#' Fit a GLM with elastic net regularization for a path of lambda values
#' Fit a generalized linear model via penalized maximum likelihood for a path of
#' lambda values. Can deal with any GLM family.
#' `multiview.path` solves the elastic net problem for a path of lambda values.
#' It generalizes `multiview::multiview` in that it works for any GLM family.
#' Sometimes the sequence is truncated before `nlam` values of lambda
#' have been used. This happens when `multiview.path` detects that the decrease
#' in deviance is marginal (i.e. we are near a saturated fit).
#' @inheritParams multiview
#' @param x the `cbind`ed matrices in `x_list`
#' @param nvars the number of variables (total)
#' @param nobs the number of observations
#' @param xm the column means vector (could be zeros if `standardize = FALSE`)
#' @param xs the column std dev vector (could be 1s if `standardize = FALSE`)
#' @param control the multiview control object
#' @param vp the variable penalities (processed)
#' @param vnames the variable names
#' @param is.offset a flag indicating if offset is supplied or not
#' @param user_lambda a flag indicating if user supplied the lambda sequence
#' @param start_val the result of first call to `get_start`
#' @return An object with class `"multiview"` `"glmnetfit"` and `"glmnet"`
#' \item{a0}{Intercept sequence of length `length(lambda)`.}
#' \item{beta}{A `nvars x length(lambda)` matrix of coefficients, stored in
#' sparse matrix format.}
#' \item{df}{The number of nonzero coefficients for each value of lambda.}
#' \item{dim}{Dimension of coefficient matrix.}
#' \item{lambda}{The actual sequence of lambda values used. When alpha=0, the
#' largest lambda reported does not quite give the zero coefficients reported
#' (lambda=inf would in principle). Instead, the largest lambda for alpha=0.001
#' is used, and the sequence of lambda values is derived from this.}
#' \item{lambda}{The sequence of lambda values}
#' \item{mvlambda}{The corresponding sequence of multiview lambda values}
#' \item{dev.ratio}{The fraction of (null) deviance explained. The deviance
#' calculations incorporate weights if present in the model. The deviance is
#' defined to be 2*(loglike_sat - loglike), where loglike_sat is the log-likelihood
#' for the saturated model (a model with a free parameter per observation).
#' Hence dev.ratio=1-dev/nulldev.}
#' \item{nulldev}{Null deviance (per observation). This is defined to be
#' 2*(loglike_sat -loglike(Null)). The null model refers to the intercept model.}
#' \item{npasses}{Total passes over the data summed over all lambda values.}
#' \item{jerr}{Error flag, for warnings and errors (largely for internal
#' debugging).}
#' \item{offset}{A logical variable indicating whether an offset was included
#' in the model.}
#' \item{call}{The call that produced this object.}
#' \item{family}{Family used for the model.}
#' \item{nobs}{Number of observations.}
#' @import methods
#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix
# @examples
# set.seed(1)
# x <- matrix(rnorm(100 * 20), nrow = 100)
# z <- matrix(rnorm(100 * 20), nrow = 100)
# y <- ifelse(rnorm(100) > 0, 1, 0)
# # binomial with probit link
# fit1 <- multiview:::multiview.path(list(x, z), y, family = binomial(link = "probit"),
# x = cbind(x, z))
multiview.path <- function(x_list, y, rho = 0, weights = NULL,
lambda, nlambda, user_lambda = FALSE,
alpha = 1.0, offset = NULL, family = gaussian(),
standardize = TRUE, intercept = TRUE, thresh = 1e-7, maxit = 100000,
penalty.factor = rep(1.0, nvars), exclude = integer(0), lower.limits = -Inf,
upper.limits = Inf, = 0, x, nvars, nobs, xm, xs, control, vp, vnames, start_val, is.offset) {
