Man pages for npde
Normalised Prediction Distribution Errors for Nonlinear Mixed-Effect Models

autonpdeCompute normalised prediction distribution errors
computenpdeInternal functions used to compute normalised prediction...
computepdInternal functions used to compute prediction discrepancies
compute.ploqCompute P(y_ij<LOQ) for all observations
default.npde.plotsDefault plots for a NpdeObject object
dist.pred.simCompute distribution of pd/npde using simulations
extract-methodsGet/set methods for NpdeData object
gof.testGoodness-of-fit tests for npde
npde.binningInternal functions used to produce prediction intervals
npde.cens.methodMethod used to handle censored data
npdeControlSet options for an NpdeObject
npdeDataCreates a NpdeData object
NpdeData-classClass "NpdeData" representing the structure of the...
npde.decorr.methodDecorrelation methods in npde
npde.graphsSave the graphs for a NpdeObject object to a file
npde.mainMain npde function
NpdeObject-classClass "NpdeObject"
npde-packageNormalised prediction distribution errors for nonlinear...
npde.plot.covariateCovariate diagnostic plots
npde.plot.dataPlot a NpdeData object
npde.plot.defaultDiagnostic plots
npde.plot.distDistribution plots of pd/npde
npde.plot.loqPlot of the probability that the observations are below the...
npde.plot.npdePlots for pd and npde
npde.plot.scatterplotScatterplots and VPC
npde.plot.selectSelect plot for a NpdeObject object
npde.plot.splitcovPlots split by covariate for a NpdeObject object
NpdeRes-classClass "NpdeRes"
npde.saveSave the results contained in a NpdeObject object to a file
npdeSimDataCreates a NpdeSimData object
NpdeSimData-classClass "NpdeSimData" representing the structure of the...
pdemenuInteractive menu to set the options for the npde() function
plot.NpdeDataPlots a NpdeData object
plot.NpdeObjectPlots a NpdeObject object
plot.NpdeResPlots a NpdeRes object
print.NpdeDataPrints objects from the npde package
readRead data into structures (internal)
replace.plotoptionsReplace graphical options
set.plotoptionsSet graphical preferences
showDisplays npde objects
showallContents of an object
simtheoppSimulated data for the computation of normalised prediction...
subset.NpdeDataSubsetting a NpdeData object
summary.NpdeDataSummary of a NpdeData object
theoppPharmacokinetics of theophylline
virloadSimulated HIV viral loads in HIV patients
warfarinPharmacokinetics of warfarin
npde documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:59 a.m.