
Defines functions survplot

Documented in survplot

if ( getRversion() >= "2.15.1" ) {
  utils::globalVariables( c( "state", "status", "subject", "time_exact", ".",
                             "surv", "lwr", "upr") )
#' Plot and get survival data from a multi-state model
#' Plot the fitted survival probability computed over a \code{\link[msm]{msm}} model and
#' compare it with the Kaplan-Meier. Fast build and return the underlying data structures.
#' @param x A \code{msm} object.
#' @param from State from which to compute the estimated survival.
#' Default to state 1.
#' @param to The absorbing state to which compute the estimated survival.
#' Default to the highest state found by \code{\link[msm]{absorbing.msm}}.
#' @param range A numeric vector of two elements which gives the time range of
#' the plot.
#' @param covariates Covariate values for which to evaluate the expected
#' probabilities. These can either be: the string \code{"mean"}, denoting the
#' means of the covariates in the data (default), the number 0,
#' indicating that all the covariates should be set to zero, or a list of values,
#' with optional names. For example:\cr
#' \code{list (75, 1)}\cr
#' where the order of the list follows the order of the covariates originally
#' given in the model formula, or a named list:\cr
#' \code{list (age = 75, gender = "M")}.
#' @param exacttimes If \code{TRUE} (default) then transition times are known
#' and exact. This is inherited from \code{msm} and should be set the same way.
#' @param times An optional numeric vector giving the times at which to compute
#' the fitted survival.
#' @param grid An integer specifying the grid points at which to compute the fitted
#' survival (see 'Details').
#' If \code{times} is passed, \code{grid} is ignored. Default to 100 points.
#' @param km If \code{TRUE}, then the Kaplan-Meier curve is plotted. Default is
#' \code{FALSE}.
#' @param out A character vector specifying what the function has to return. Accepted values are
#' \code{"none"} (default) to return just the plot, \code{"fitted"} to return the fitted survival
#' curve only, \code{"km"} to return the Kaplan-Meier only, \code{"all"} to return all of the above.
#' @param ci A character vector with the type of confidence intervals to compute for the fitted
#' survival curve. Specify either \code{"none"} (default), for no confidence intervals,
#' \code{"normal"} or \code{"bootstrap"}, for confidence intervals computed with the respective
#' method in \code{\link[msm]{pmatrix.msm}}. This is very computationally-intensive,
#' since intervals must be computed at a series of times.
#' @param interp If \code{"start"} (default), then the entry time into the
#' absorbing state is assumed to be the time it is first observed in the data.
#' If \code{"midpoint"}, then the entry time into the absorbing state is assumed
#' to be halfway between the time it is first observed and the previous
#' observation time. This is generally more reasonable for "progressive"
#' models with observations at arbitrary times.
#' @param B Number of bootstrap or normal replicates for the confidence interval.
#' The default is 100 rather than the usual 1000, since these plots are for
#' rough diagnostic purposes.
#' @param ci_km A character vector with the type of confidence intervals to compute for the
#' Kaplan-Meier curve. Specify either \code{"none"}, \code{"plain"}, \code{"log"}, \code{"log-log"},
#' \code{"logit"}, or \code{"arcsin"}, as coded in \code{\link[survival]{survfit}}.
#' @details The function is a wrapper of \code{\link[msm]{plot.survfit.msm}}
#' and does more things. \code{survplot} manages correctly the plot of a fitted
#' survival in an exact times framework (when \code{exacttimes = TRUE}) by just
#' resetting the time scale and looking at the follow-up time. It can quickly
#' build and return to the user the data structures used to compute the Kaplan-Meier
#' and the fitted survival probability by specifying \code{out = "all"}.
#' The user can defined custom times (through \code{times}) or let
#' \code{survplot} choose them on its own (through \code{grid}).
#' In the latter case, \code{survplot} looks for the follow-up time and divides
#' it by \code{grid}. The higher it is, the finer the grid will be so that computing
#' the fitted survival will take longer, but will be more precise.
#' @return When \code{out = "none"}, a \code{gg/ggplot} object is returned. If \code{out} is anything
#' else, then a named list is returned. The Kaplan-Meier data can be accessed with \code{$km} while
#' the estimated survival data with \code{$fitted}. If \code{out = "all"}, the plot, the Kaplan-Meier
#' and the estimated curve are returned.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data( hosp )
#' # augmenting the data
#' hosp_augmented = augment( data = hosp, data_key = subj, n_events = adm_number,
#'                           pattern = label_3, t_start = dateIN, t_end = dateOUT,
#'                           t_cens = dateCENS )
#' # let's define the initial transition matrix for our model
#' Qmat = matrix( data = 0, nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE )
#' Qmat[ 1, 1:3 ] = 1
#' Qmat[ 2, 1:3 ] = 1
#' colnames( Qmat ) = c( 'IN', 'OUT', 'DEAD' )
#' rownames( Qmat ) = c( 'IN', 'OUT', 'DEAD' )
#' # attaching the msm package and running the model using
#' # gender and age as covariates
#' library( msm )
#' msm_model = msm( status_num ~ augmented_int, subject = subj,
#'                  data = hosp_augmented, covariates = ~ gender + age,
#'                  exacttimes = TRUE, gen.inits = TRUE, qmatrix = Qmat,
#'                  method = 'BFGS', control = list( fnscale = 6e+05, trace = 0,
#'                  REPORT = 1, maxit = 10000 ) )
#' # plotting the fitted and empirical survival from state = 1
#' theplot = survplot( x = msm_model, km = TRUE )
#' # plotting the fitted and empirical survival from state = 2 and
#' and returning both the fitted and the empirical curve
#' out_all = survplot( msm_model, from = 2, km = TRUE, out = "all" )
#' }
#' @references Titman, A. and Sharples, L.D. (2010). Model diagnostics for
#' multi-state models, \emph{Statistical Methods in Medical Research}, 19,
#' 621-651.\cr
#' Titman, A. and Sharples, L.D. (2008). A general goodness-of-fit test for
#' Markov and hidden Markov models, \emph{Statistics in Medicine}, 27,
#' 2177-2195. \cr
#' Jackson, C.H. (2011). Multi-State Models for Panel Data:\cr
#' The \emph{msm} Package for R. Journal of Statistical Software, 38(8), 1-29.\cr
#' URL \url{https://www.jstatsoft.org/v38/i08/}.
#' @seealso \code{\link[msm]{plot.survfit.msm}} \code{\link[msm]{msm}},
#' \code{\link[msm]{pmatrix.msm}}, \code{\link[data.table]{setDF}}
#' @author Francesco Grossetti \email{francesco.grossetti@@unibocconi.it}.
#' @importFrom data.table data.table set setnames setorder
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes scale_y_continuous scale_color_manual geom_line theme xlab ylab theme_bw ggtitle
#' @importFrom msm absorbing.msm
#' @importFrom msm pmatrix.msm
#' @importFrom survival Surv
#' @importFrom survival survfit
#' @export

