
Defines functions print.MDM MDM.selection d_t loss MDM.test .in.MDM.test

Documented in d_t loss MDM.selection MDM.test print.MDM

### computes multivariate DM test for equal predictive accuracy (EPA) 
### of two or more non-nested forecasting models,
### as in R.S. Mariano and D. Preve (2012) 
### Statistical tests for multiple forecast comparison,
### Journal of Econometrics 169, 123-130
### d - kxP matrix with observations of d_t
###       k+1 - number of considered models
###       P - lenght of time-series
###       d_t = g(y.hat_1t - y.real_t ) - g(y.hat_2t - y.real_t), i.e.,
###       d_jt = g(e_jt) - g(e_j+1,t), j = 1,...,k,
###       where g is the loss function
### q - order of the VMA representation of d_t,
###     i.e., a lag length beyond which we are willing 
###     to assume that the correlation between d_t and d_t-h 
###     is essentially zero
### statistic - "S" for the basic version,
###             "Sc"  for the finite-sample correction
### the null hypothesis of EPA is E(d_t)=0

.in.MDM.test <- function(d,q,statistic)
    n <- deparse(substitute(d))
    G <- function(d,h)
        SCM <- matrix(0,nrow(d),nrow(d))
        for (t in (h+1):ncol(d))
            SCM <- SCM + (d[,t,drop=FALSE] - dbar) %*% t(d[,t-h,drop=FALSE] - dbar)
        SCM <- SCM / ncol(d)

    O <- function(d,q)
        SLRV <- G(d,0)
        if (q>0)
            for (h in 1:q)
                TEMP <- G(d,h)
                SLRV <- SLRV + TEMP + t(TEMP)

    dbar <- rowMeans(d)
    c <- 1 - (1 + 2 * q) / ncol(d) + q * (q+1) / (ncol(d))^2
    Om <- O(d,q)
    s <- as.vector(dbar) / sqrt(as.vector(abs(diag(Om))) / ncol(d))  
    S <- ncol(d) * t(dbar) %*% solve(Om) %*% dbar
    if (statistic=="Sc") 
        S <- c * S
    pval <- pchisq(q=S,df=nrow(d),lower.tail=FALSE)
    names(S) <- "statistic"
    names(q) <- "lag length"

    ret <- list(S,q,"Equal predictive accuracy does not hold.",pval,"multivariate Diebold-Mariano test",n)
    names(ret) <- c("statistic","parameter","alternative","p.value","method","data.name")
    class(ret) <-"htest"
    ret <- list(s,ret)

MDM.test <- function(realized,evaluated,q,statistic="Sc",loss.type="SE")
    n <- paste(deparse(substitute(realized)),deparse(substitute(evaluated)),sep=" and ")
    l <- loss(realized=realized,evaluated=evaluated,loss.type=loss.type)
    d <- d_t(l)
    out <- .in.MDM.test(d=d,q=q,statistic=statistic)[[2]]
    out$data.name <- n


### computes loss function for a set of forecasts
### realized - vector of realized values
### evaluated - (k+1)xP matrix of forecasts
###               P - length of time-series
###               k+1 - number of models
### loss.type - "SE" for squared errors,
###             "AE" for absolute errors,
###              "SPE" for squared proportional error
###                (useful if errors are heteroskedastic)
###                see S. J. Taylor, 2005. Asset Price Dynamics, Volatility, and Prediction,
###                Princeton University Press,
###             "ASE" for absolute scaled error (R. J. Hyndman, A. B. Koehler, 2006,
###               Another Look at Measures of Forecast Accuracy,
###               International Journal of Forecasting volume 22, 679-688, 
###             positive numeric value for loss function of type
###              exp(loss*errors)-1-loss*errors
###              (useful when it is more costly to underpredict y than to overpredict)
###              see U. Triacca,  Comparing Predictive Accuracy of Two Forecasts,
###              http://www.phdeconomics.sssup.it/documents/Lesson19.pdf 

loss <- function(realized,evaluated,loss.type)
    e <- evaluated
    for (i in 1:nrow(evaluated))
        e[i,] <- realized - as.vector(evaluated[i,])
    if (loss.type=="SE") 
        e <- e^2
    if (loss.type=="AE") 
        e <- abs(e)
    if (loss.type=="SPE") 
        for (i in 1:nrow(e))
            e[i,] <- (as.vector(e[i,]) / as.vector(evaluated[i,]))^2
    if (loss.type=="ASE") 
       for (i in 1:nrow(e))
            e[i,] <- abs(as.vector(e[i,])) / mean(abs(realized-c(NA,realized[-length(realized)]))[-1])   
       e <- e[,-1,drop=FALSE]
    if (is.numeric(loss.type)) 
        e <- exp(loss.type*e)-1-loss.type*e

### computes d_t based on loss function

d_t <- function(e)
    for (i in 1:(nrow(e)-1))
        e[i,] <- (as.vector(e[i,]) - as.vector(e[i+1,]))
    e <- e[-nrow(e),,drop=FALSE] 


MDM.selection <- function(realized,evaluated,q,alpha,statistic="Sc",loss.type="SE")
    p <- 0
    e <- evaluated
    models <- (1:nrow(e))
    if (is.null(rownames(e))) { rownames(e) <- seq(1:nrow(e)) }
    n.mods <- nrow(e)
    while(p<alpha && length(models)>1)
        d <- loss(realized=realized,evaluated=e,loss.type=loss.type)
        d <- d_t(d)
        mdm <- .in.MDM.test(d=d,q=q,statistic=statistic)
        p <- mdm[[2]]$p.value
        if (p<alpha)
            j <- which.max(abs(mdm[[1]]))
            if (mdm[[1]][j]>0)
                models <- models[-j]
                j.drop <- j
                models <- models[-(j+1)]
                j.drop <- j+1
            e <- e[-j.drop,,drop=FALSE]
            models <- (1:nrow(e))
    n.mods <- n.mods - nrow(e)
    ret <- matrix(NA,ncol=3,nrow=nrow(e))
    rownames(ret) <- rownames(e)
    ret[-nrow(ret),2] <- mdm[[1]]
    ret[-nrow(ret),1] <- rank(abs(ret[-nrow(ret),2]))
    ret[,3] <- rowMeans(loss(realized=realized,evaluated=e,loss.type=loss.type))

    colnames(ret) <- c("Rank","s","Mean loss")

    ret <- list(ret,as.numeric(p),alpha,n.mods)
    names(ret) <- c("outcomes","p.value","alpha","eliminated")
    class(ret) <- "MDM"
print.MDM <- function(x, ...)
    if (x[[2]]>x[[3]])
        cat("Models with outstanding predictive ability:")
        cat("p-value: ")
        cat("Number of eliminated models: ",x[[4]])
        cat("No models with outstanding predictive ability were found.")

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