plot_graph: Plot Graph (Network)

View source: R/Plotting.R

plot_graphR Documentation

Plot Graph (Network)


Plots graph representation of enrichment results.


  ontology_id_colname = "ontology_id",
  ontology_element_colname = "element_id_in_ontology",
  shared_elements_min_threshold = 0,
  p_value_type_colname = "eFDR",
  p_value_max_threshold = 0.05



Character, the input data.table containing the reshaped results.


Character, the name of the column in the reshaped results that contains ontology identifiers or names. Default value is 'ontology_id'.


Character, the name of the column in the reshaped results that contains element identifiers within the ontology. Default value is 'element_id_in_ontology'.


Numeric, threshold specifying the minimum number of shared elements required between two ontologies to consider them connected by an edge on the graph. Default value is 0.


Character, the name of the column in the reshaped results that contains the type of p-values associated with the ontology elements. Default value is 'eFDR'.


Numeric, a threshold value for filtering rows in the reshaped results based on the p-values. Rows with p-values greater than this threshold will be filtered out. Default value is 0.05.


This function generates a graph (network) visualization of the enriched ontology entries. On the plot each node represents an ontology entry below a given p-value threshold, and is coloured based on its significance level. A connection (edge) is drawn between two nodes if they share at least one common element (gene) belonging to the target set – in the case of ORA results – or all analysed elements – in the case of GSEA results.


Returns a graph plot.

See Also




# loading and filtering the example ontology from a GMT file
tf_gmt <- read_gmt(file = system.file(package="mulea", "extdata", 
tf_gmt_filtered <- filter_ontology(gmt = tf_gmt, min_nr_of_elements = 3, 
    max_nr_of_elements = 400)

# loading the example data
sign_genes <- readLines(system.file(package = "mulea", "extdata", 
background_genes <- readLines(system.file(
    package="mulea", "extdata", "background_set.txt"))

# creating the ORA model
ora_model <- ora(gmt = tf_gmt_filtered,
    # the test set variable
    element_names = sign_genes, 
    # the background set variable
    background_element_names = background_genes, 
    # the p-value adjustment method
    p_value_adjustment_method = "eFDR", 
    # the number of permutations
    number_of_permutations = 10000,
    # the number of processor threads to use
    nthreads = 2)
# running the ORA
ora_results <- run_test(ora_model)

# reshaping results for visualisation
ora_reshaped_results <- reshape_results(model = ora_model,
    model_results = ora_results,
    # choosing which column to use for the indication of significance
    p_value_type_colname = "eFDR")

# Plot graph
plot_graph(reshaped_results = ora_reshaped_results,
    # the column containing the names we wish to plot
    ontology_id_colname = "ontology_id",
    # upper threshold for the value indicating the significance
    p_value_max_threshold = 0.05,
    # column that indicates the significance values
    p_value_type_colname = "eFDR")

mulea documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 9:44 a.m.