# np.geo.R (npsp package)
# np.geo and fitgeo S3 classes and methods
# np.fitgeo() S3 generic
# np.fitgeo.default(x)
# np.fitgeo.locpol.bin(x)
# np.fitgeo.fitgeo(x)
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# (c) R. Fernandez-Casal
# Created: Feb 2018, Modified: Apr 2023
# NOTE: Press Ctrl + Shift + O to show document outline in RStudio
# np.geo(lp, svm, svm0, nbin) ----
#' Nonparametric geostatistical model (S3 class "np.geo")
#' Defines a nonparametric geostatistical model
#' (not intended to be used regularly; see \code{\link{np.fitgeo}}).
#' Constructor function of the \code{np.geo} and \code{fitgeo} S3 \code{\link{class}}es.
#' @aliases np.geo-class, fitgeo-class
#' @param lp local polynomial estimate of the trend function (object of class
#' \code{\link{locpol.bin}}).
#' @param svm (fitted) variogram model (object of class
#' \code{\link{fitsvar}} or \code{\link{svarmod}}).
#' @param svm0 (fitted) residual variogram model (object of class
#' \code{\link{fitsvar}} or \code{\link{svarmod}}).
#' @param nbin number of bins on each dimension.
#' @return Returns an object of \code{\link{class}} \code{np.geo}
#' (extends \code{\link{locpol.bin}}), the \code{lp} argument with
#' the others and the vector of residuals as additional components.
#' @seealso \code{\link{np.fitgeo}}, \code{\link{locpol}}, \code{\link{}}.
#' @export
np.geo <- function(lp, svm, svm0 = NULL, nbin = lp$grid$n) {
stopifnot(inherits(lp, "locpol.bin" ))
if (lp.hd <- any(nbin != lp$grid$n))
lp <- with(lp, locpol(data$x, data$y, nbin = nbin, h = locpol$h))
result <- lp
stopifnot(inherits(svm, "svarmod"))
result$svm <- svm
if(!is.null(svm0)) {
stopifnot(inherits(svm0, "svarmod"))
result$svm0 <- svm0
result$residuals <- if(inherits(svm, "fitsvar") & !lp.hd)
svm$esv$data$y else residuals(lp)
oldClass(result) <- c("np.geo", oldClass(result))
if(inherits(svm, "fitsvar")) {
result$svm$corr.svar <- svm$esv$svar$estimator == "bias-corrected (residuals based)"
oldClass(result) <- c("fitgeo", oldClass(result))
} else
warning("'svm' is not a fitted variogram model")
# np.geo S3 methods ----
#' @rdname npsp-internals
#' @method residuals np.geo
#' @keywords internal
#' @export <- function(object, ...) {
if (!inherits(object, "np.geo"))
stop("function only works for objects of class (or extending) 'np.geo'")
# np.fitgeo(x, ...) ----
#' Fit a nonparametric geostatistical model
#' Fits a nonparametric (isotropic) geostatistical model
#' (jointly estimates the trend and the variogram) by calling
#' \code{\link{locpol}}, \code{\link{np.svariso.corr}} (or \code{\link{np.svariso}} ) and
#' \code{\link{}} iteratively.
#' At each iteration, the trend estimation bandwith is updated
#' by a call to \code{\link{}}.
#' @param x a (data) object used to select a method.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to \code{\link{}}
#' (trend bandwidth selection parameters).
#' @details Currently, only isotropic semivariogram estimation is supported.
#' @return Returns an object of \code{\link{class}} \code{fitgeo} (extends
#' \code{\link{np.geo}}). A \code{\link{locpol.bin}} object with the additional
#' (some optional) 3 components:
#' \item{svm}{fitted variogram model (object of class
#' \code{\link{fitsvar}}).}
#' \item{svm0}{(if requested) fitted residual variogram model (object of class
#' \code{\link{fitsvar}}).}
#' \item{residuals}{model residuals.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{locpol}}, \code{\link{}}, \code{\link{np.svar}},
#' \code{\link{np.svariso.corr}}, \code{\link{np.geo}}.
#' @export
np.fitgeo <- function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname np.fitgeo
#' @method np.fitgeo default
#' @inheritParams locpol.default
#' @inheritParams np.svariso.corr
#' @inheritParams
#' @param iter maximum number of iterations (of the whole algorithm).
#' @param h initial bandwidth matrix for trend estimation
#' (final bandwidth if \code{iter = 1}).
