
Defines functions print.src_elastic src_elastic

Documented in src_elastic

#' Setup an Elasticsearch database connection
#' @export
#' @param host (character) the base url, defaults to localhost
#' (
#' @param port (character) port to connect to, defaults to 9200 (optional)
#' @param path (character) context path that is appended to the end of the
#' url. Default: `NULL`, ignored
#' @param transport_schema (character) http or https. Default: http
#' @param user (character) User name, if required for the connection. You
#' can specify, but ignored for now.
#' @param pwd	(character) Password, if required for the connection. You can
#' specify, but ignored for now.
#' @param force	(logical) Force re-load of connection details
#' @param ...	Further args passed on to [elastic::connect()]
#' @details Uses \pkg{elastic} as backend. \pkg{nodbi} creates or uses
#' an Elasticsearch index, in which `nodbi` creates JSON documents.
#' Any root-level `_id` is extracted from the document(s) and used as
#' document ID `_id`, otherwise a UUID is created as document ID `_id`.
#' Only lowercase is accepted for container names (in parameter `key`).
#' Opensearch can equally be used.
#' For a benchmark, see <https://github.com/ropensci/nodbi#benchmark>
#' @return A `nodbi` source object
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' con <- src_elastic()
#' print(con)
#' }
src_elastic <- function(host = "", port = 9200, path = NULL,
  transport_schema = "http", user = NULL, pwd = NULL, force = FALSE, ...) {

  x <- elastic::connect(host = host, port = port, path = path,
    transport_schema = transport_schema, user = user,
    pwd = pwd, force = force, ...)
  dbs <- names(elastic::aliases_get(x))
  structure(list(con = x, info = x$ping(), dbs = dbs),
            class = c("src_elastic", "docdb_src"),
            type = "elasticsearch")

#' @export
print.src_elastic <- function(x, ...) {
  cat(sprintf("src: elasticsearch %s [%s:%s]",
              x$con$host, x$con$port), sep = "\n")
  cat(doc_wrap("databases: ", paste0(x$dbs, collapse = ", "),
               width = 80), "\n", sep = "")

Try the nodbi package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

nodbi documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 1:06 a.m.