
Defines functions tau.within

tau.within <- function(x) {
  chkclass(x, "netmeta")
  nmak <- nma.krahn(x)
  if (nmak$n == 2)
  t <- diag(rep(1, length(as.character(nmak$design$design))))
  rownames(t) <- paste(as.character(nmak$design$comparison),
                       as.character(nmak$design$design), sep = "_")
  colnames(t) <- paste(as.character(nmak$design$comparison),
                       as.character(nmak$design$design), sep = "_")
  X_incon_studies <- t[paste(as.character(nmak$studies$comparison),
                             as.character(nmak$studies$design), sep = "_"), ]
  DiagonalBlocks <- function(V) {
    if (length(V) == 1) B <- 1
    else {
      m <- NULL
      b <- NULL
      d <- NULL
      B <- NULL
      for (i in 1:nrow(V)) {
        h <- which(abs(V[i, ]) > 0)
        b[i] <- h[1]
        d[i] <- max(h) - min(h) + 1
      m <- d[as.numeric(names(table(b)))]
      b <- b[as.numeric(names(table(b)))]
      for (i in 1:length(m))
        B[i] <- list(b[i]:(b[i] + m[i] - 1))

  V0 <- function(m)
    diag(m) / 2 + matrix(.5, m, m)
  W <- function(V, tausq) {
    W <- diag(nrow(as.matrix(V)))
    b <- DiagonalBlocks(V)
    for (i in 1:length(b))
      W[b[[i]], b[[i]]] <-
        solve(as.matrix(V)[b[[i]], b[[i]]] + tausq * V0(length(b[[i]])))
  tau.DL <- function(X, y, V) {
    C <- solve(t(X) %*% (W0 <- W(V, 0)) %*% X)
    theta <- C %*% t(X) %*% W0 %*% y
    r <- y - X %*% theta
    Q <- t(r) %*% W0 %*% r
    V.0 <- diag(nrow(V))
    b <- DiagonalBlocks(V)
    for (i in 1:length(b))
      V.0[b[[i]], b[[i]]] <- V0(length(b[[i]]))
    trace1 <- sum(diag(W0 %*% V.0))
    trace2 <- sum(diag(C %*% t(X) %*% W0 %*% V.0 %*% W0 %*% X))
    if (trace1 == trace2)
      tausq <- 0
      tausq <- max(0, (Q - nrow(V) + ncol(X)) / (trace1 - trace2))
  tau.within <- tau.DL(X_incon_studies, nmak$studies$TE, nmak$V.studies)

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netmeta documentation built on June 23, 2024, 9:06 a.m.