
Defines functions coverageplot

Documented in coverageplot

#' @title The coverage plot
#' @description The coverage plot is developed to help visually check 
#' the fitted model with the NPC result.
#' In each level of the predicted interval, the ratios between the expected 
#' number of points (Exp) outside the prediction interval and the observed 
#' number of data (Obs) outside the prediction interval are calculated.
#' These ratios on the upper and lower sides of the prediction interval 
#' are calculated separately.
#' @import ggplot2 
#' @usage coverageplot(orig_data,
#'              sim_data,
#'              N_xbin = NULL,
#'              pred.level = c(0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9),
#'              conf.level = 0.95,                         
#'              X_name = "TIME",
#'              Y_name = "DV",
#'              MissingDV = NULL,
#'              plot_flag = TRUE,
#'              linesize = 0.7,
#'              pointsize = 1.5,
#'              Kmethod = "cluster",                
#'              maxK = NULL,
#'              beta = 0.2,
#'              lambda = 0.3,
#'              R = 4,
#'              C1 = 2.5,
#'              C2 = 7.8, ...)
#' @param orig_data A data frame of original data with X and Y variable.
#' @param sim_data A matrix of simulated data with only Y values collected.
#' @param N_xbin Number of bins in X variable. If NULL, optimal number of bins are automatically calculated using optK function.
#' @param pred.level Numeric vector of probabilities.
#' @param conf.level Confidence level of the interval.
#' @param X_name Name of X variable in orig_data (usually "TIME" in pharmacokinetic data).
#' @param Y_name Name of Y variable in orig_data (usually "DV" in pharmacokinetic data).
#' @param MissingDV Name of missing indicator variable in orig_data, which have value 1 if missing, value 0 otherwise. (usually "MDV" in pharmacokinetic data).
#' @param plot_flag Draw plot if TRUE; generate data for drawing plot if FALSE.
#' @param linesize Size of line in the plot.
#' @param pointsize Size of point in the plot.
#' @param maxK Yhe maximum number of bins.
#' @param Kmethod The way to calculate the penalty in automatic binning."cluster" or "kernel". 
#' @param beta Additional parameter for automatic binning, used in optK function.  
#' @param lambda Additional parameter for automatic binning, used in optK function.  
#' @param R Additional parameter for automatic binning, used in optK function. 
#' @param C1 Additional parameter for automatic binning, used in optK function.  
#' @param C2 Additional parameter for automatic binning, used in optK function. 
#' @param ... arguments to be passed to methods
#' @return coverage plot
#' @references Holford N, & Karlsson M. (2008). "A tutorial on visual predictive checks,
#'  abstr 1434." Annual Meeting of the Populations Approach Group in Europe. www.page-meeting.org. 2008.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(origdata)
#' data(simdata)
#' coverageplot(origdata,simdata,N_xbin=8)
#' }

coverageplot <- function(orig_data,
                         N_xbin = NULL,
                         pred.level = c(0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9),
                         conf.level = 0.95,                         
                         X_name = "TIME",
                         Y_name = "DV",
                         MissingDV = NULL,
                         plot_flag = TRUE,
                         linesize = 0.7,
                         pointsize = 1.5,
                         Kmethod = "cluster",                
                         maxK = NULL,
                         beta = 0.2,
                         lambda = 0.3,
                         R = 4,
                         C1 = 2.5,
                         C2 = 7.8, ...){
   sel.id <- !is.na(orig_data[,Y_name]) 
      sel.id <- sel.id & orig_data[,MissingDV]==0
   sim_data <- sim_data[sel.id,]  
   orig_data <- orig_data[sel.id,]

      N_xbin <- optK(orig_data[,X_name],...)$K
   NPC <- NumericalCheck(orig_data,sim_data,N_xbin=N_xbin,
   colnames(NPC)[-c(1:2)] <- c("EPB","PB","PBp","BF","BT",

   PI.temp <- data.frame(PI=rep(NPC$PI,2),
                         G = rep(c("Lower","Upper"),each=nrow(NPC)),
                         Ratio = c(NPC$PBp,NPC$PAp)*2/(100-NPC$PI),
                         L = c(NPC$BF,NPC$AF)*2/(100-NPC$PI),
                         U = c(NPC$BT,NPC$AT)*2/(100-NPC$PI))
   PI.temp$COLOR <- "black"
   PI.temp$COLOR[PI.temp$L>PI.temp$Ratio | PI.temp$U<PI.temp$Ratio] <- "red"
     Y_min <- 0
     Y_max <- max(c(unlist(PI.temp[,3:5])))+0.2

     PlotP <- ggplot(data = PI.temp,aes(x=PI,y=Ratio)) +
        geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=L,ymax=U),alpha=0.3) +
        geom_hline(yintercept=1,color="white",size=linesize*1.3) +
        geom_point(size=pointsize)+geom_line(size=linesize) +
        ylim(c(Y_min,Y_max)) + 
        facet_wrap(~G,ncol=1)+theme_bw() +
        theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
              panel.grid.major=element_blank()) +
        labs(y="Obs/Exp",title="Coverage Plot") 
       PlotP <- PlotP+geom_point(data = PI.temp[PI.temp$COLOR=="red",],
                                col="red", size = pointsize+1)
   } else{
      NPCtemp <- data.frame(PI = NPC$PI,
                            prob = (100-NPC$PI)/2,
      colnames(NPCtemp) <- c("PI","Lower",

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