
Defines functions .convertTranslatedTable .checkTableNames .nhanesQuery

## Query data from the Docker database
## examples: nhanesQuery("SELECT TOP(50) * FROM QuestionnaireVariables;")

## Query data from the Docker database
## examples: nhanesQuery("SELECT TOP(50) * FROM Metadata.QuestionnaireVariables;")

.nhanesQuery <- function(sql)
  if(!.dbEnv$ok) stop("no database available for use")
  return(DBI::dbGetQuery(cn(), sql))

## check if the table names are valid

.checkTableNames <- function(table_name)
  if(!.dbEnv$ok) stop("no database available for use")
  if(is.null(table_name)) stop("Table name cannot be NULL!")
  ok <- (table_name %in% validTables())
  if (any(!ok)) 
    stop("Table(s) ", paste(table_name[!ok], collapse = ", "),
         " missing from database")

## choose translated or Raw table.

.convertTranslatedTable <- function(table_name, translated)
  if (!.dbEnv$ok) stop("no database available for use")
  prefix <-
    if (translated)
      ok <- (table_name %in% translatedTables()) # whether translated tables exist
      if (any(!ok))
        warning("Table(s) ", paste(table_name[!ok], collapse = ", "),
                " missing from Translated schema, using Raw schema instead.")
      ifelse(ok, "Translated.", "Raw.")
    else "Raw."
  paste0(prefix, table_name)

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nhanesA documentation built on July 4, 2024, 9:08 a.m.