## multiview.path <- function(x_list, y, rho = 0, weights = NULL, mvlambda = NULL, nlambda = 100,
## lambda.min.ratio = ifelse(nobs < nvars, 0.01, 0.0001),
## alpha = 1.0, offset = NULL, family = gaussian(),
## standardize = TRUE, intercept = TRUE, thresh = 1e-7, maxit = 100000,
## penalty.factor = rep(1.0, nvars), exclude = integer(0), lower.limits = -Inf,
## upper.limits = Inf, = 0, x) {
## ### Check on family argument
## if (is.function(family)) {
## family <- family()
## }
## ## Make lambda the multiview lambda
## ## Allows use of mvlambda parameter for idempotence.
## lambda <- mvlambda
## <-
## ## ## Prepare to reuse glmnetFlex code
## ## x <-, x_list)
## ## ## We need the std devs for other purposes, so we compute it
## ## xsd <- apply(x, 2, sd)
## ### Prepare all the generic arguments
## ## if (alpha > 1) {
## ## warning("alpha > 1; set to 1")
## ## alpha = 1
## ## } else if (alpha < 0) {
## ## warning("alpha < 0; set to 0")
## ## alpha = 0
## ## }
## alpha = as.double(alpha)
## np = dim(x)
## #if(is.null(np) || (np[2] <= 1)) stop("x should be a matrix with 2 or more columns")
## nobs = as.integer(np[1]); nvars = as.integer(np[2])
## # get feature variable names
## vnames=colnames(x)
## #if(is.null(vnames))vnames=paste("V",seq(nvars),sep="")
## # check weights
## if(is.null(weights)) weights = rep(1,nobs)
## else if (length(weights) != nobs)
## stop(paste("Number of elements in weights (",length(weights),
## ") not equal to the number of rows of x (",nobs,")",sep=""))
## weights <- as.double(weights)
## ## initialize from family function. Makes y a vector in case of binomial, and possibly changes weights
## ## Expects nobs to be defined, and creates n and mustart (neither used here)
## ## Some cases expect to see things, so we set it up just to make it work
## etastart=0;mustart=NULL;start=NULL
## eval(family$initialize)
## ##
## ## Just in case this was not done in initialize()
## y <- drop(y) # we don't like matrix responses
## is.offset <- !(is.null(offset))
## if (is.offset == FALSE) {
## offset <- as.double(y * 0) #keeps the shape of y
## }
## # infinite penalty factor vars are excluded
## if(any(penalty.factor == Inf)) {
## exclude = c(exclude, seq(nvars)[penalty.factor == Inf])
## exclude = sort(unique(exclude))
## }
## ## Compute weighted mean and variance of columns of x, sensitive to sparse matrix
## ## needed to detect constant columns below, and later if standarization
## meansd <- weighted_mean_sd(x, weights)
## ## look for constant variables, and if any, then add to exclude
## const_vars <- meansd$sd == 0
## nzvar <- setdiff(which(!const_vars), exclude)
## # if all the non-excluded variables have zero variance, throw error
## if (length(nzvar) == 0) stop("All used predictors have zero variance")
## ## if any constant vars, add to exclude
## if(any(const_vars)) {
## exclude <- sort(unique(c(which(const_vars),exclude)))
## meansd$sd[const_vars] <- 1.0 ## we divide later, and do not want bad numbers
## }
## if(length(exclude) > 0) {
## jd = match(exclude, seq(nvars), 0)
## if(!all(jd > 0)) stop ("Some excluded variables out of range")
## penalty.factor[jd] = 1 # ow can change lambda sequence
## }
## # check and standardize penalty factors (to sum to nvars)
## vp = pmax(0, penalty.factor)
## if (max(vp) <= 0) stop("All penalty factors are <= 0")
## vp = as.double(vp * nvars / sum(vp))
## ### check on limits
## control <- multiview.control()
## if (thresh >= control$epsnr)
## warning("thresh should be smaller than multiview.control()$epsnr",
## call. = FALSE)
## if(any(lower.limits > 0)){ stop("Lower limits should be non-positive") }
## if(any(upper.limits < 0)){ stop("Upper limits should be non-negative") }
## lower.limits[lower.limits == -Inf] = -control$big
## upper.limits[upper.limits == Inf] = control$big
## if (length(lower.limits) < nvars) {
## if(length(lower.limits) == 1) lower.limits = rep(lower.limits, nvars) else
## stop("Require length 1 or nvars lower.limits")
## } else lower.limits = lower.limits[seq(nvars)]
## if (length(upper.limits) < nvars) {
## if(length(upper.limits) == 1) upper.limits = rep(upper.limits, nvars) else
## stop("Require length 1 or nvars upper.limits")
## } else upper.limits = upper.limits[seq(nvars)]
## if (any(lower.limits == 0) || any(upper.limits == 0)) {
## ###Bounds of zero can mess with the lambda sequence and fdev;
## ###ie nothing happens and if fdev is not zero, the path can stop
## fdev <- multiview.control()$fdev
## if(fdev!= 0) {
## multiview.control(fdev = 0)
## on.exit(multiview.control(fdev = fdev))
## }
## }
## ### end check on limits
## ### end preparation of generic arguments
## # standardize x if necessary
## ## if (intercept) {
## ## xm <- meansd$mean
## ## } else {
## ## xm <- rep(0.0, times = nvars)
## ## }
## ## We handle intercept ourselves!
## xm <- rep(0.0, times = nvars)
## if (standardize) {
## xs <- meansd$sd
## } else {
## xs <- rep(1.0, times = nvars)
## }
## if (!inherits(x, "sparseMatrix")) {
## x <- scale(x, xm, xs)
## } else {
## attr(x, "xm") <- xm
## attr(x, "xs") <- xs
## }
## lower.limits <- lower.limits * xs
## upper.limits <- upper.limits * xs
## # get null deviance and lambda max
## start_val <- get_start(x, y, weights, family, intercept, is.offset,
## offset, exclude, vp, alpha)
## # work out lambda values
## nlam = as.integer(nlambda)
## user_lambda = FALSE # did user provide their own lambda values?
## if (is.null(lambda)) {
## if (lambda.min.ratio >= 1) stop("lambda.min.ratio should be less than 1")
## # compute lambda max: to add code here
## lambda_max <- start_val$lambda_max
## # compute lambda sequence
## ulam <- exp(seq(log(lambda_max), log(lambda_max * lambda.min.ratio),
## length.out = nlam))
## } else { # user provided lambda values
## user_lambda = TRUE
## if (any(lambda < 0)) stop("lambdas should be non-negative")
## ulam = as.double(rev(sort(lambda)))
## nlam = as.integer(length(lambda))
## }
## Up to this everything is already set up now because of standardization.
# start progress bar
if ( == 1) pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nlambda, style = 3)
