
Defines functions indToPair

Documented in indToPair

#' Transforms a dataset of individuals to a dataset of pairs
#' The function \code{indToPair} takes a dataset of observations (such as individuals in an infectious
#' disease outbreak) and transforms it into a dataset of pairs.
#' The function requires an id column: \code{indIDVar} to identify the individual observations.
#' The resulting pair-level dataframe will have a \code{pairID} column which combines the individual IDs
#' for that pair.
#' The function can either output all possible pairs (\code{ordered = FALSE}) or only ordered pairs 
#' (\code{ordered = TRUE}) where the ordered is determined by a date variable (\code{dateVar}).
#' If \code{orded = TRUE}, then \code{dateVar} must be provided and if \code{ordered = FALSE},
#' it is optional. In both cases, if \code{dateVar} is provided, the output will include the time
#' difference between the individuals in the pair in the \code{units} specified ("mins", "hours", "days", "weeks").
#' @param indData An individual-level dataframe.
#' @param indIDVar The name (in quotes) of the column with the individual ID.
#' @param separator The character to be used to separate the individual IDs when creating
#' the pairID.
#' @param dateVar The name (in quotes) of the column with the dates that the individuals are observed
#' (optional unless \code{ordered = TRUE}). This column must be a date or date-time (POSIXt) object.
#' If supplied, the time difference between individuals will be calculated in the units specified.
#' @param units The units for the time difference, only necessary if \code{dateVar} is supplied.
#' Must be one of \code{"mins", "hours", "days", "weeks"}.
#' @param ordered A logical indicating if a set of ordered pairs should be returned
#' (\code{<dateVar>.1} before \code{<dateVar>.2} or \code{<dateVar>.1} = \code{<dateVar>.2}).
#' If FALSE a dataframe of all pairs will be returned
#' @return A dataframe of either all possible pairs of individuals (\code{ordered = FALSE}) or ordered
#' pairs of individuals (\code{ordered = TRUE}). The dataframe will have all of the original variables
#' with suffixes ".1" and ".2" corresponding to the original values of 
#' \code{<indIDVar>.1} and \code{<indIDVar>.2}.
#' Added to the dataframe will be a column called \code{pairID} which is \code{<indIDVar>.1}
#' and \code{<indIDVar>.2} separated by \code{separator}.
#' If dateVar is provided the dataframe will also include variables \code{<dateVar>.Diff} giving 
#' the difference of time of \code{dateVar} for \code{<indIDVar>.1} and \code{<indIDVar>.2} 
#' in the units specified 
#' @examples
#' ## Create a dataset of all pairs with no date variable
#' pairU <- indToPair(indData = indData, indIDVar = "individualID")
#' ## Create a dataset of all pairs with a date variable
#' pairUD <- indToPair(indData = indData, indIDVar = "individualID",
#'                       dateVar = "infectionDate", units = "days")
#' ## Create a dataset of ordered pairs
#' pairO <- indToPair(indData = indData, indIDVar = "individualID",
#'                      dateVar = "infectionDate", units = "days", ordered = TRUE)
#' @export

indToPair <- function(indData, indIDVar, separator = "_", dateVar = NULL,
                      units = c("mins", "hours", "days", "weeks"), ordered = FALSE){
  indData <- as.data.frame(indData)
  #Checking that the named variables are in the data frame
  if(!indIDVar %in% names(indData)){
    stop(paste0(indIDVar, " is not in the data frame."))
    if(!dateVar %in% names(indData)){
      stop(paste0(dateVar, " is not in the data frame.")) 
  #Checking that the date variable is in a date form
    if(lubridate::is.Date(indData[, dateVar]) == FALSE &
      lubridate::is.POSIXt(indData[, dateVar]) == FALSE){
      stop(paste0(dateVar, " must be either a date or a date-time (POSIXt) object."))
  #Checking to make sure there is a date variable if ordered = TRUE
  if(ordered == TRUE & is.null(dateVar)){
    stop("If ordered = TRUE, then dateVar must be provided")
  #Making sure units are correctly specified
  if(length(units > 1) & is.null(dateVar)){
  } else if(length(units) > 1 & !is.null(dateVar)){
    stop("Please provide units for the time difference")
  } else if(!units %in% c("mins", "hours", "days", "weeks")){
    stop("units must be one of: mins, hours, days, weeks")
  #Finding all pairs of IDs (order matters)
  pairs <- expand.grid(indData[, indIDVar], indData[, indIDVar])
  #Removing pairs of the same individual
  pairs2 <- pairs[pairs$Var1 != pairs$Var2, ]
  #Creating an pairID that combines the individualIDs with an underscore
  pairs2$pairID <- paste(pairs2$Var1, pairs2$Var2, sep = separator)
  #Renaming the dataset with the individual ID
  names(pairs2) <- c(paste0(indIDVar, ".1"), paste0(indIDVar, ".2"), "pairID")
  #Merging back with the rest of the variables
  pairData1 <- merge(pairs2, indData, by.x = paste0(indIDVar, ".1"), by.y = indIDVar,
                     all = TRUE)
  pairData2 <- merge(pairData1, indData, by.x = paste0(indIDVar, ".2"), by.y = indIDVar,
                     all = TRUE, suffixes = c(".1", ".2"))
    pairData2[, paste0(dateVar, ".Diff")] <- as.numeric(difftime(pairData2[, paste0(dateVar, ".2")],
                                              pairData2[, paste0(dateVar, ".1")],
                                              units = units))
  if(ordered == TRUE){
    orderedData <- pairData2[pairData2[, paste0(dateVar, ".2")] >= pairData2[, paste0(dateVar, ".1")], ]

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nbTransmission documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:38 a.m.