# nodbi helper functions
#### variables ####
# provide private environment,
# e.g. for initTransformers()
.nodbi <- new.env()
# jq script for extracting field names
# The unique function takes as input an array and
# produces an array of the same elements, in sorted
# order, with duplicates removed
# However, field names are generated for each
# document in the input, they are not deduplicated
# across documents. The latter would require jqr
# to be able to handle jq's 'inputs' and flag "-n".
jqFieldNames <- '[ path(..) | map(select(type == "string")) | join(".") ] | unique[] '
#' doc_wrap
#' used with couchdb, elastic
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
doc_wrap <- function(..., indent = 0, width = getOption("width")) {
x <- paste0(..., collapse = "")
wrapped <- strwrap(x, indent = indent, exdent = indent + 5L, width = width)
paste0(wrapped, collapse = "\n")
#' assert
#' used across nodbi
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
assert <- function(x, y) {
if (!is.null(x)) {
if (!any(class(x) %in% y)) {
stop(deparse(substitute(x)), " must be one of class: ",
paste0(y, collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE)
#' closeNodbiConnections
#' ensure closing database connection(s)
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
closeNodbiConnections <- function(e) {
# this function is called by .onLoad, .onUnload, and
# from reg.finalizer in src_{sqlite,postgres,duckdb}
# search environment for docdb_src connections
objIsNodbiConnection <- sapply(
ls(e), function(i)
any(class(eval(parse(text = i))) == "docdb_src"),
if (!length(objIsNodbiConnection)) return(invisible(NULL))
objIsNodbiConnection <- objIsNodbiConnection[objIsNodbiConnection]
# disconnect helper function
nodbiDisconnect <- function(objName) {
# get duckdb driver information
ddbdrv <- attr(eval(parse(text = objName))$con, "driver")
# close valid, and also invalid connections such as
# needed for DuckDB where then driver is not null
if (DBI::dbIsValid(eval(parse(text = objName))$con) ||
(!is.null(ddbdrv) && DBI::dbIsValid(ddbdrv))) {
# disconnect and shutdown if needed
res <- try(suppressWarnings(
eval(parse(text = objName))$con,
# duckdb needs to be shut down; parameter
# does not adversely affect other backends
shutdown = TRUE)),
silent = TRUE)
# inform user
if (!inherits(res, "try-error") && res)
message("nodbi: docdb_src '", objName, "' disconnected and shut down. ")
# iterate over connections
for (i in seq_along(objIsNodbiConnection)) {
# get name of connection object
objName <- names(objIsNodbiConnection[i])
# run disconnect
# class is e.g., src_duckdb docdb_src
class(eval(parse(text = objName)))[1],
"src_duckdb" = nodbiDisconnect(objName),
"src_sqlite" = nodbiDisconnect(objName),
"src_postgres" = nodbiDisconnect(objName),
#' .onLoad
#' set up handler before database is accessed
#' this is triggered e.g. by session restart
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
# register closing our connections
e = globalenv(),
f = closeNodbiConnections,
onexit = TRUE
# load javascript
#' .onUnload
#' a session restart does not trigger this
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.onUnload <- function(libpath) {
closeNodbiConnections(e = globalenv())
#' initTransformers
#' provide access to javascript functions and modules
#' stored in inst/js or subdir js of installed package
#' purpose of javascript: transform mongo-like query into SQL
#' @importFrom V8 v8 JS
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