glambda <- rep(1.0, nlambda) # the actual glmnet lambda sequence, initially the scale factor
a0 <- rep(NA, length = nlambda)
beta <- matrix(0, nrow = nvars, ncol = nlambda)
dev.ratio <- rep(NA, length = nlambda)
fit <- NULL
mnl <- min(nlambda, control$mnlam)
cur_lambda <- lambda
cur_lambda[1] <- if(user_lambda) lambda[1] else control$big
for (k in 1:nlambda) {
# get the correct lambda value to fit
## if (k > 1) {
## cur_lambda <- ulam[k]
## } else {
## cur_lambda <- if(user_lambda) ulam[k] else control$big
## }
## effective_lambda <- cur_lambda[k]
if ( == 2) cat("Fitting lambda index", k, ":", lambda[k], fill = TRUE)
fit <- = x_list,
x = x,
y = y,
rho = rho,
#weights = weights / sum(weights),
weights = weights,
lambda = cur_lambda[k],
alpha = alpha,
offset = offset,
family = family,
intercept = intercept,
thresh = thresh,
maxit = maxit,
penalty.factor = vp,
exclude = exclude,
lower.limits = lower.limits,
upper.limits = upper.limits,
warm = fit,
from.multiview.path = TRUE, = TRUE, =,
user_lambda = user_lambda)
if ( == 1) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, k)
# if error code non-zero, a non-fatal error must have occurred
# print warning, ignore this lambda value and return result
# for all previous lambda values
if (fit$jerr != 0) {
errmsg <- jerr.multiview(fit$jerr, maxit, k)
warning(errmsg$msg, call. = FALSE)
k <- k - 1
a0[k] <- fit$a0
beta[, k] <- as.matrix(fit$beta)
dev.ratio[k] <- fit$dev.ratio
glambda[k] <- fit$lambda_scale
# early stopping if dev.ratio almost 1 or no improvement
if (k >= mnl && user_lambda == FALSE) {
if (dev.ratio[k] > control$devmax) break
else if (k > 1) {
if (family$family == "gaussian") {
if (dev.ratio[k] - dev.ratio[k-1] < control$fdev * dev.ratio[k])
} else if (family$family == "poisson") {
if (dev.ratio[k] - dev.ratio[k - mnl + 1] <
10 * control$fdev * dev.ratio[k])
} else if (dev.ratio[k] - dev.ratio[k-1] < control$fdev) break
} # end of for(k in 1:nlam)
if ( == 1) {
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, nlambda)
cat("", fill = TRUE)
# truncate a0, beta, dev.ratio, lambda if necessary
if (k < nlambda) {
indices <- 1:k
a0 <- a0[indices]
beta <- beta[, indices, drop = FALSE]
dev.ratio <- dev.ratio[indices]
lambda <- lambda[indices]
glambda <- glambda[indices]
## So far glambda has merely been the scaling factor. Now fix it
## to reflect what it actually should be.
glambda <- glambda * lambda
# return coefficients to original scale (because of x standardization)
beta <- beta / xs
a0 <- a0 - colSums(beta * xm)
# output
stepnames <- paste0("s", 0:(length(lambda) - 1))
out <- list()
out$a0 <- a0
names(out$a0) <- stepnames
out$beta <- Matrix::Matrix(beta, sparse = TRUE,
dimnames = list(vnames, stepnames))
out$df <- colSums(abs(beta) > 0)
out$dim <- dim(beta)
## We always stick with the glmnet lambdas so as to concur with the case
## rho == 0. When rho == 0, we just call glmnet and the lambdas returned are
## the glmnet lambdas. They have the property of idempotence: call glmnet again with
## the returned lambda sequence returned and you get the same results.
## For rho > 0, this idempotence does not hold, which can be disconcerting!!
## This is because scales the lambda before calling glmnet:::elnet.
## So the lambda in the object should always be what glmnet routines were called with
## so as to use glmnet prediction methods etc. But we also store the unmodified lambdas
## as mvlambda, so that using mvlambda in the call will always guarantee idempotence
out$lambda <- glambda
out$mvlambda <- lambda
out$dev.ratio <- dev.ratio
out$nulldev <- start_val$nulldev
out$npasses <- fit$npasses
out$jerr <- fit$jerr
out$offset <- is.offset
## out$call <-
out$family <- family
out$nobs <- nobs
## ## We also need the standard deviations
## out$xsd <- xsd
#class(out) <- c("multiview", "glmnetfit", "glmnet")
class(out) <- c("glmnetfit", "glmnet")
#' Fit a GLM with elastic net regularization for a single value of
#' lambda
#' Fit a generalized linear model via penalized maximum likelihood for
#' a single value of lambda. Can deal with any GLM family.
#' WARNING: Users should not call ``
#' directly. Higher-level functions in this package call
#' `` as a subroutine. If a warm start object is
#' provided, some of the other arguments in the function may be
#' overriden.
#' `` solves the elastic net problem for a _single,
#' user-specified_ value of lambda. `` works for any GLM
#' family. It solves the problem using iteratively reweighted least
#' squares (IRLS). For each IRLS iteration, `` makes a
#' quadratic (Newton) approximation of the log-likelihood, then calls
#' `` to minimize the resulting approximation.
#' In terms of standardization: `` does not standardize
#' `x` and `weights`. `penalty.factor` is standardized so that to sum
#' to `nvars`.
#' @inheritParams multiview.path
#' @param x the column-binded entries of `x_list`
#' @param lambda A single value for the `lambda` hyperparameter.
#' @param maxit Maximum number of passes over the data; default is
#' `10^5`. (If a warm start object is provided, the number of
#' passes the warm start object performed is included.)
#' @param warm Either a `multiview` object or a list (with names
#' `beta` and `a0` containing coefficients and intercept
#' respectively) which can be used as a warm start. Default is
#' `NULL`, indicating no warm start. For internal use only.
#' @param from.multiview.path Was `` called from
#' `multiview.path()`? Default is `FALSE`.This has implications for
#' computation of the penalty factors.
