribute `problems_missing_futime` of results to see what strata are affected.",
          " "
    attr(sir_result, "problems_missing_futime") <- problems_missing_futime_attr
  if(nrow(problems_missing_count_strata_attr) > 0){
        "[WARN Count Strata Missing] When trying to match the observed counts and follow-up times for this loop, an unexpected mismatch of strata occured.",
        "i" = paste0(nrow(problems_missing_count_strata_attr), " strata are missing from intermediate result `sircalc_count`."),
        "This error occured in:",
        paste0(" - Time stratum: ", rlang::as_string(fub_var)),
        paste0(" - Y variable stratum: ", rlang::as_string(syb_var)),
        "!" = "Check attribute `problems_missing_count_strata` of results to see what strata are affected.",
        "It is recommended to run a debug with the same data.",
        " "
    attr(sir_result, "problems_missing_count_strata") <- problems_missing_count_strata_attr
  if(nrow(problems_missing_fu_strata_attr) > 0){
        "[WARN FU Strata Missing] When trying to match the observed counts and follow-up times for this loop, an unexpected mismatch of strata occured.",
        "i" = paste0(nrow(problems_missing_fu_strata_attr), " strata are missing from intermediate result `sircalc_fu`."),
        "This error occured in:",
        paste0(" - Time stratum: ", rlang::as_string(fub_var)),
        paste0(" - Y variable stratum: ", rlang::as_string(syb_var)),
        "!" = " Check attribute `problems_missing_fu_strata` of results to see what strata are affected.",
        "It is recommended to run a debug with the same data.",
        " "
    attr(sir_result, "problems_missing_fu_strata") <- problems_missing_fu_strata_attr
  if(nrow(problems_duplicate_ref_strata_attr) > 0){
        "[WARN Refrates Duplicates] For some strata refrates are are ambiguous", 
        "i" = paste0(nrow(problems_duplicate_ref_strata_attr), " strata have duplicates in `refrates_df`"),
        " - Solution could be to remove duplicates from `refrates_df`.",
        "!" = "Check attribute `problems_duplicate_ref_strata` of results to see what strata are affected.",
        " "
    attr(sir_result, "problems_duplicate_ref_strata") <- problems_duplicate_ref_strata_attr
  if(nrow(notes_refcases) > 0){
        "[INFO Unexpected Cases] There are observed cases in the results file that do not occur in the refrates_df.",
        "i" = paste0(nrow(notes_refcases), " strata are affected."),
        "A possible explanation can be:",
        " - DCO cases or",
        " - diagnosis of second cancer occured in different time period than first cancer",
        "!" = "Check attribute `notes_refcases` of results to see what strata are affected.",
        " "
    attr(sir_result, "notes_refcases") <- notes_refcases

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