
Defines functions getkBestRankedHung

# Murty's algorithm for k-best assignments
# This version is executed when ranking is needed and when Hungarian algorithm is used.
# @param matR Square matrix (N x N) in which values represent the weights.
# @param k_bestR How many best scenarios should be returned. If by_rank = TRUE, this equals best ranks.
# @param objectiveR Should the cost be minimized ('min') or maximized ('max')? Defaults to 'min'.
# @param proxy_InfR What should be considered as a proxy for Inf? Defaults to 10e06; if objective = 'max' the sign is automatically reversed.
# @param constantR Value to be added in order to avoid negative values in the matrix. Defaults to the minimum value of the matrix.
# @return A list with solutions and costs (objective values).

getkBestRankedHung <- function(matR, k_bestR = NULL, objectiveR = 'min', proxy_InfR = proxy_Inf, constantR = abs(min(matR))) {
  if (!any(class(matR) %in% "matrix")) {
    warning("You haven't provided an object of class matrix. Attempting to convert to matrix ..")
    matR <- as.matrix(matR)
  if (dim(matR)[1] != dim(matR)[2]) {
    stop("Number of rows and number of columns are not equal. You need to provide a square matrix (N x N).")
  if (nrow(matR) < 2) {
    stop("Have you provided an empty set or matrix with only a single value? Your matrix should have at least 2 rows and 2 columns.")
  if (k_bestR < 1) { stop("You have provided an invalid value for k_best.") }
  # Stripping the dimension names - column names need to be V1, V2, V3 .. in order to reconstruct the full matrix
  attr(matR, "dimnames") <- NULL
  colnames(matR) <- paste0("V", 1:ncol(matR))
  # Store original matrix for later re-use
  nextMat <- matR
  origMatrix <- matR
  # Check if any negative value in matrix
  checkNegative <- any(matR < 0)
  # Match objective to relevant clue values
  objectiveR <- if (objectiveR == 'min') FALSE else TRUE 
  # Initializing the first solution and all the lists needed
  i = 1
  # Initialize the constant for Inf proxy
  proxyConst <- proxy_InfR
  # If the cost should be maximized, reverse the sign of Inf proxy; reverse also if there is a negative Inf in 'min'
  if (
    (objectiveR == TRUE & proxy_InfR > 0) | (objectiveR == FALSE & proxy_InfR < 0)
  ) {
    proxy_InfR <- -proxy_InfR
  # Here we store solutions and costs
  all_solutions <- list()
  all_objectives <- list()
  # Here we store all full matrices and objectives that are re-checked at each step for minimum cost matrices
  fullMats <- list()
  fullObjs <- list()
  # Here we store partial solutions for partitions (as well as partitions themselves)
  partialSols <- list()
  partitionsAll <- list()
  # Here we store all the columns needed to add to partitions in order to reconstruct the full matrix
  colsToAddAll <- list()
  colsToAdd <- NA
  matR <- as.matrix(matR)
  # Number of all possible solutions is the factorial
  n_possible <- factorial(nrow(matR))
  # First assignment with Hungarian (as implemented in clue) and storage in all_solutions (solved matrix) and all_objectives (cost)
  assignm <- parseClueOutput(matR, max = objectiveR, addConst = checkNegative, addedConst = constantR)
  all_solutions[[i]] <- assignm$solution
  all_objectives[[i]] <- round(assignm$objval, 5)
  curr_solution <- assignm$solution
  full_solution <- curr_solution
  # While loop which stops as soon we reach the iteration that is equal to desired number of best scenarios or as soon we reach the n_possible
  while (i <= k_bestR & k_bestR > 1) {
    # Getting indices of rows & columns of initial solution's matches
    # This serves as a basis for partitioning as defined in Murty (1968)
    idx <- which(curr_solution > 0, arr.ind = T)
    idx <- idx[order(idx[, 1]), ]
    idx <- idx[-nrow(idx),]
    if (!is.null(nrow(idx))) {
      idxStrike <- lapply(1:(nrow(idx) - 1), function(x) idx[1:x, ])
      idxmaxSubs <- lapply(1:nrow(idx), function(x) idx[x, ])
    } else {
      idxStrike <- NA
      idxmaxSubs <- idx
    # See the related functions in insertInfStrike.R
    # Basically, we create a list with n - 1 partitions as described in Murty's article
    # We always assign the proxy_InfR to last element, and strike the rows and columns of matches before