initTransformers <- function() {
# early exit
if (length(.nodbi)) return(NULL)
# prepare V8, see ./inst/js/
ct <- V8::v8()
# get javascript
ct$source(system.file("js/bundle.js", package = "nodbi"))
# expects mdb to be db.user.find('{}')
ct$assign("mongo2sql", V8::JS("function(mdb) {out = injs.convertToSQL(mdb); return out;}"))
# assign into package private environment, see zzz.R
assign("ct", ct, envir = .nodbi)
# debug
if (options()[["verbose"]]) {
message("\nJS initiated\n")
# exit
#' digestFields
#' takes input from "fields" and returns:
#' - longest common path for a minimum number of path elements
#' for use with SELECT and possibly WHERE
#' - fields to be included
#' - fields to be excluded
#' @importFrom stringi stri_match_all_regex
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
digestFields <- function(f, q) {
# check parameter
if (is.null(f)) f <- "{}"
f <- jsonlite::minify(f)
# translate q into SQL query syntax using mongo2sql
# - used:
# $gt, $gte, $lt, $lte, $ne
# $nin, $in, $regex,
# $not, $and, $or, $nor
# - not used:
# $geoIntersects, $geoWithin,
# $mod, $exists, $size, $nearSphere, $near
# $text, $all, $where, $comment,
# $meta, $slice, $elemMatch
# stop if unused operators are in query
usedOps <- c("$options", "$eq", "$gt", "$gte", "$lt", "$lte",
"$ne", "$in", "$regex", "$and", "$or", "$nor")
qOps <- stringi::stri_extract_all_regex(q, "(\\$[a-z]+)")[[1]]
if (!all( && !all(qOps %in% usedOps)) {
stop("nodbi only supports: ", paste0(usedOps[-1], collapse = " / "),
"; this was the query used: ", q)
sqlQ <- .nodbi$ct$call("mongo2sql", paste0("db.user.find(", q, ");"))
# query mangling
queryFields <- unique(stats::na.omit(stringi::stri_match_all_regex(
sqlQ, '"([-@._\\w]+?)"')[[1]][, 2, drop = TRUE]))
if (!length(queryFields) & q != "{}") stop(
"Parameter 'query' did not reference any fields:\n", q)
queryRootFields <- gsub("[.].*", "", queryFields)
queryPaths <- character(0L)
queryCondition <- character(0L)
if (length(queryFields)) {
# SELECT * FROM user WHERE <extract this>;
queryCondition <- sub(".+? WHERE (.+);", "\\1", sqlQ)
# "a.b" to "a"."b"
queryCondition <- stringi::stri_replace_all_fixed(
queryCondition, queryFields, gsub("[.]", '"."', queryFields),
vectorize_all = FALSE
queryPaths <- gsub("[.]", '"."', queryFields)
# = to ==
queryCondition <- sub(" = ", " == ", queryCondition)
# fields mangling
includeFields <- unique(stats::na.omit(stringi::stri_match_all_regex(
f, '"([-@._\\w]+?)":[ ]*1')[[1]][, 2, drop = TRUE]))
includeRootFields <- unique(gsub("[.].*", "", includeFields))
includeRootFields <- includeRootFields[includeRootFields != "_id"]
includeMaxCharFields <- sapply(
includeFields, function(i) {
if (!grepl(".", i, fixed = TRUE)) return(i)
if (nchar(i) <= 63L) return(i)
locDot <- substring(i, 1L, 63L) # 63L bytes is maximum for postgres
locDot <- stringi::stri_locate_last_fixed(locDot, ".")[1, "start", drop = TRUE]
substring(i, 1L, locDot - 1L)
excludeFields <- unique(stats::na.omit(stringi::stri_match_all_regex(
f, '"([-@._\\w]+?)":[ ]*0')[[1]][, 2, drop = TRUE]))
fieldStrings <- unique(c(includeFields, excludeFields))
# translate mongo query into jq script to filter and select:
# {"$or": [
# {"email": {"$regex": ""}},
# {"tags": {"$regex": "^duis$"}}
# ]}
# ->
# def m1: . | (if (type == "array" or type == "object" or type == "string") and
# length == 0 then null else (if type == "array" then (.[] | m1) else [.][] end) end);
# select(
# ([ .email ] | map( . | m1 | test("") ) | any )
# or
# ([ .tags ] | map( . | m1 | test("^duis$") ) | any )
# )
queryJq <- gsub("'", '"', queryCondition)
