
Defines functions try_catch try_map try_pmap

Documented in try_catch try_map try_pmap

#  FUNCTION: try_catch ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Try to evaluate an expressions and capture any messages, warnings or errors
#' This function is similar to [tryCatch()], except that, by default, errors are captured
#' and presented using [error()]. Messages and warnings are not captured by this function.
#' In addition, a "finally" expression can be specified which is evaluated at the end of
#' the call no matter the result.
#' @param expr (expression) The expression to evaluate
#' @param on_error (function, optional) A function describing what to do in the event of a
#'   error in the above expression. The function must take a single argument, which is the
#'   [simpleError()]. If missing or `NULL`, errors are not caught. Default: [error()]
#'   called with the error's message prefixed by the calling function name.
#' @param finally (expression, optional) An expression to evaluate at the end of the call.
#'    If missing or `NULL`, nothing is actioned.
#' @return The result of the evaluated expression
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   try_catch(x <- "foo")
#'   try_catch(stop("This is an error"))
#' }
#' @export
try_catch <- function(
  if (missing(on_error) || is_null(on_error)) {
    if (sys.nframe() > 1) {
      calling_function <- deparse(sys.calls()[[sys.nframe() - 1]][[1]])
      prefix <- paste0("In ", calling_function, "(): ")
    } else {
      prefix <- ""

    on_error = function(e) {
      if (grepl("^\\[[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\\] ", e$message)) {
        e$message <- sub("^\\[[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\\] ", "", e$message)
      error(prefix, e$message)

  assert(is_function(on_error), "'on_error' must be a function")

  if (missing(finally)) {
    finally <- NULL

  tryCatch(expr, error = on_error, finally = finally)

#  FUNCTION: try_map --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Apply a function over a vector or list, capturing any errors to display at the end
#' This function is similar to [purrr::map()] except that instead of stopping at the first
#' error it captures them and continues. If there are any errors it collects them together
#' and displays them at the end. You have the option to specify a prefix to the error message
#' using the `msg_prefix` argument.
#' If the mapped function is a long running process `try_map()` can output a warning at the time
#' an error occurs, but specifying the `warn_level` argument to be greater than 0 (see
#' [warn()] for more details about message levels. Similarly `error_level` argument specifies
#' the level of any reported error, as detailed in [error()].
#' If you do not want the function to stop with an error, you can instead return a warning or
#' info message using the `on_error` argument.
#' Finally, `simplify` and `use_names` allow the user to specify whether to simplify the output
#' to an atomic vector, if possible, and whether to use the vector input `x` as names to the
#' resulting list.
#' @param x (vector or list) The vector or list to map the function to.
#' @param f (function) The function to map to the elements of `x`.
#' @param ... (optional) Extra arguments to supply to f.
#' @param msg_prefix (string, optional) A message to prefix any resulting error message.
#' @param warn_level (integer, optional) The level of any warnings about errors encountered.
#'   If 0 then no warnings are shown. Default: 2.
#' @param error_level (integer, optional) The level of any resulting errors. Default: 1.
#' @param on_error (string) The kind of message to produce if there is an error. Either "info",
#'   "warn", or "error". Default: "error".
#' @param simplify (boolean, optional) Whether to try to simplify the result of the mapping
#'   into an atomic vector. Default: FALSE.
#' @param use_names (boolean, optional) Whether to use 'x' as names in the resulting list. 'x'
#'   must be a character vector for this to work. Default: TRUE.
#' @return If `simplify = FALSE` a list is returned. Otherwise, the function attempts to
#'   simplify the result to an atomic vector or array.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   test_try_map <- function(x, y) if (x > y) stop("x > y") else x
#'   try_map(1:3, test_try_map, y = 2)
#'   try_map(1:3, test_try_map, y = 5)
#' }
#' @export
try_map <- function(
  warn_level  = 2,
  error_level = 1,
  on_error    = "error",
  simplify    = FALSE,
  use_names   = TRUE)
  if (missing(msg_prefix)) {
    mapped_function <- as.character(substitute(f))
    if (sys.nframe() > 1) {
      calling_function <- deparse(sys.calls()[[sys.nframe() - 1]][[1]])
      msg_prefix <- paste0("In ", calling_function, "(): ")
    } else {
      msg_prefix <- "In try_map():"

  (is_atomic(x) || is_list(x)) ||
    error("'x' must be an atomic vector or a list")
  (is_function(f)) ||
    error("'f' must be a function")
  (is_null(msg_prefix) || is_scalar_character(msg_prefix)) ||
    error("'msg_prefix' must be NULL or a string")
  (is_scalar_integerish(warn_level) && isTRUE(warn_level >= 0)) ||
    error("'warn_level' must be an integer greater or equal to 0")
  (is_scalar_integerish(error_level) && isTRUE(error_level > 0)) ||
    error("'error_level' must be an integer greater than 0")
  (is_scalar_character(on_error) && on_error %in% c("info", "warn", "error")) ||
    error("'on_error' must be either 'info', 'warn' or 'error'")
  (is_scalar_logical(simplify)) ||
    error("'simplify' must be boolean")
  (is_scalar_logical(use_names)) ||
    error("'use_names' must be boolean")

  result <- map(.x = x, ..., .f = function(x, ...) {
      f(x, ...)
    error = function(e) {
      if (nchar(as.character(x)) > 20) {
        x <- paste0(substr(as.character(x), 1, 20), "...")