survplot = function( x, from = 1, to = NULL, range = NULL, covariates = "mean",
                     exacttimes = TRUE, times, grid = 100L, km = FALSE,
                     out = c( "none", "fitted", "km", "all" ),
                     ci = c( "none", "normal", "bootstrap" ), interp = c( "start", "midpoint" ),
                     B = 100L,
                     ci_km = c( "none", "plain", "log", "log-log", "logit", "arcsin") ) {

  if ( !inherits( x, "msm" ) )
    stop( "x must be a msm model" )
  if ( !is.numeric( from ) )
    stop( 'from must be numeric' )
  if ( is.null( to ) ) {
    to = max( absorbing.msm( x ) )
  } else {
    if ( !is.numeric( to ) )
      stop( "to must be numeric" )
    if ( !( to %in% absorbing.msm( x ) ) )
      stop( "to must be an absorbing state" )
  if ( !is.logical(exacttimes) ) {
    stop( "exacttimes must be either TRUE or FALSE")
  if ( !is.logical(km) ) {
    stop( "km must be either TRUE or FALSE")
  if ( is.null( range ) )
    rg = range( model.extract( x$data$mf, "time" ) )
  else {
    if ( !is.numeric( range ) || length( range ) != 2 )
      stop( "range must be a numeric vector of two elements" )
    rg = range

  # matching arguments
  interp = match.arg( interp )
  ci = match.arg( ci )
  ci_km = match.arg( ci_km )
  out = match.arg( out )
  states = rownames( x$qmodel$imatrix )

  if ( exacttimes ) {
    if ( missing( times ) ) {
      timediff = ( rg[ 2L ] - rg[ 1L ] ) / grid
      times = seq( 1L, diff( rg ), timediff )
    } else {
      times = times
  } else {
    if ( missing( times ) ) {
      timediff = ( rg[ 2L ] - rg[ 1L ] ) / grid
      times = seq( rg[ 1L ], rg[ 2L ], timediff )
    } else {
      times = times