#' @param Return the warm start object? Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param Controls how much information is printed to
#' screen. If ` = 2`, some information about the fitting
#' procedure is printed to the console as the model is being
#' fitted. Default is ` = 0` (no information
#' printed). (` = 1` not used for compatibility with
#' `multiview.path`.)
#' @return An object with class `"multiview"`. The list
#' returned contains more keys than that of a `"multiview"` object.
#' \item{a0}{Intercept value.}
#' \item{beta}{A `nvars` by `1` matrix of coefficients, stored in sparse matrix
#' format.}
#' \item{df}{The number of nonzero coefficients.}
#' \item{dim}{Dimension of coefficient matrix.}
#' \item{lambda}{Lambda value used.}
#' \item{lambda_scale}{The multiview lambda scale factor}
#' \item{dev.ratio}{The fraction of (null) deviance explained. The deviance
#' calculations incorporate weights if present in the model. The deviance is
#' defined to be 2*(loglike_sat - loglike), where loglike_sat is the log-likelihood
#' for the saturated model (a model with a free parameter per observation).
#' Hence dev.ratio=1-dev/nulldev.}
#' \item{nulldev}{Null deviance (per observation). This is defined to be
#' 2*(loglike_sat -loglike(Null)). The null model refers to the intercept model.}
#' \item{npasses}{Total passes over the data.}
#' \item{jerr}{Error flag, for warnings and errors (largely for internal
#' debugging).}
#' \item{offset}{A logical variable indicating whether an offset was included
#' in the model.}
#' \item{call}{The call that produced this object.}
#' \item{nobs}{Number of observations.}
#' \item{warm_fit}{If ` = TRUE`, output of C++ routine, used for
#' warm starts. For internal use only.}
#' \item{family}{Family used for the model.}
#' \item{converged}{A logical variable: was the algorithm judged to have
#' converged?}
#' \item{boundary}{A logical variable: is the fitted value on the boundary of
#' the attainable values?}
#' \item{obj_function}{Objective function value at the solution.}
#' @importFrom stats gaussian
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' <- function(x_list, x, y, rho, weights, lambda, alpha = 1.0,
offset = rep(0, nobs), family = gaussian(),
intercept = TRUE, thresh = 1e-7, maxit = 100000,
penalty.factor = rep(1.0, nvars), exclude = c(), lower.limits = -Inf,
upper.limits = Inf, warm = NULL, from.multiview.path = FALSE, = FALSE, = 0, user_lambda = FALSE) { <-
control <- multiview.control()
nviews <- length(x_list)
p_x <- lapply(x_list, ncol)
ends <- cumsum(p_x)
starts <- c(1, ends[-nviews] + 1)
### Prepare all the generic arguments
nobs <- nrow(x)
nvars <- ncol(x)
is.offset <- !(missing(offset))
if (is.offset == FALSE) {
offset <- as.double(y * 0) #keeps the shape of y
} else if (is.null(offset)) {
offset <- rep(0, nobs)
is.offset = FALSE
x_list <- lapply(split(seq_len(nvars), rep(seq_along(p_x), p_x)), function(ind) x[, ind])
beta_indices <- mapply(, starts, ends, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
pairs <- apply(utils::combn(nviews, 2), 2, identity, simplify = FALSE)
view_components <- lapply(pairs,
function(pair) {
i <- pair[1L]; j <- pair[2L];
list(index = list(beta_indices[[i]], beta_indices[[j]]),
x = list(x_list[[i]], x_list[[j]]))
# add xm and xs attributes if they are missing for sparse x
# assumes that x is already standardized. Any standardization
# the user wants should be done beforehand.
if (inherits(x, "sparseMatrix")) {
if ("xm" %in% names(attributes(x)) == FALSE)
attr(x, "xm") <- rep(0.0, times = nvars)
if ("xs" %in% names(attributes(x)) == FALSE)
attr(x, "xs") <- rep(1.0, times = nvars)
# if calling from glmnet.path(), we do not need to check on exclude
# and penalty.factor arguments as they have been prepared by glmnet.path()
if (!from.multiview.path) {
# check and standardize penalty factors (to sum to nvars)
if(any(penalty.factor == Inf)) {
exclude = c(exclude, seq(nvars)[penalty.factor == Inf])
exclude = sort(unique(exclude))
if(length(exclude) > 0) {
jd = match(exclude, seq(nvars), 0)
if(!all(jd > 0)) stop ("Some excluded variables out of range")
penalty.factor[jd] = 1 # ow can change lambda sequence
vp = pmax(0, penalty.factor)
vp = as.double(vp * nvars / sum(vp))
} else {
vp <- as.double(penalty.factor)
### check on limits
## lower.limits[lower.limits == -Inf] = -control$big
## upper.limits[upper.limits == Inf] = control$big
## if (length(lower.limits) < nvars)
## lower.limits = rep(lower.limits, nvars) else
## lower.limits = lower.limits[seq(nvars)]
## if (length(upper.limits) < nvars)
## upper.limits = rep(upper.limits, nvars) else
## upper.limits = upper.limits[seq(nvars)]
### end check on limits
### end preparation of generic arguments
# get the relevant family functions
variance <- family$variance
linkinv <- family$linkinv
