# x a vector containing the x coordinates of the rectangular data grid. Must be increasing.
# y a vector containing the y coordinates of the rectangular data grid. Must be increasing.
# z a matrix containing the z[i,j] data values for the grid points (x[i],y[j]).
# x0 vector of x coordinates, at which to interpolate
# y0 vector of y coordinates, at which to interpolate
# Warning: If x and y are not regular, then the spline is not C^1
bicubicCardinal <- function( x, y, z, x0, y0 )
# check validity
lenx = length(x)
if( lenx != nrow(z) )
log.string( ERROR, "length(x)=%d != %d=nrow(z)", length(x), nrow(z) )
leny = length(y)
if( leny != ncol(z) )
log.string( ERROR, "length(y)=%d != %d=ncol(z)", length(y), ncol(z) )
n = length(y0)
if( length(x0) != n )
log.string( ERROR, "length(x0)=%d != %d=length(y0)", length(x0), n )
zout = rep( NA_real_, n )
i = findInterval( x0, x, rightmost.closed=FALSE ) #; print(i)
j = findInterval( y0, y, rightmost.closed=FALSE )
zz = rep( NA_real_, leny )
for( k in 1:n )
i0 = i[k]
if( i0==0 || x[lenx] < x0[k] ) next # outside the rectangle
j0 = j[k]
if( j0==0 || y[leny] < y0[k] ) next # outside the rectangle
xexact = (x0[k] == x[i0])
yexact = (y0[k] == y[j0])
if( xexact && yexact )
# exactly on a grid point. If one of the neighbors is NA it does not matter
zout[k] = z[ i0, j0 ] #; log.string( INFO, "Exactly on grid point %g,%g", x0[k], y0[k] )
if( xexact )
# on a gridline, so it reduces to splineCardinal()
zout[k] = splineCardinal( y, z[i0, ], y0[k] )
if( yexact )
# on a gridline, so it reduces to splineCardinal()
zout[k] = splineCardinal( x, z[ ,j0], x0[k] )
jseq = max(j0-1,1) : min(j0+2,leny) # ; print(jseq)
#for( jj in jseq )
# zz[jj] = splineCardinal( x, z[ ,jj], x0[k] )
res = splineCardinal( x, z[ ,jseq], x0[k] ) #; print(zz)
if( is.null(res) ) next
z4 = zz
z4[ jseq ] = res
zout[k] = splineCardinal( y, z4, y0[k] )
return( list( x=x0, y=y0, z=zout ) )
# x a vector containing the x coordinates of the rectangular data grid. Must be increasing.
# y a vector containing the y coordinates of the rectangular data grid. Must be increasing.
# z a matrix containing the z[i,j] data values for the grid points (x[i],y[j]).
# x0 vector of x coordinates, at which to interpolate
# y0 vector of y coordinates, at which to interpolate
# the name comes from the fact that this calls stats::approx()
bilinearApprox <- function( x, y, z, x0, y0 )
# check validity
lenx = length(x)
if( lenx != nrow(z) )
log.string( ERROR, "length(x)=%d != %d=nrow(z)", length(x), nrow(z) )
leny = length(y)
if( leny != ncol(z) )
log.string( ERROR, "length(y)=%d != %d=ncol(z)", length(y), ncol(z) )
n = length(y0)
if( length(x0) != n )
log.string( ERROR, "length(x0)=%d != %d=length(y0)", length(x0), n )
zout = rep( NA_real_, n )
i = findInterval( x0, x, rightmost.closed=FALSE ) #; print(i)
j = findInterval( y0, y, rightmost.closed=FALSE )
for( k in 1:n )
i0 = i[k]
if( i0==0 || x[lenx] < x0[k] ) next # outside the rectangle
j0 = j[k]
if( j0==0 || y[leny] < y0[k] ) next # outside the rectangle
xexact = (x0[k] == x[i0])
yexact = (y0[k] == y[j0])
if( xexact && yexact )
# exactly on a grid point. If one of the neighbors is NA it does not matter
zout[k] = z[ i0, j0 ] #; log.string( INFO, "Exactly on grid point %g,%g", x0[k], y0[k] )
if( xexact )
# on a gridline, so it reduces to approx()
zout[k] = stats::approx( y, z[i0, ], y0[k] )$y
if( yexact )
# on a gridline, so it reduces to splineCardinal()
zout[k] = stats::approx( x, z[ ,j0], x0[k] )$y
jseq = j0 : min(j0+1,leny) # ; print(jseq)
zz = rep( NA_real_, leny )
for( jj in jseq )
zz[jj] = stats::approx( x, z[ ,jj], x0[k] )$y
zout[k] = stats::approx( y, zz, y0[k] )$y
return( list( x=x0, y=y0, z=zout ) )
