
Defines functions earth_event eonet_categories eonet_sources

Documented in earth_event eonet_categories eonet_sources

#' Calls EONET webservice
#' Calls NASA's Earth Observatory Natural Event Tracker (EONET) webservice and returns a data.frame with individual event or events.
#' @param status Accepts 1 or 0 (open or closed). Defaults to "all", which includes both.
#' @param sources Accepts character id strings from EONET sources (see \code{eonet_sources})
#' @param category_id Accepts number id strings from EONET category tree (se \code{eonet_categories})
#' @param limit Limit of events to download. If LimitType = "days" this is not considered. Defaults to 10.
#' @param days Limit of days (less than today) to download events from. If LimitType = "limit" this is not considered. Defaults to 20.
#' @param LimitType Type of limit to consider: "limit" (count of events), "days" (days less than today) or "all" (both limits).
#' @param TrySimplify If TRUE tries to coerce category and event data.frames into one (successful if there is one category per event).
#' @importFrom dplyr inner_join
#' @importFrom plyr ldply
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @examples
#' event <- earth_event(limit = 1)
#' @export
earth_event <- function(status = "all",
                        sources = "all",
                        category_id = "all",
                        limit = 10,
                        days = 20,
                        LimitType = "limit",
                        TrySimplify = TRUE)

  h <- "http://eonet.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/api/v2.1/events?"
  # Limits
  if(LimitType == "limit"){
    limit <- paste0("limit=",limit)
    if(LimitType == "days"){
      limit <- paste0("days=",days)
      if(LimitType == "all"){
        limit <- paste0("limit=",limit,"&days=",days)
        stop("LimitType is not recognizable. Set to: limit, days or all")
  # - Start creating series
    # status ----
    s <- paste0(h, limit)
    if(status == 1){
      s <- paste0(h, limit, "&status=open")
      if(status == 0){
        s <- paste0(h, limit, "&status=open")
        stop("Status is not 1 (open) or 0 (closed)")
    # sources ----
    s <- s
    s <- paste0(s, "&source=", sources)
    # categories ----
    s <- s
    # Use Category API...
    cs <- eonet_categories()
    if(category_id %in% cs$id){
      s <- subset(cs, id == category_id)
      s <- s$link
      stop("Category id is not valid. Review using eonet_categories()")

  # download
  e <- jsonlite::fromJSON(s)

  # error check
  if("error" %in% names(s)){
    stop(cat(paste0("NASA Webservice Error \n",
                    "The following is the output: ", s$error)))
    stop(cat(paste0("No events found. Change parameters. \n",
                    "using: ", s)))

  # event
  events <- e$events
  events <- data.frame("event_id" = as.character(events$id),
                       "event_title"  = events$title,
                       "event_description" = events$description,
                       "event_link" = events$link,
                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  list_to_df <- function(l){
    df <- as.data.frame(base::t(base::sapply(X = l, FUN = "[")))

  # category ----
  names(e$events$categories) <- e$events$id
  categories <- list_to_df(e$events$categories)
    # Replace names and add new column...
      nn <- paste0("category_",names(categories))
      names(categories) <- nn
  categories$event_id <- as.character(row.names(categories))
  # sources ------
  sources <- e$events$sources
    names(sources) <- as.character(e$events$id)
  sources <- plyr::ldply(sources, rbind)
    names(sources) <- c("event_id", "source_id", "source_url")

  # geometry -----
  geo <- e$events$geometries
  names(geo) <- as.character(e$events$id)

  # Metadata
  meta <- data.frame("search_title" = e$title,
                     "search_url" = e$link,
                     "search_description" = e$description)

  # unite and final parse ----
      obj <- list("Events" = events,
                  "Sources" = sources,
                  "Categories" = categories,
                  "Geography" = geo,
                  "Meta" = meta)
#' Calls EONET category webservice
#' Calls NASA's EONET Webservice and returns all categories available.
#' @details Returns data.frame with 5 columns
#'  @field id Unique id (can be used to filter \code{earth_event})
#'  @field title Title of category
#'  @field link Direct json link (the result is equal to filtering all \code{earth_event} with category)
#'  @field description Description of category
#'  @field layers Layers of category (see oficial documentation)
#' @examples
#' categories <- eonet_categories()
#' @export
eonet_categories <- function()
  categories <- "http://eonet.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/api/v2.1/categories"
  e <- jsonlite::fromJSON(categories)
  df <- as.data.frame(e$categories)
#' Calls EONET sources webservice
#' Calls NASA's EONET Webservice and returns all sources available.
#' @details Returns data.frame with 4 columns
#'  @field id Unique id (can be used to filter \code{earth_event})
#'  @field title Title of source
#'  @field source Official source URL
#'  @field link Direct json link (the result is equal to filtering all \code{earth_event} with source)
#' @examples
#' sources <- eonet_sources()
#' @export
eonet_sources <- function()
  sources <- "http://eonet.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/api/v2.1/sources"
  e <- jsonlite::fromJSON(sources)
  df <- e$sources

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nasadata documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:38 a.m.