# ugly but robust
for (i in queryPaths) {
# - handle IN since this uses brackets around argument
xtr <- stringi::stri_extract_all_regex(
queryJq, paste0("(\"", i, "\") IN (\\(.+?\\))"))[[1]]
if (!all( {
xtr <- stringi::stri_replace_all_regex(
xtr, paste0("(\"", i, "\") IN \\((.+?)\\)"), "$2")[[1]]
# split on comma after number or double quote, avoid splitting on comma in string
xtr <- strsplit(gsub("([0-9\"]),", "\\1@", xtr), "@")[[1]]
# recompose
xtr <- paste0(" . == ", xtr, collapse = " or ")
# insert
queryJq <- stringi::stri_replace_all_regex(
paste0("(\"", i, "\") IN (\\(.+?\\))", # brackets for IN
"( AND | NOT | OR |\\)*$)"),
# select([ .friends | m1 | .id | m1 ] | map ( . > 1 ) | any )
paste0(" ([ .", gsub('"[.]"', " | m1 | .", i), " ] ",
"| map( . | m1 | ", xtr, " ) | any ) $3"),
vectorize_all = FALSE
# - default operator handling
queryJq <- stringi::stri_replace_all_regex(
paste0("(\"", i, "\") ([INOTREGXP=!<>']+ .+?)",
# no extra bracket here
"( AND | NOT | OR |\\)*$)"),
# select([ .friends | m1 | .id | m1 ] | map ( . > 1 ) | any )
paste0(" ([ .", gsub('"[.]"', " | m1 | .", i), " ] ",
"| map( . | m1 | . $2 ) | any ) $3"),
vectorize_all = FALSE
## special cases
# important
queryJq <- gsub(" ==* ", " == ", queryJq)
queryJq <- gsub("REGEXP \"(.+?)\"", '| test("\\1")', queryJq)
queryJq <- gsub("( AND | NOT | OR )", "\\L\\1", queryJq, perl = TRUE)
# null is less than anything
queryJq <- gsub(" . != ([^nul])", " . != null and . != \\1", queryJq)
queryJq <- gsub(" . (<=?) ([^nul])", " . != null and . \\1 \\2", queryJq)
# add function definition
queryJq <- paste0('
def m1: . | (if (type == "array" or type == "object" or type == "string") and
length == 0 then null else (if type == "array" then (.[] | m1) else [.][] end) end);
select(', queryJq, ')')
# output
# vector of fields
includeFields = includeFields,
includeRootFields = includeRootFields,
includeMaxCharFields = includeMaxCharFields,
excludeFields = excludeFields,
queryRootFields = queryRootFields,
queryFields = queryFields,
queryPaths = queryPaths,
queryCondition = queryCondition,
queryJq = queryJq
#' insObj
#' replaces names of objects within sql quotes
#' `/** **/` by contents of objects of that name
#' found in the calling environment. Also adds
#' brackets where found.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
insObj <- function(x, p = parent.frame(), e = NULL) {
x <- gsub("\n+", " ", x)
x <- gsub(" +", " ", x)
allFound <- stringi::stri_extract_all_regex(x, "(/[*][*].*?[*][*]/)", simplify = FALSE)[[1]]
if (setequal(allFound, e)) return(x)
if (all( return(x)
for (oneFound in unique(allFound)) {
i <- stringi::stri_replace_all_fixed(oneFound, c("/**", "**/"), "", vectorize_all = FALSE)
i <- trimws(i)
b <- stringi::stri_extract_all_fixed(i, c("'", '"'), simplify = FALSE)
b <- unique(stats::na.omit(unlist(b)))
i <- gsub("'|\"", "", i)
if (grepl("[$]", i)) { # handle list
ii <- sub(".+[$](.+)", "\\1", i)
c <- get(sub("(.+)[$].+", "\\1", i), envir = p)[[ii]]
} else {
c <- get(i, envir = p)
if (!is.null(c) && length(c)) {
if (length(c) > 1L) stop(
call. = FALSE,
"Objects should be atomic character vectors, this is not: ", i)
if (length(b)) c <- paste0(b, c, b, collapse = "")
x <- stringi::stri_replace_all_fixed(x, oneFound, c)
# recurse
insObj(x = x, p = p, e = allFound)
# for use in query.R
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.