
Defines functions compute_labor_day get_current_week most_recent_season

Documented in get_current_week most_recent_season

#' Get Latest Season
#' A helper function to choose the most recent season available for a given dataset
#' @param roster Either `TRUE` or `FALSE`.
#' If `TRUE`, will return current year after March 15th, otherwise previous year.
#' If `FALSE`, will return current year on or after Thursday following Labor Day,
#' i.e. Thursday after the first Monday in September. Otherwise previous year.
#' @rdname latest_season
#' @return most recent season (a four digit numeric)
#' @family Date utils
#' @export
most_recent_season <- function(roster = FALSE) {
  today <- Sys.Date()
  current_year <- as.integer(format(today, format = "%Y"))
  current_month <- as.integer(format(today, format = "%m"))
  current_day <- as.integer(format(today, format = "%d"))
  # First Monday of September
  labor_day <- compute_labor_day(current_year)
  # Thursday following Labor Day is TNF season opener
  season_opener <- labor_day + 3

  if ((isFALSE(roster) && today >= season_opener) ||
      (isTRUE(roster) && current_month == 3 && current_day >= 15) ||
      (isTRUE(roster) && current_month > 3 )) {


  return(current_year - 1)

#' @rdname latest_season
#' @export
get_latest_season <- most_recent_season

#' @rdname latest_season
#' @export
get_current_season <- most_recent_season

#' Get Current Week
#' A helper function that returns the upcoming NFL regular season week based on either
#' the nflverse schedules file (as found in `load_schedules()`)
#' or some date-based heuristics (number of weeks since the first Monday of September)
#' Note that the date heuristic will count a new week starting on Thursdays, while
#' the schedule-based method will count a new week after the last game of the previous
#' week, e.g. after MNF is completed. Tan and Ben argued for a while about this.
#' @param use_date a logical to determine whether to use date-based heuristics to
#' determine current week, default FALSE (i.e. uses schedule file)
#' @examples {
#'   \donttest{
#'     try({ # schedules file as per default requires online access
#'     get_current_week()
#'     })
#'   }
#'   # using the date method works offline
#'   get_current_week(use_date = TRUE)
#' }
#' @family Date utils
#' @return current nfl regular season week as a numeric
#' @export
get_current_week <- function(use_date = FALSE) {

    season <- NULL
    week <- NULL
    result <- NULL
    current_season <- data.table::as.data.table(load_schedules())[season == most_recent_season()]

    if(all(!is.na(current_season$result))) return(max(current_season$week, na.rm = TRUE))

    current_week <- current_season[is.na(result), week]
    return(min(current_week, na.rm = TRUE))

    # Find first Monday of September in current season
    week1_sep <- as.POSIXlt(paste0(most_recent_season(),"-09-0",1:7), tz = "GMT")
    monday1_sep <- week1_sep[week1_sep$wday == 1]

    # NFL season starts 3 days later
    first_game <- monday1_sep
    first_game$mday <- first_game$mday + 3

    # current week number of nfl season is 1 + how many weeks have elapsed since first game
    current_week <- as.numeric(Sys.Date() - as.Date(first_game)) %/% 7 + 1

    # hardcoded week bounds because this whole date based thing has assumptions anyway
    if(current_week < 1) current_week <- 1
    if(current_week > 22) current_week <- 22


#' Compute Date of Labor Day
#' Computes the date of the Labor Day, i.e. the first Monday in September, in a given year.
#' @param year Numeric or Character year. 4 Digits.
#' @noRd
#' @return Object of Class `Date`
#' @examples
#' # 2023 Labor Day was on Sep 4th
#' compute_labor_day(2023)
compute_labor_day <- function(year){
  stopifnot(length(year) == 1)
  earliest <- as.Date(paste(year, "09", "01", sep = "-"))
  latest <- as.Date(paste(year, "09", "08", sep = "-"))
  range <- seq(earliest, latest, by = "day")
  numeric_wdays <- as.POSIXlt(range)$wday
  labor_day <- range[numeric_wdays == 1][1]

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nflreadr documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:14 p.m.