Man pages for mvmeta
Multivariate and Univariate Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression

berkey98Five Published Trials on Periodontal Disease
blupBest Linear Unbiased Predictions
blup.mvmetaBest Linear Unbiased Predictions from mvmeta Models
coef.mvmetaExtract Coefficients and (Co)Variance Matrix from mvmeta...
fibrinogenFibrinogen Studies Collaboration
hslsHigh School Longitudinal Study
hypTen Studies Assessing an Hypertension Treatment
inputcovInput (Co)Variance Matrices
inputnaInput Missing Values
logLik.mvmetaExtract Log-Likelihood from mvmeta Objects
mlprof.fnLikelihood Functions for mvmeta Models
model.frame.mvmetaExtract Model Frame and Design Matrix from mvmeta Objects
mvmetaFitting Multivariate and Univariate Meta-Analysis and...
mvmeta.controlAncillary Parameters for Controlling the Fit in mvmeta Models
mvmetaCovStructCovariance Structures for mvmeta Models
mvmeta.fixedFixed-Effects Estimator for mvmeta Models
mvmeta.mlML and REML Estimators for mvmeta Models
mvmeta.mmMethod of Moments Estimator for mvmeta Models
mvmetaObjectmvmeta Objects
mvmeta-packageMultivariate and Univariate Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression
mvmetaSimSimulating Responses for mvmeta Models
mvmeta.vcVariance Components Estimator for mvmeta Models Missing Values in mvmeta Models
p53Mutant p53 Gene and Squamous Cell Carcinoma
predict.mvmetaPredicted Values from mvmeta Models
qtestCochran Q Test of Heterogeneity
qtest.mvmetaCochran Q Test of Heterogeneity for mvmeta Models
smokingMeta-Analysis of Interventions to Promote Smoking Cessation
summary.mvmetaSummarizing mvmeta Models
vechMatVectorization and Expansion of Symmetric Matrices
mvmeta documentation built on Dec. 10, 2019, 5:07 p.m.