    matSub <- PartitionAndInsertInf(idx, nextMat, idxmaxSubs, proxy_InfR)
    matSub <- strikeRwsCols(matSub, idxStrike)
    # Just a check if the solution would make sense at all (there can be only 1 proxy_InfR per row and column)
    matCheck <- c(
      which(lapply(matSub, function(x) any(rowSums(x == proxy_InfR) == ncol(x))) == TRUE),
      which(lapply(matSub, function(x) any(colSums(x == proxy_InfR) == nrow(x))) == TRUE)
    if (length(matCheck) > 0) {
      matSub <- matSub[-matCheck]
    # If there is at least one partition left, execute
    if (length(matSub) > 0) {
      partitionsAll <- c(partitionsAll, matSub)
      # Solve each of the partitions and store in a list
      algoList <- lapply(matSub, parseClueOutputInf, max = objectiveR, 
                         const = proxyConst, addConst = checkNegative, addedConst = constantR)
      partialSols <- c(partialSols, lapply(1:length(algoList), function(x) algoList[[x]]$solution))
      # Check which columns are missing from the partitions, store in a list for each one
      colsToAddAll <- c(
               function(x) setdiff(c(1:ncol(origMatrix)), substr(colnames(matSub[[x]]), 2, nchar(colnames(matSub[[x]])))
      # Reconstruct partition and/or full matrix if partition != full matrix
      # See the related functions in reconstructInitialPartition.R
      reconstructedPartition <- reconstructPartition(algoList, idx, idxStrike, curr_solution, nextMat)
      if (nrow(reconstructedPartition[[1]]) != nrow(origMatrix)) {
        reconstructedPartition <- reconstructInitial(reconstructedPartition, colsToAdd, full_solution)
      # For each reconstructed full matrix, check the objective value by comparing to initial matrix (origMatrix)
      fullObjsTmp <- lapply(1:length(reconstructedPartition), function(x) {
        objval <- round(sum(origMatrix[which(reconstructedPartition[[x]] > 0, arr.ind = T)]), 5)
      # Store in lists
      fullMats <- c(fullMats, reconstructedPartition)
      fullObjs <- c(fullObjs, fullObjsTmp)
    # Check fullObjs for the (remaining) optimal (minimum/maximum) cost, the next iteration uses it as starting basis
    idxOpt <- if (objectiveR == FALSE) which.min(fullObjs) else which.max(fullObjs)
    # Store the corresponding full matrix & related information into variables needed for each iteration
    full_solution <- fullMats[[idxOpt]]
    curr_solution <- partialSols[[idxOpt]]
    nextMat <- partitionsAll[[idxOpt]]
    colsToAdd <- colsToAddAll[[idxOpt]]
    # Final storage in lists
    # This returns a solution where k_bestR equals number of unique unlisted costs (duplicates count as 1)
    sum_dups <- sum(unlist(all_objectives) == fullObjs[[idxOpt]])
    if (sum_dups > 0) {
      sum_dups <- sum_dups + 1
      if (sum_dups == 2) {
        tmpFinalSolution <- all_solutions[[i]]
        all_solutions[[i]] <- list()
        all_solutions[[i]][[1]] <- tmpFinalSolution
      all_solutions[[i]][[sum_dups]] <- fullMats[[idxOpt]]
      attr(all_solutions[[i]][[sum_dups]], "dimnames") <- NULL
      all_solutions[[i]][[sum_dups]] <- round(all_solutions[[i]][[sum_dups]])
      all_objectives[[i]][sum_dups] <- fullObjs[[idxOpt]]
    } else {
      i = i + 1
      if (i > k_bestR) { break }
      all_solutions[[i]] <- fullMats[[idxOpt]]
      attr(all_solutions[[i]], "dimnames") <- NULL
      all_solutions[[i]] <- round(all_solutions[[i]])
      all_objectives[[i]] <- fullObjs[[idxOpt]]
    # Remove the chosen solution from lists
    fullMats <- fullMats[-idxOpt]
    fullObjs <- fullObjs[-idxOpt]
    partialSols <- partialSols[-idxOpt]
    partitionsAll <- partitionsAll[-idxOpt]
    colsToAddAll <- colsToAddAll[-idxOpt]
    if (
      (length(unlist(all_objectives)) == n_possible) & (length(all_solutions) < k_bestR)
    ) {
          "There are ", n_possible, " possible solutions. Final solution has been found at rank number ",
          length(all_solutions), " which is lower than the k_best specified; terminating here."
    } else if (
      (length(unlist(all_objectives)) == n_possible)
    ) {
      solutions = all_solutions,
      costs = all_objectives

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