if (!is.function(variance) || !is.function(linkinv))
stop("'family' argument seems not to be a valid family object",
call. = FALSE)
mu.eta <- family$mu.eta
unless.null <- function(x, if.null) if (is.null(x))
else x
valideta <- unless.null(family$valideta, function(eta) TRUE)
validmu <- unless.null(family$validmu, function(mu) TRUE)
# computation of null deviance (get mu in the process)
if (is.null(warm)) {
start_val <- get_start(x, y, weights, family, intercept, is.offset,
offset, exclude, vp, alpha)
nulldev <- start_val$nulldev
mu <- start_val$mu
fit <- NULL
coefold <- rep(0, nvars) # initial coefs = 0
eta <- family$linkfun(mu)
intold <- (eta - offset)[1]
} else {
if ("glmnetfit" %in% class(warm)) {
if (!inherits(warm$warm_fit, "warmfit")) stop("Invalid warm start object")
fit <- warm
nulldev <- fit$nulldev
coefold <- fit$warm_fit$a # prev value for coefficients
intold <- fit$warm_fit$aint # prev value for intercept
eta <- get_eta(x, coefold, intold)
mu <- linkinv(eta <- eta + offset)
} else if ("list" %in% class(warm) && "a0" %in% names(warm) &&
"beta" %in% names(warm)) {
nulldev <- get_start(x, y, weights, family, intercept, is.offset,
offset, exclude, vp, alpha)$nulldev
fit <- warm
coefold <- fit$beta # prev value for coefficients
intold <- fit$a0 # prev value for intercept
eta <- get_eta(x, coefold, intold)
mu <- linkinv(eta <- eta + offset)
} else {
stop("Invalid warm start object")
if (!(validmu(mu) && valideta(eta)))
stop("cannot find valid starting values: please specify some",
call. = FALSE)
start <- NULL # current value for coefficients
start_int <- NULL # current value for intercept
obj_val_old <- obj_function(y, mu, weights, family, lambda, alpha, coefold, vp, view_components, rho)
if ( == 2) {
cat("Warm Start Objective:", obj_val_old, fill = TRUE)
## precompute the fixed offset vector for the larger problem
g_offset <- c(offset, rep(offset, length(pairs))) #NOTE!!
conv <- FALSE # converged?
sum_weights <- sum(weights)
# IRLS loop
for (iter in 1L:control$mxitnr) {
# some checks for NAs/zeros
xx <- x
varmu <- variance(mu)
if (anyNA(varmu)) stop("NAs in V(mu)")
if (any(varmu == 0)) stop("0s in V(mu)")
mu.eta.val <- mu.eta(eta)
if (any( stop("NAs in d(mu)/d(eta)")
# compute working response and weights
zz <- (eta - offset) + (y - mu)/mu.eta.val
w <- (weights * mu.eta.val^2)/variance(mu)
# have to update the weighted residual in our fit object
# (in theory g and iy should be updated too, but we actually recompute g
# and iy anyway in wls.f)
## if (!is.null(fit)) {
## fit$warm_fit$r <- w * (zz - eta + offset)
## }
w_sum <- sum(w)
w_std <- w / sum(w)
mzz <- sum(w * zz) / w_sum
zzc <- zz - mzz
mx <- apply(xx, 2, function(x) sum(w_std * x))
if (!inherits(xx, "sparseMatrix")) {
xx <- sweep(xx, 2L, mx, check.margin = FALSE)
} else {
attr(xx, "xm") <- mx
attr(xx, "xs") <- rep(1.0, times = nvars)
nx_list <- lapply(x_list, function(mat) {
column_means <- apply(mat, 2, function(column) sum(w_std * column))
sweep(mat, 2L, column_means, check.margin = FALSE)
features <- xx
target <- zzc
rows <- lapply(pairs, make_row, x_list = nx_list, p_x = p_x, rho = rho )
features <-, c(list(features), rows))
target <- c(target, rep(0, length(pairs) * nobs))
w <- c(w, rep(weights, length(pairs))) #NOTE!!
w_sum <- sum(w)
w_std <- w / w_sum
if (!is.null(fit)) {
## features and w_std below will have the right dimension from previous iteration!
g_offset <- c(offset, rep(offset, length(pairs)))
g_eta <- get_eta(features, fit$warm$a, 0) ## intercept is zero for larger fit!
fit$warm_fit$r <- w_std * (target - g_eta + g_offset)
#cat(sprintf("SW is %f\n", w_sum))
## NOTE: sum(weights) below takes care of glmnet parameterization lambda -> lambda * n!
if (user_lambda) {
lambda2 <- lambda
} else {
lambda2 <- lambda * sum_weights / w_sum
#cat(sprintf("Sum wt: %f Our Lambda%f\n", w_sum, lambda2))
## fit <-, target, lambda = lambda2, weights = w_std,
## intercept = FALSE, from.glmnet.path = TRUE, = TRUE, = 2)
## TODO: We don't use warm starts yet!
## To do that, we need to recompute the residuals else the fit fails
## Which is why `warm = fit` is commented out below.
fit <- = features, y = target, weights = w_std,
lambda = lambda2, alpha = alpha,
exclude = exclude,
intercept = FALSE, = TRUE, = TRUE,
thresh = thresh, maxit = maxit,
upper.limits = upper.limits, penalty.factor = vp, warm = fit
if (fit$jerr != 0) return(list(jerr = fit$jerr))
# update coefficients, eta, mu and obj_val
start <- fit$warm_fit$a
#start_int <- fit$warm_fit$aint
start_int <- mzz - sum(mx * start)
eta <- get_eta(x, start, start_int)
mu <- linkinv(eta <- eta + offset)
obj_val <- obj_function(y, mu, weights, family, lambda, alpha, start, vp, view_components, rho)
if ( == 2) cat("Iteration", iter, "Objective:", obj_val, fill = TRUE)
boundary <- FALSE
halved <- FALSE # did we have to halve the step size?