#' @param tol relative convergence tolerance (semivariogram).
#' @param h.svar bandwidth matrix for variogram estimation.
#' @param corr.svar logical; if \code{TRUE} (default), a bias-corrected semivariogram estimate
#' is computed (see \code{\link{np.svariso.corr}}).
#' If \code{FALSE} the (uncorrected) residual variogram is computed
#' (the traditional approach in geostatistics).
#' @param dk dimension of the Shapiro-Botha variogram model (see \code{\link{}}).
#' @param svm.resid logical; if \code{TRUE}, the fitted (uncorrected) residual semivariogram model
#' is computed and returned (this parameter has no effect when \code{corr.svar = FALSE}).
#' @param warn logical; sets the handling of warning messages in bandwidth selection (\code{\link{}}).
#' @param plot logical; if \code{TRUE}, semivariogram estimates obtained at each iteration are plotted.
#' @details If parameter \code{h} is not specified,
#' \code{\link{}} is called with the default values (modified CV) to set it.
#' If parameter \code{h.svar} is not specified,
#' is set to \code{1.5*$h}.
#' Setting \code{corr.svar = TRUE} may be very slow (and memory demanding) when the number of data is large
#' (note also that the bias in the residual variogram decreases when the sample size increases).
#' @examples
#' geomod <- np.fitgeo(aquifer[,1:2], aquifer$head, svm.resid = TRUE)
#' plot(geomod)
#' @export
np.fitgeo.default <- function(x, y, nbin = NULL, iter = 2, h = NULL, tol = 0.05, set.NA = FALSE,
h.svar = NULL, corr.svar = iter > 0, maxlag = NULL, nlags = NULL, dk = 0, svm.resid = FALSE,
hat.bin = corr.svar, warn = FALSE, plot = FALSE, window = NULL, ...) {
stopifnot(!missing(x), !missing(y)) # Solo para datos geoestadisticos
# Binning
bin <- binning(x, y, nbin = nbin, set.NA = set.NA, window = window)
# Trend estimation
h <-, warn = warn, ...)$h
lp <- locpol(bin, h = h, hat.bin = hat.bin) # np.svariso.corr
# Variogram estimation
lp.resid <- residuals(lp)
if(is.null(h.svar) || svm.resid || !corr.svar) {
esvar0 <- svariso(x, lp.resid, maxlag = maxlag, nlags = nlags)
if(is.null(h.svar)) h.svar <- 1.5 *, warn = warn)$h
if(svm.resid || !corr.svar) {
esvar0 <- np.svar(esvar0, h = h.svar)
svm0 <-, dk = dk)
if (corr.svar) {
esvar <- np.svariso.corr(lp, h = h.svar, maxlag = maxlag, nlags = nlags, plot = plot)
svm <-, dk = dk)
} else svm <- svm0
if (plot) plot(svm)
# Result
svm$corr.svar <- corr.svar
svm$iter <- iter
result <- if(svm.resid && corr.svar)
np.geo(lp, svm, svm0) else np.geo(lp, svm)
if(iter > 1) {
result <- np.fitgeo.fitgeo(result, iter = iter - 1, tol = tol, corr.svar = corr.svar,
svm.resid = svm.resid, hat.bin = hat.bin, ... )
result$svm$iter <- result$svm$iter + 1
#' @rdname np.fitgeo
#' @method np.fitgeo locpol.bin
#' @param svm (fitted) variogram model (object of class
#' \code{\link{fitsvar}} or \code{\link{svarmod}}).
#' @export
np.fitgeo.locpol.bin <- function(x, svm, iter = 1, tol = 0.05, h.svar = svm$esv$locpol$h,
dk = 0, corr.svar = TRUE, svm.resid = FALSE,
hat.bin = corr.svar, warn = FALSE, plot = FALSE, ...) {
if(!inherits(svm, "fitsvar")) stop("'svm' is not a fitted variogram model")
return(np.fitgeo.fitgeo(np.geo(x, svm), iter = iter, tol = tol, h.svar = h.svar,
dk = dk, corr.svar = corr.svar, svm.resid = svm.resid,
hat.bin = hat.bin, warn = warn, plot = plot, ...))
