
#' Convert a vector of hyphenated names into a character matrix.
#' Convert a vector of hyphenated names into a character matrix with 2 columns
#' containing the names split in each row.
#' If each element of x does not contain exactly 1 "sep" character, an error is
#' issued.
#' @param x Vector of hyphenated names
#' @param sep "strsplit" character to apply to names(x).
#' @return A character matrix with rownames = x and with the character string
#' preceding the "sep" character in the first column and the character string
#' following the "sep" character in the second column.
#' @author Spencer Graves
#' @seealso \code{\link{vec2mat}} \code{\link{multcompLetters}}
#' @keywords manip array
#' @export
#' @examples
#' vec2mat2(c("a-b", "a-c", "b-c"))
#' vec2mat2(c("a-b", "b-a"))
#' \dontshow{
#' (tst3 <- substring(try(
#'  vec2mat2(c("a", "b-a", "b-c"))), 1, 20)
#' =="Error in vec2mat2(c(")
#' # Error:  name without a sep character 
#' (tst4 <- substring(try(
#'  vec2mat2(c("a-c", "b-a", "b-c-d"))), 1, 20)
#' =="Error in vec2mat2(c(")
#' # Error:  multiple hyphens (sep characters)
#' } 
"vec2mat2" <-
function (x, sep = "-") 
    splits <- strsplit(x, sep)
    n.spl <- sapply(splits, length)
    if (any(n.spl != 2)) 
        stop("Names must contain exactly one '", sep, "' each;  instead got ", 
            paste(x, collapse = ", "))
    x2 <- t(as.matrix(as.data.frame(splits)))
    dimnames(x2) <- list(x, NULL)

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multcompView documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:01 p.m.