# if objective function is not finite, keep halving the stepsize until it is finite
# for the halving step, we probably have to adjust fit$g as well?
if (!is.finite(obj_val) || obj_val > control$big) {
warning("Infinite objective function!", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(coefold) || is.null(intold))
stop("no valid set of coefficients has been found: please supply starting values",
call. = FALSE)
warning("step size truncated due to divergence", call. = FALSE)
ii <- 1
while (!is.finite(obj_val) || obj_val > control$big) {
if (ii > control$mxitnr)
stop("inner loop 1; cannot correct step size", call. = FALSE)
ii <- ii + 1
start <- (start + coefold)/2
start_int <- (start_int + intold)/2
eta <- get_eta(x, start, start_int)
mu <- linkinv(eta <- eta + offset)
obj_val <- obj_function(y, mu, weights, family, lambda, alpha, start, vp, view_components, rho)
if ( == 2) cat("Iteration", iter, " Halved step 1, Objective:",
obj_val, fill = TRUE)
boundary <- TRUE
halved <- TRUE
# if some of the new eta or mu are invalid, keep halving stepsize until valid
if (!(valideta(eta) && validmu(mu))) {
warning("Invalid eta/mu!", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(coefold) || is.null(intold))
stop("no valid set of coefficients has been found: please supply starting values",
call. = FALSE)
warning("step size truncated: out of bounds", call. = FALSE)
ii <- 1
while (!(valideta(eta) && validmu(mu))) {
if (ii > control$mxitnr)
stop("inner loop 2; cannot correct step size", call. = FALSE)
ii <- ii + 1
start <- (start + coefold)/2
start_int <- (start_int + intold)/2
eta <- get_eta(x, start, start_int)
mu <- linkinv(eta <- eta + offset)
boundary <- TRUE
halved <- TRUE
obj_val <- obj_function(y, mu, weights, family, lambda, alpha, start, vp, view_components, rho)
if ( == 2) cat("Iteration", iter, " Halved step 2, Objective:", obj_val, fill = TRUE)
# extra halving step if objective function value actually increased
if (obj_val > obj_val_old + 1e-7) {
ii <- 1
while (obj_val > obj_val_old + 1e-7) {
##cat(sprintf("Iter: %d, Diff: %10.f\n", ii, obj_val - obj_val_old))
if (ii > control$mxitnr)
stop("inner loop 3; cannot correct step size", call. = FALSE)
ii <- ii + 1
start <- (start + coefold)/2
start_int <- (start_int + intold)/2
eta <- get_eta(x, start, start_int)
mu <- linkinv(eta <- eta + offset)
obj_val <- obj_function(y, mu, weights, family, lambda, alpha, start, vp, view_components, rho)
if ( == 2) cat(sprintf("Iteration %d, Halved step 3, Objective: %.10f\n", iter, obj_val))
halved <- TRUE
# if we did any halving, we have to update the coefficients, intercept
# and weighted residual in the warm_fit object
if (halved) {
fit$warm_fit$a <- start
fit$warm_fit$aint <- start_int
g_eta <- get_eta(features, start, 0) ## intercept is zero for larger fit!
fit$warm_fit$r <- w_std * (target - g_eta) + g_offset
# test for convergence
if (abs(obj_val - obj_val_old)/(0.1 + abs(obj_val)) < control$epsnr) {
conv <- TRUE
else {
coefold <- start
intold <- start_int
obj_val_old <- obj_val
# end of IRLS loop
## Fix up a0 for coeff!
fit$a0 <- start_int
## The scale below is used to determine the actual lambda seq for multiview
if (user_lambda) {
fit$lambda_scale <- 1
} else {
fit$lambda_scale <- sum_weights / w_sum
# checks on convergence and fitted values
if (!conv)
warning(" algorithm did not converge", call. = FALSE)
if (boundary)
warning(" algorithm stopped at boundary value", call. = FALSE)
# some extra warnings, printed only if == 2
if ( == 2) {
eps <- 10 * .Machine$double.eps
if ((family$family == "binomial") && (any(mu > 1 - eps) || any(mu < eps)))
warning(" fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred",
call. = FALSE)
if ((family$family == "poisson") && (any(mu < eps)))
warning(" fitted rates numerically 0 occurred",
call. = FALSE)
# prepare output object
if ( == FALSE) {
fit$warm_fit <- NULL
# overwrite values from object
fit$call <-
fit$offset <- is.offset
fit$nulldev <- nulldev
fit$dev.ratio <- 1 - dev_function(y, mu, weights, family) / nulldev
##fit$dev.ratio <- 1 - dev_function(y, mu, w_std, family) / nulldev
# add new key-value pairs to list
fit$family <- family
fit$converged <- conv
fit$boundary <- boundary
fit$obj_function <- obj_val
class(fit) <- c("multiview", "glmnetfit", "glmnet")
jerr.multiview <- function (n, maxit, k = NULL) {
if (n == 0) {
list(n = 0, fatal = FALSE, msg = "")
} else if (n > 0) {
# fatal error
fatal <- TRUE
msg <- ifelse(n < 7777,
"Memory allocation error; contact package maintainer",
"Unknown error")
} else {
# non-fatal error
fatal <- FALSE
msg <- paste("Convergence for ", k, "th lambda value not reached after maxit=",
maxit, " iterations; solutions for larger lambdas returned",
sep = "")
list(n = n, fatal = fatal, msg = msg)
#' Solve weighted least squares (WLS) problem for a single lambda value
#' Solves the weighted least squares (WLS) problem for a single lambda value. Internal
#' function that users should not call directly.
