virload: Simulated HIV viral loads in HIV patients

virloadR Documentation

Simulated HIV viral loads in HIV patients


This is simulated data, based on real data obtained in a phase II clinical trial supported by the French Agency for AIDS Research, the COPHAR 3-ANRS 134 trial (Goujard et al., 2010). The original study included 35 patients, who received a once daily dose containing atazanavir (300 mg), ritonavir (100 mg), tenofovir disoproxil (245 mg) and emtricitabine (200 mg) during 24 weeks. Viral loads were measured 6 times over a treatment period of 24 weeks (day 0, 28, 56, 84, 112, 168).




This data frame contains the following columns:


an ordered factor with levels 1, ..., 50 identifying the subject on whom the observation was made. The ordering is by Time at which the observation was made.


time since the beginning of the study (days)


logarithm (base 10) of the viral load (copies/L)


indicator variable (cens=1 for censored data, cens=0 for observed data)


individual predictions


The datasets were generated in a simulation study designed to evaluate the new method proposed to handle BQL data (Nguyen et al., 2011). Data was simulated using a simple bi-exponential HIV dynamic model describing the two-phase decline of viral load during anti-retroviral treatment.

The virload data frame has 300 rows and 4 columns of data. The dataset was then censored at two different LOQ levels (LOQ=20 or 50~copies/mL) to generate two datasets containing different proportions of BQL data, creating the data frames virload20 andvirload50 respectively

The file simvirload contains 500 simulations under the same model. A full version of the simulated data with 1000 simulations can be downloaded from the github for npde3.0:


Goujard, C., Barrail-Train, A., Duval, X., Nembot, G., Panhard, X., Savic, R., Descamps, D., Vrijens, B., Taburet, A., Mentre, F., and the ANRS 134 study group (2010). Virological response to atazanavir, ritonavir and tenofovir/emtricitabine: relation to individual pharmacokinetic parameters and adherence measured by medication events monitoring system (MEMS) in naive HIV-infected patients (ANRS134 trial). International AIDS Society 2010, Abstr WEPE0094.


PDF documentation for npde 3.0:


  # Plotting the data
  plot(Log_VL~Time,data=virload,xlab="Time (d)",ylab="Viral loads, base 10 log-scale (cp/mL)")
  plot(Log_VL~Time,data=virload50,xlab="Time (d)",ylab="Viral loads, base 10 log-scale (cp/mL)")

npde documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:59 a.m.