# x N-vector of points, must be increasing. If the spline is to be C^1, then x must be regular
# y N-vector giving values at x. y can also be an NxP matrix.
# y can have NA values and it will still work, as long as the subset actually referenced are not NA
# xout M-vector of new points at which to evaluate
# return value:
# if y is an N-vector, then a M-vector
# if y is an NxP matrix, then an MxP matrix
# Warning: If x is not regular, then the spline is not C^1
splineCardinal <- function( x, y, xout )
C = matrix( c(-0.5,1,-0.5,0, 1.5,-2.5,0,1, -1.5,2,0.5,0, 0.5,-0.5,0,0), 4, 4 )
#a = 0.5 this is the only a that has the linear-accuracy property
#C = matrix( c(-a,2*a,-a,0, 2-a,a-3,0,1, a-2,3-2*a,a,0, a,-a,0,0 ), 4, 4 )
forcemat = is.null( dim(y) )
if( forcemat )
# make y into a matrix with 1 column
dim(y) = c(length(y),1)
n = length(x)
if( nrow(y) != n )
log.string( ERROR, "length(x) = %d != %d = nrow(y).", length(x), nrow(y) )
if( n == 1 ) return( y ) # special case, maybe shouldn't waste the time checking
p = ncol(y)
m = length(xout)
out = array( NA_real_, dim=c(m,p) )
idx = findInterval( xout, x, all.inside=TRUE )
for( k in 1:m )
j = idx[k] #; print(j)
u = (xout[k] - x[j]) / (x[j+1] - x[j])
u2 = u*u
U = c( u*u2, u2, u, 1 ) #; print(U)
jseq = pmin( pmax( (j-1):(j+2), 1 ), n )
Y = y[ jseq, ,drop=FALSE ]
if( any( ) next
# fixup the ends - by linear extrapolation
if( j == 1 )
Y[1, ] = 2*y[1, ] - y[2, ] # y[1] - (y[2]-y[1])
if( j == n-1 )
Y[4, ] = 2*y[n, ] - y[n-1, ] # y[n] + (y[n] - y[n-1])
#print( U %*% C )
#print( Y )
out[k, ] = (U %*% C) %*% Y
if( forcemat )
# y was originally a plain vector,
# so force out to be a plain vector too
dim(out) = NULL
return( out )
makeSurface3D <- function( interp='bicubic', steps=32 )
x = seq( -2, 2, by=1/steps )
y = x
Z = matrix(0,5,5)
Z[3,3] = 1
zout = matrix( NA_real_, length(x), length(y) )
if( interp == 'bicubic' )
interpfun = bicubicCardinal
interpfun = bilinearApprox
for( i in 1:length(x) )
zout[i, ] = interpfun( -2:2, -2:2, Z, rep(x[i],length(y)), y )$z
return( invisible( list( x=x, y=y, z=zout ) ) )
plotEllipse <- function( asp=3 )
theta = seq( 0, 2*pi, len=21 )
x = asp * cos( theta )
y = sin( theta )
plot( x, y, type='n' )
abline( h=0, v=0 )
thetafine = seq( 0, 2*pi, len=121 )
xyfine = splineCardinal( theta, cbind(x,y), thetafine )
# yfine = splineCardinal( theta, y, thetafine )
lines( xyfine[ ,1], xyfine[ ,2], col='red' )
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