  # For each given t in times, extract the transition probabilities
  if (ci == "none") {
    cat("Extracting transition probabilities\n")
  } else {
    cat("Extracting transition probabilities and computing confidence intervals\n")

  surv_probabilities = data.table(rowid = seq_along( times ) )
  for ( t in seq_along( times ) ) {
    # Extract the transition prob matrix and compute CI if ci != "none"
    # I use the parlance set() for fast and efficient assignment
    P = pmatrix.msm( x, times[ t ], t1 = times[ 1L ], covariates = covariates, ci = ci, B = B )
    if ( ci != "none" ) {
      set( x = surv_probabilities, i = t,
           j = c( "time", "surv", "lwr", "upr" ),
           value = list( times[ t ], 1L - P$estimates[ from, to ],
                         P$L[ from, to ], P$U[ from, to ] ) )
    } else {
      set( x = surv_probabilities, i = t,
           j = c( "time", "surv" ),
           value = list( times[ t ], 1L - P[ from, to ] ) )
  surv_probabilities[ , rowid := NULL ]

  if ( km ) {
    # extract the necessary data to be used with survfit()
    dat = as.data.table( x$data$mf[ , c( "(subject)", "(time)", "(state)" ) ] )
    setnames( dat, c( 'subject', 'time', 'state' ) )
    absind = which( dat$state == to )
    if ( any( dat[ state == to ] ) ) {
      if ( interp == 'start' ) {
        mintime = dat[ absind, min( time ), by = subject ]
      } else if ( interp == 'midpoint' ) {
        mintime = 0.5 * ( dat[ absind, .( time ), by = subject ] +
                            dat[ absind - 1, .( time ), by = subject ] )
      } else {
        mintime = dat[ , max( time ), by = subject ]
      wide = data.table( time = mintime,
                         anystate = as.numeric( any( dat[ state == to, .( state ) ] ) )
      setnames( wide, c( 'subject', 'time', 'anystate' ) )
    # this computes the KM curve
    if ( exacttimes ) {
      wide[ , time_exact := time - min( time ) ]
      p_km = survfit( Surv( wide$time_exact, wide$anystate ) ~ 1, conf.type = ci_km )
    } else {
      p_km = survfit( Surv( wide$time, wide$anystate ) ~ 1, conf.type = ci_km )
    setorder(wide, time)
    if ( ci_km != "none" ) {
      out_km = data.table( wide, km = p_km$surv, lwr = p_km$lower, upr = p_km$upper )
    } else {
      out_km = data.table( wide, km = p_km$surv )
    setcolorder( out_km, c(1L, 2L, 4L, 3L, 5L) )
  # build the plot
  # ggplot integration
  if ( ci != "none") {
    p = ggplot( data = surv_probabilities, aes( x = time, y = surv, color = "Fitted" ) ) +
      scale_y_continuous( limits = c( 0, 1 ), breaks = seq( 0, 1, by = .25 ) ) +
      xlab("Time") + ylab("Survival Probability")
    p = p + geom_line()
    p = p +
      geom_line(aes(x = time, y = 1 - lwr, color = "Fitted"), linetype = 4) +
      geom_line(aes(x = time, y = 1 - upr, color = "Fitted"), linetype = 4)
  } else {
    p = ggplot( data = surv_probabilities, aes( x = time, y = surv, color = "Fitted" ) ) +
      scale_y_continuous( limits = c ( 0, 1 ), breaks = seq( 0, 1, by = .25 ) ) +
      xlab("Time") + ylab("Survival Probability")
    p = p + geom_line()
  if ( km ) {
    if ( exacttimes ) {
      p = p +
        geom_line( data = out_km, aes( x = time_exact, y = km, color = "KM" ), linetype = 5 ) +
        xlab("Exact Time")
      if ( ci_km !="none") {
        p = p +
          geom_line( data = out_km, aes( x = time_exact, y = lwr, color = "KM" ), linetype = 3 ) +
          geom_line( data = out_km, aes( x = time_exact, y = upr, color = "KM" ), linetype = 3 )
    } else {
      p = p +
        geom_line( data = out_km, aes( x = time, y = km, color = "KM" ), linetype = 5 ) +
        xlab("Absolute Time")
      if ( ci_km !="none") {
        p = p +
          geom_line( data = out_km, aes( x = time, y = lwr, color = "KM" ), linetype = 3 ) +
          geom_line( data = out_km, aes( x = time, y = upr, color = "KM" ), linetype = 3 )
  # render the plot
  p = p +
    scale_color_manual( name = "", values = c( "Fitted" = "red", "KM" = "darkblue") ) +
    theme_bw() +
    theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
    ggtitle( paste0("Estimation for transition ", states[from], " - ", states[to] ) )

  if ( out == "none" ) {
  } else if ( out == "fitted" ) {
    return( list( p = p, fitted = surv_probabilities[] ) )
  } else if ( out == "km" ) {
    if ( isFALSE( km ) ) {
      stop( "Set km = TRUE when \"out\" is either \"km\" or \"all\"")
    return( list( p = p, km = out_km[] ) )
  } else {
    if ( isFALSE( km ) ) {
      stop( "Set km = TRUE when \"out\" is either \"km\" or \"all\"")
    return( list( p = p, fitted = surv_probabilities[], km = out_km[] ) )

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msmtools documentation built on April 13, 2021, 1:06 a.m.