
Defines functions cleanUp

Documented in cleanUp

#' @title Clean up folder after stacking

#' @author
#' Christine Laney \email{claney@battelleecology.org}

#' @description
#' Remove unzipped monthly data folders
#' @keywords internal
#' @param folder The file path to the folder that needs to be cleaned up (the root directory of the data package)
#' @param orig The list of files that were present in the folder before unzipping and stacking
#' @return Only the folders created during unzip will be deleted. All custom folders/files and the stackedFiles output folder will be retained.

#' @references
#' License: GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 19 November 2007

# Changelog and author contributions / copyrights
#   Christine Laney (2018-01-10)
#   Nathan Mietkiewicz (2020-02-12)
cleanUp <- function(folder, orig) {
  currentFileList <- paste(folder, orig, sep="/")
  if(length(currentFileList) > 0) {
    unlink(currentFileList, recursive = TRUE)
  writeLines("All unzipped monthly data folders have been removed.")

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