#' WARNING: Users should not call \code{} directly. Higher-level functions
#' in this package call \code{} as a subroutine. If a warm start object
#' is provided, some of the other arguments in the function may be overriden.
#' \code{} is essentially a wrapper around a C++ subroutine which
#' minimizes
#' \deqn{1/2 \sum w_i (y_i - X_i^T \beta)^2 + \sum \lambda \gamma_j
#' [(1-\alpha)/2 \beta^2+\alpha|\beta|],}
#' over \eqn{\beta}, where \eqn{\gamma_j} is the relative penalty factor on the
#' jth variable. If \code{intercept = TRUE}, then the term in the first sum is
#' \eqn{w_i (y_i - \beta_0 - X_i^T \beta)^2}, and we are minimizing over both
#' \eqn{\beta_0} and \eqn{\beta}.
#' None of the inputs are standardized except for \code{penalty.factor}, which
#' is standardized so that they sum up to \code{nvars}.
#' @param x Input matrix, of dimension \code{nobs x nvars}; each row is an
#' observation vector. If it is a sparse matrix, it is assumed to be unstandardized.
#' It should have attributes \code{xm} and \code{xs}, where \code{xm(j)} and
#' \code{xs(j)} are the centering and scaling factors for variable j respsectively.
#' If it is not a sparse matrix, it is assumed that any standardization needed
#' has already been done.
#' @param y Quantitative response variable.
#' @param weights Observation weights. \code{} does NOT standardize
#' these weights.
#' @param lambda A single value for the \code{lambda} hyperparameter.
#' @param alpha The elasticnet mixing parameter, with \eqn{0 \le \alpha \le 1}.
#' The penalty is defined as \deqn{(1-\alpha)/2||\beta||_2^2+\alpha||\beta||_1.}
#' \code{alpha=1} is the lasso penalty, and \code{alpha=0} the ridge penalty.
#' @param intercept Should intercept be fitted (default=TRUE) or set to zero (FALSE)?
#' @param thresh Convergence threshold for coordinate descent. Each inner
#' coordinate-descent loop continues until the maximum change in the objective
#' after any coefficient update is less than thresh times the null deviance.
#' Default value is \code{1e-7}.
#' @param maxit Maximum number of passes over the data; default is \code{10^5}.
#' (If a warm start object is provided, the number of passes the warm start object
#' performed is included.)
#' @param penalty.factor Separate penalty factors can be applied to each
#' coefficient. This is a number that multiplies \code{lambda} to allow differential
#' shrinkage. Can be 0 for some variables, which implies no shrinkage, and that
#' variable is always included in the model. Default is 1 for all variables (and
#' implicitly infinity for variables listed in exclude). Note: the penalty
#' factors are internally rescaled to sum to \code{nvars}.
#' @param exclude Indices of variables to be excluded from the model. Default is
#' none. Equivalent to an infinite penalty factor.
#' @param lower.limits Vector of lower limits for each coefficient; default
#' \code{-Inf}. Each of these must be non-positive. Can be presented as a single
#' value (which will then be replicated), else a vector of length \code{nvars}.
#' @param upper.limits Vector of upper limits for each coefficient; default
#' \code{Inf}. See \code{lower.limits}.
#' @param warm Either a \code{glmnetfit} object or a list (with names \code{beta}
#' and \code{a0} containing coefficients and intercept respectively) which can
#' be used as a warm start. Default is \code{NULL}, indicating no warm start.
#' For internal use only.
#' @param Was \code{} called from \code{}?
#' Default is FALSE.This has implications for computation of the penalty factors.
#' @param Return the warm start object? Default is FALSE.
#' @return An object with class "glmnetfit" and "glmnet". The list returned has
#' the same keys as that of a \code{glmnet} object, except that it might have an
#' additional \code{warm_fit} key.
#' \item{a0}{Intercept value.}
#' \item{beta}{A \code{nvars x 1} matrix of coefficients, stored in sparse matrix
#' format.}
#' \item{df}{The number of nonzero coefficients.}
#' \item{dim}{Dimension of coefficient matrix.}
#' \item{lambda}{Lambda value used.}
#' \item{dev.ratio}{The fraction of (null) deviance explained. The deviance
#' calculations incorporate weights if present in the model. The deviance is
#' defined to be 2*(loglike_sat - loglike), where loglike_sat is the log-likelihood
#' for the saturated model (a model with a free parameter per observation).
#' Hence dev.ratio=1-dev/nulldev.}
#' \item{nulldev}{Null deviance (per observation). This is defined to be
#' 2*(loglike_sat -loglike(Null)). The null model refers to the intercept model.}
#' \item{npasses}{Total passes over the data.}
#' \item{jerr}{Error flag, for warnings and errors (largely for internal
#' debugging).}
#' \item{offset}{Always FALSE, since offsets do not appear in the WLS problem.