      if (warn_level > 0) {
        warn("Failed for ", names(formals(f))[1], " = ", x, level = warn_level)

      if (is_scalar_character(mapped_function)) {
        e$message <- paste0("In ", mapped_function, "(): ", e$message)


  if (use_names && is_character(x)) {
    names(result) <- x

  is_error <- map_lgl(result, function(r) "error" %in% class(r))

  if (any(is_error)) {
    if (is_null(names(result))) {
      prefix <- "\n"
    } else {
      prefix <- paste0("\n'", names(result)[is_error], "': ")

    error_msg <- paste0(prefix, map_chr(result[is_error], "message"), collapse = "\n")
    if (!is_null(msg_prefix)) {
      error_msg <- paste0(msg_prefix, "\n", error_msg)

      error = error(error_msg, level = error_level),
      warn  = warn( error_msg, level = error_level),
      info  = info( error_msg, level = error_level))

  if (simplify && all(map_int(result, length) == 1L)) {
    result <- unlist(result)


#  FUNCTION: try_pmap -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Apply a function over a list of vectors, capturing any errors to display at the end
#' This function is similar to [purrr::pmap()] except that instead of stopping at the first
#' error it captures them and continues. If there are any errors it collects them together
#' and displays them at the end. You have the option to specify a prefix to the error message
#' using the `msg_prefix` argument.
#' If the mapped function is a long running process `try_pmap` can output a warning at the time
#' an error occurs, but specifying the `warn_level` argument to be greater than 0 (see
#' [warn()] for more details about message levels. Similarly `error_level` argument specifies
#' the level of any reported error, as detailed in [error()].
#' If you do not want the function to stop with an error, you can instead return a warning or
#' info message using the `on_error` argument.
#' Finally, `simplify` and `use_names` allow the user to specify whether to simplify the output
#' to an atomic vector, if possible, and whether to use the vector input `x` as names to the
#' resulting list.
#' @param l (list) A list of vectors the same length to apply the function to.
#' @param f (function) The function to map to the elements of the vectors in `l`.
#' @param ... (optional) Extra arguments to supply to f.
#' @param msg_prefix (string, optional) A message to prefix any resulting error message.
#' @param warn_level (integer, optional) The level of any warnings about errors encountered.
#'   If 0 then no warnings are shown. Default: 2.
#' @param error_level (integer, optional) The level of any resulting errors. Default: 1.
#' @param on_error (string) The kind of message to produce if there is an error. Either "info",
#'   "warn", or "error". Default: "error".
#' @param simplify (boolean, optional) Whether to try to simplify the result of the mapping
#'   into an atomic vector. Default: FALSE.
#' @param use_names (boolean, optional) Whether to use 'x' as names in the resulting list. 'x'
#'   must be a character vector for this to work. Default: TRUE.
#' @return If `simplify = FALSE` a list is returned. Otherwise, the function attempts to
#'   simplify the result to an atomic vector.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   test_try_pmap <- function(x, y) if (x > y) stop("x > y") else x
#'   try_pmap(list(1:3, 3:1), test_try_pmap)
#'   try_pmap(list(1:3, 2:4), test_try_pmap)
#' }
#' @export
try_pmap <- function(
  warn_level  = 2,
  error_level = 1,
  on_error    = "error",
  simplify    = FALSE,
  use_names   = TRUE)
  if (missing(msg_prefix)) {
    mapped_function <- as.character(substitute(f))
    if (sys.nframe() > 1) {
      calling_function <- deparse(sys.calls()[[sys.nframe() - 1]][[1]])
      msg_prefix <- paste0("In ", calling_function, "(): ")
    } else {
      msg_prefix <- "In try_pmap():"

  (is_list(l) && identical(length(unique(map_int(l, length))), 1L)) ||
    error("'x' must be a list of vectors with equal length")
  (is_function(f)) ||
    error("'f' must be a function")
  (is_null(msg_prefix) || is_scalar_character(msg_prefix)) ||
    error("'msg_prefix' must be NULL or a string")
  (is_scalar_integerish(warn_level) && isTRUE(warn_level >= 0)) ||
    error("'warn_level' must be an integer greater or equal to 0")
  (is_scalar_integerish(error_level) && isTRUE(error_level > 0)) ||
    error("'error_level' must be an integer greater than 0")
  (is_scalar_character(on_error) && on_error %in% c("info", "warn", "error")) ||
    error("'on_error' must be either 'info', 'warn' or 'error'")
  (is_scalar_logical(simplify)) ||
    error("'simplify' must be boolean")
  (is_scalar_logical(use_names)) ||
    error("'use_names' must be boolean")

  result <- pmap(.l = l, ..., .f = function(...) {
      exec(f, ...)
    error = function(e) {
      args <- list(...)

      if (nchar(as.character(args[[1]])) > 20) {
        args[[1]] <- paste0(substr(as.character(args[[1]]), 1, 20), "...")

      if (warn_level > 0) {
        warn("Failed for ", names(formals(f))[1], " = ", args[[1]], level = warn_level)

      if (is_scalar_character(mapped_function)) {
        e$message <- paste0("In ", mapped_function, "(): ", e$message)


  if (use_names && is_character(l[[1]])) {
    names(result) <- l[[1]]

  is_error <- map_lgl(result, function(r) "error" %in% class(r))

  if (any(is_error)) {
    if (is.null(names(result))) {
      prefix <- "\n"
    } else {
      prefix <- paste0("\n'", names(result)[is_error], "': ")

    error_msg <- paste0(prefix, map_chr(result[is_error], "message"), collapse = "\n")
    if (!is_null(msg_prefix)) {
      error_msg <- paste0(msg_prefix, "\n", error_msg)

      error = error(error_msg, level = error_level),
      warn  = warn( error_msg, level = error_level),
      info  = info( error_msg, level = error_level))

  if (simplify && all(map_int(result, length) == 1L)) {
    result <- unlist(result)


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