#' import neon data into a local database
#' @param n number of files that should be read per iteration
#' @param quiet show progress?
#' @param db A connection to a write-able relational database backend,
#' see [neon_db()].
#' @inheritParams neon_index
#' @inheritDotParams neon_read
#' @return the index of files read in (invisibly)
#' @importFrom DBI dbWriteTable dbSendQuery dbGetQuery
#' @export
neon_store <- function(table = NA,
product = NA,
type = NA,
dir = neon_dir(),
db = neon_db(neon_db_dir(), read_only = FALSE),
n = 500L,
quiet = FALSE,
## Determine which files will be imported:
index <- neon_index(table = table,
product = product,
type = type,
dir = dir,
deprecated = FALSE)
## only h5 or csv data can be imported currently
index <- index[index$ext == "h5" | index$ext == "csv",]
## Error conditions
if(is.null(index)) index <- data.frame()
if(nrow(index) == 0){
message(paste("table", table,
"not found, do you need to download first?"))
message(paste("No csv/h5 files for product", product,
"found. do you need to download first?"))
## standardize table name with product name:
tables <- stackable_tables(paste0(index$table, "-", index$product))
## Omit already imported files
index <- omit_imported(db, index)
if(nrow(index) == 0){
message(" all files have been imported")
neon_disconnect(db = db)
for (table in tables) {
## Drop rows from the database which come from deprecated files
drop_deprecated(table, dir, db)
index$tablename <- paste0(index$table, "-", index$product)
meta <- index[index$tablename == table, ]
if(nrow(meta) > 0){
db_chunks(con = db,
files = meta$path,
table = table,
n = n,
quiet = quiet,
## update the provenance table
DBI::dbWriteTable(db, "provenance",, append = TRUE)
#db <- duckdb_memory_manager(db)
neon_disconnect(db = db)
stackable_tables <- function(tables){
tables <- unique(tables)
## We do not attempt to stack these:
tables <- tables[!grepl("^variables", tables)]
tables <- tables[!grepl("^readme", tables)]
db_chunks <- function(con,
n = 100L,
quiet = FALSE,
total <- length(files) %/% n
if(length(files) %% n > 0) ## and the remainder
total <- total + 1
progress <- !quiet
## all files in one go
if(total == 1){
if (!quiet) message(paste0(" importing ", table, "..."))
df <- neon_stack(files = files,
keep_filename = TRUE,
sensor_metadata = TRUE,
altrep = FALSE,
progress = progress,
DBI::dbWriteTable(con, table,, append = TRUE)
if (total > 4) {
progress <- FALSE
## Otherwise do in chunks
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = paste(" importing", table,
"[:bar] :percent in :elapsed, eta: :eta"),
total = total,
clear = FALSE,
show_after = 0,
width = 80)
if (!quiet && progress)
message(paste(" processing", table, "files in", total, "chunks:"))
for (i in 0:(total-1)){
if (!quiet && progress)
message(paste0(" chunk ", i+1, ":"), appendLF=FALSE)
if(!quiet && !progress) pb$tick()
chunk <- na_omit(files[ (i*n+1):((i+1)*n) ])
df <- neon_stack(files = chunk,
keep_filename = TRUE,
sensor_metadata = TRUE,
altrep = FALSE,
progress = progress)
DBI::dbWriteTable(con, table,, append = TRUE)
duckdb_memory_manager <- function(con){
if(!inherits(con, "duckdb_connection")) return(con)
if(Sys.getenv("duckdb_restart", FALSE)){
message("finalizing duckdb import to disk...")
## power cycle to force import
## shouldn't be necessary when memory management improves in duckdb...
dir <- dirname(con@driver@dbdir)
DBI::dbDisconnect(con, shutdown = TRUE)
con <- neon_db(dir, read_only = FALSE)
#' @importFrom DBI dbWriteTable dbListTables dbGetQuery
omit_imported <- function(con, index){
# if nothing here, return empty data.frame
# from import index, here are table names in database format
db_tables <- stackable_tables(paste0(index$table, "-", index$product))
existing <- DBI::dbListTables(con)
# basename for comparison
index$id <- basename(index$path)
## place the index into the database temporarily so we can use it
DBI::dbWriteTable(con, "zzzfilter", tibble::as_tibble(index),
overwrite = TRUE, temporary = TRUE)
out <- lapply(db_tables, function(db_table){
who <- split_db_tablename(db_table)
table <- who[1]
product <- who[2]
## table doesn't exist yet,
if (!(db_table %in% existing)) {
query <- paste0("SELECT * FROM zzzfilter ",
"WHERE ((\"product\" = '",product,"') ",
"AND (\"table\" = '",table, "'))")
df <- DBI::dbGetQuery(con, query)
## filter
query <- paste0("SELECT * FROM zzzfilter ",
"WHERE (",
"(\"product\" = '",product,"') AND ",
"(\"table\" = '",table, "') AND ",
" NOT IN ( SELECT \"file\" FROM ",
"\"", db_table, "\"))")
df <- DBI::dbGetQuery(con, query)
## return index slices, out)
split_db_tablename <- function(db_table) {
table_regex <- paste0("(^.*)", "-(", paste(DPL, PRNUM, REV, sep="."), ")")
product <- gsub(table_regex,"\\2", db_table)
table <- gsub(table_regex,"\\1", db_table)
c(table, product)
drop_deprecated <- function(table,
dir = neon_dir(),
con = neon_db(read_only = FALSE)){
if( !(table %in% DBI::dbListTables(con)) ){
## split table and product code
product_regex <- paste(DPL,PRNUM,REV, sep="\\.")
product <- gsub(paste0(".*-(",product_regex, ")$"), "\\1", table)
table_only <- gsub(paste0("-",product_regex, "$"), "", table)
## Detect updated files
meta <- neon_index(table = table_only,
product = product,
dir = dir,
deprecated = TRUE)
meta <- flag_deprecated(meta)
deprecated <- meta$deprecated
} else {
paste(" Updated version of previously imported data found.\n",
" Overwriting some previously imported rows with revised data."
## Build SQL query
old <- paste(lapply(basename(meta$path[deprecated]),
function(x) paste0("'", x, "'")),
collapse = ", ")
query <- paste(paste0("DELETE from \"", table, "\" WHERE "),
paste0("file IN (", old, ")"))
## Execute the DELETE query
res <- DBI::dbSendQuery(con, query)
## Note that dropped file names will remain part of
## the provenance table.
## Now we can re-import the tables
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