#' Included for compability with glmnet output.}
#' \item{call}{The call that produced this object.}
#' \item{nobs}{Number of observations.}
#' \item{warm_fit}{If \code{}, output of C++ routine, used for
#' warm starts. For internal use only.}
#' <- function(x, y, weights, lambda, alpha = 1.0, intercept = TRUE,
thresh = 1e-7, maxit = 100000,
penalty.factor = rep(1.0, nvars), exclude = c(),
lower.limits = -Inf, upper.limits = Inf, warm = NULL, = FALSE, = FALSE) { <-
internal.parms <- multiview.control()
# compute null deviance
ybar <- weighted.mean(y, weights)
nulldev <- sum(weights * (y - ybar)^2)
# if class "glmnetfit" warmstart object provided, pull whatever we want out of it
# else, prepare arguments, then check if coefs provided as warmstart
# (if only coefs are given as warmstart, we prepare the other arguments
# as if no warmstart was provided)
if (!is.null(warm) && "glmnetfit" %in% class(warm)) {
warm <- warm$warm_fit
if (!inherits(warm, "warmfit")) stop("Invalid warm start object")
a <- warm$a
aint <- warm$aint
alm0 <- warm$almc
cl <- warm$cl
g <- warm$g
ia <- warm$ia
iy <- warm$iy
iz <- warm$iz
ju <- warm$ju
m <- warm$m
mm <- warm$mm
nino <- warm$nino
nobs <- warm$no
nvars <- warm$ni
nlp <- warm$nlp
nx <- warm$nx
r <- warm$r
rsqc <- warm$rsqc
xv <- warm$xv
vp <- warm$vp
} else {
nobs <- as.integer(nrow(x))
nvars <- as.integer(ncol(x))
# if calling from, we do not need to check on exclude
# and penalty.factor arguments as they have been prepared by
# Also exclude will include variance 0 columns
if (! {
# check and standardize penalty factors (to sum to nvars)
if(any(penalty.factor == Inf)) {
exclude = c(exclude, seq(nvars)[penalty.factor == Inf])
exclude = sort(unique(exclude))
if(length(exclude) > 0) {
jd = match(exclude, seq(nvars), 0)
if(!all(jd > 0)) stop ("Some excluded variables out of range")
penalty.factor[jd] = 1 # ow can change lambda sequence
vp = pmax(0, penalty.factor)
vp = as.double(vp * nvars / sum(vp))
} else {
vp <- as.double(penalty.factor)
# compute ju
# assume that there are no constant variables
ju <- rep(1, nvars)
ju[exclude] <- 0
ju <- as.integer(ju)
# compute cl from lower.limits and upper.limits
lower.limits[lower.limits == -Inf] <- -internal.parms$big
upper.limits[upper.limits == Inf] <- internal.parms$big
if (length(lower.limits) < nvars)
lower.limits = rep(lower.limits, nvars) else
lower.limits = lower.limits[seq(nvars)]
if (length(upper.limits) < nvars)
upper.limits = rep(upper.limits, nvars) else
upper.limits = upper.limits[seq(nvars)]
cl <- rbind(lower.limits, upper.limits)
storage.mode(cl) = "double"
nx <- as.integer(nvars)
a <- double(nvars)
aint <- double(1)
alm0 <- double(1)
g <- double(nvars)
ia <- integer(nx)
iy <- integer(nvars)
iz <- integer(1)
m <- as.integer(1)
mm <- integer(nvars)
nino <- integer(1)
nlp <- integer(1)
r <- weights * y
rsqc <- double(1)
xv <- double(nvars)
# check if coefs were provided as warmstart: if so, use them
if (!is.null(warm)) {
if ("list" %in% class(warm) && "a0" %in% names(warm) &&
"beta" %in% names(warm)) {
a <- as.double(warm$beta)
aint <- as.double(warm$a0)
mu <- drop(x %*% a + aint)
r <- weights * (y - mu)
rsqc <- 1 - sum(weights * (y - mu)^2) / nulldev
} else {
stop("Invalid warm start object")
# for the parameters here, we are overriding the values provided by the
# warmstart object
alpha <- as.double(alpha)
almc <- as.double(lambda)
intr <- as.integer(intercept)
jerr <- integer(1)
maxit <- as.integer(maxit)
thr <- as.double(thresh)
v <- as.double(weights) <- a[0] <-[0] # induce a copy
# take out components of x and run C++ subroutine
if (inherits(x, "sparseMatrix")) {
xm <- as.double(attr(x, "xm"))
xs <- as.double(attr(x, "xs"))
wls_fit <- spwls_exp(alm0=alm0,almc=almc,alpha=alpha,m=m,no=nobs,ni=nvars,
} else {
wls_fit <- wls_exp(alm0=alm0,almc=almc,alpha=alpha,m=m,no=nobs,ni=nvars,
# if error code > 0, fatal error occurred: stop immediately
# if error code < 0, non-fatal error occurred: return error code
if (wls_fit$jerr > 0) {
errmsg <- jerr.glmnetfit(wls_fit$jerr, maxit)
stop(errmsg$msg, call. = FALSE)
} else if (wls_fit$jerr < 0)
return(list(jerr = wls_fit$jerr))
warm_fit <- wls_fit[c("almc", "r", "xv", "ju", "vp", "cl", "nx",
"a", "aint", "g", "ia", "iy", "iz", "mm", "nino",
"rsqc", "nlp")]
warm_fit[['m']] <- m
warm_fit[['no']] <- nobs
warm_fit[['ni']] <- nvars
class(warm_fit) <- "warmfit"
beta <- Matrix::Matrix(wls_fit$a, sparse = TRUE)
out <- list(a0 = wls_fit$aint, beta = beta, df = sum(abs(beta) > 0),
dim = dim(beta), lambda = lambda, dev.ratio = wls_fit$rsqc,
nulldev = nulldev, npasses = wls_fit$nlp, jerr = wls_fit$jerr,
offset = FALSE, call =, nobs = nobs, warm_fit = warm_fit)
if ( == FALSE) {
out$warm_fit <- NULL
class(out) <- c("glmnetfit", "glmnet")
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