#' @rdname np.fitgeo
#' @method np.fitgeo fitgeo
#' @examples
#' # Uncorrected variogram estimator
#' geomod0 <- np.fitgeo(aquifer[,1:2], aquifer$head, iter = 0, corr.svar = FALSE)
#' plot(geomod0)
#' # Additional iteration with bias-corrected variogram estimator
#' geomod1 <- np.fitgeo(geomod0, corr.svar = TRUE, svm.resid = TRUE)
#' plot(geomod1)
#' @export
np.fitgeo.fitgeo <- function(x, iter = 1, tol = 0.05, h.svar = x$svm$esv$locpol$h,
dk = x$svm$par$dk, corr.svar = TRUE, svm.resid = FALSE,
hat.bin = corr.svar, warn = FALSE, plot = FALSE, ...) {
# NOTA: No sería necesario recalcular en cada iteración si svm.resid = TRUE y corr.svar = TRUE
lp <- x
svm <- x$svm
maxlag <- svm$esv$grid$max
nlags <- svm$esv$grid$n
for (i in 1:iter) { <- svm$fit$
# Trend estimation
h <- if(hasArg("h.start")), cov.bin = svm, warn = warn, ...)$h else, cov.bin = svm, h.start = diag(lp$locpol$h), warn = warn, ...)$h
lp <- locpol(lp, h = h, hat.bin = hat.bin) # hat.bin = TRUE for np.svariso.corr
# Variogram estimation
lp.resid <- residuals(lp)
if(is.null(h.svar) || svm.resid || !corr.svar) {
esvar0 <- svariso(lp$data$x, lp.resid, maxlag = maxlag, nlags = nlags)
h.svar <- 1.5 *, h.start = diag(svm$esv$locpol$h), warn = warn)$h
if(svm.resid || !corr.svar) {
esvar0 <- np.svar(esvar0, h = h.svar)
svm0 <-, dk = dk)
if (corr.svar) {
esvar <- np.svariso.corr(lp, h = h.svar, maxlag = maxlag, nlags = nlags, plot = plot)
svm <-, dk = dk)
} else svm <- svm0
if (plot) plot(svm)
error <- sqrt(mean(($fit$ - 1)^2, na.rm = TRUE))
if (error < tol) break
svm$corr.svar <- corr.svar
svm$ <-
svm$ <- error
svm$iter <- i
# Result
result <- if(svm.resid && corr.svar)
np.geo(lp, svm, svm0) else np.geo(lp, svm)
# plot.fitgeo(x, y, main.trend, main.svar, ...) ----
#' Plot a nonparametric geostatistical model
#' Plots the trend estimates and the fitted variogram model.
#' @method plot fitgeo
#' @param x a nonparametric geostatistical model object.
#' Typically an output of \code{\link{np.fitgeo}}.
#' @param y ignored argument.
#' @param main.trend title for the trend plot.
#' @param main.svar title for the semivariogram plot.
#' @param ... additional graphical parameters
#' (to be passed to \code{\link{simage}} for trend plotting).
#' @return No return value, called for side effects (generate the plot).
#' @examples
#' geomod <- np.fitgeo(aquifer[,1:2], aquifer$head)
#' plot(geomod)
#' @seealso \code{\link{np.fitgeo}}.
#' @export
plot.fitgeo <- function(x, y = NULL, main.trend = 'Trend estimates',
main.svar = NULL, ...) {
old.par <- par(mfrow = c(1,2)) #, omd = c(0.01, 0.9, 0.05, 0.95))
simage(x, main = main.trend, reset = FALSE, ...)
main.svar <- if (is.null(main.svar))
if (x$svm$corr.svar) "Semivariogram estimates \n (bias-corrected)" else
"Semivariogram estimates \n (uncorrected)"
legend <- c("estimates", "fitted model")
lty <- c(NA, 1)
pch <- c(1, NA)
lwd <- c(1, 2)
plot(x$svm, main = main.svar, lwd = lwd, legend = FALSE, col = 'darkgray')
if(!is.null(x$svm0$fit)) {
with(x$svm0$fit, lines(u,, lty = 3, lwd = 2))
legend <- c(legend, 'uncorrected')
lty <- c(lty, 3)
pch <- c(pch, NA)
lwd <- c(lwd, 2)
if(!is.null(x$svm$ {
lines(x$svm$fit$u, x$svm$, lty = 2, lwd = 2)
legend <- c(legend, 'previous iter')
lty <- c(lty, 2)
pch <- c(pch, NA)
lwd <- c(lwd, 2)
legend("bottomright", legend = legend, lty = lty, pch = pch, lwd = lwd)
# par(old.par)
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