API for odbc
Connect to ODBC Compatible Databases (using the DBI Interface)

Global functions
.onLoad Source code
.onUnload Source code
.rlang_as_friendly_type Source code
.rlang_check_is_string Source code
.rlang_stop_unexpected_typeof Source code
.stop_not_number Source code
ACCESS-class Man page
BigQuery-class Man page
ConnectionAttributes Man page
DB2/AIX64-class Man page
DBI-classes Man page
DBI-methods Man page
DBI-tables Man page
DatabricksOdbcDriver-class Man page
HDB-class Man page
Hive-class Man page
Impala-class Man page
Microsoft SQL Server-class Man page
MySQL-class Man page
OdbcConnection Man page Source code
OdbcConnection-class Man page
OdbcDriver Man page
OdbcDriver-class Man page
OdbcResult Man page Source code
OdbcResult-class Man page
Oracle-class Man page
PostgreSQL-class Man page
Redshift-class Man page
SQLite-class Man page
Snowflake-class Man page
Spark SQL-class Man page
Teradata-class Man page
Vertica Database-class Man page
`%||%` Source code
`odbcPreviewQuery.Microsoft SQL Server` Source code
`odbcPreviewQuery.Teradata` Source code
bigint_mappings Source code
build_connection_string Source code
check_arg Source code
check_args Source code
check_attributes Source code
check_bool Source code
check_call Source code
check_character Source code
check_closure Source code
check_data_frame Source code
check_environment Source code
check_field.types Source code
check_formula Source code
check_function Source code
check_logical Source code
check_name Source code
check_number_decimal Source code
check_number_whole Source code
check_quoting Source code
check_row.names Source code
check_string Source code
check_symbol Source code
choices_rd Source code
column_types Source code
compact Source code
computeDisplayName Source code
computeHostName Source code
configure_spark Source code
configure_unixodbc_spark Source code
connection_begin Source code
connection_commit Source code
connection_info Source code
connection_quote Source code
connection_release Source code
connection_rollback Source code
connection_sql_catalogs Source code
connection_sql_columns Source code
connection_sql_schemas Source code
connection_sql_table_types Source code
connection_sql_tables Source code
connection_valid Source code
convertWildCards Source code
createFields Source code
databricks Man page Source code
databricks_args Source code
databricks_auth_args Source code
databricks_default_args Source code
databricks_default_driver Source code
databricks_default_driver_paths Source code
databricks_host Source code
databricks_user_agent Source code
dbAppendTable,OdbcConnection-method Man page
dbBegin,OdbcConnection-method Man page
dbBind,OdbcResult-method Man page
dbClearResult,OdbcResult-method Man page
dbColumnInfo,OdbcResult-method Man page
dbCommit,OdbcConnection-method Man page
dbConnect Man page
dbConnect,DatabricksOdbcDriver-method Man page
dbConnect,OdbcDriver-method Man page
dbConnect,Snowflake-method Man page
dbDataType,OdbcConnection,ANY-method Man page
dbDataType,OdbcConnection,data.frame-method Man page
dbDataType,OdbcDriver,ANY-method Man page
dbDataType,OdbcDriver,data.frame-method Man page
dbDataType,OdbcDriver,list-method Man page
dbDisconnect,OdbcConnection-method Man page
dbExecute,OdbcConnection,character-method Man page
dbExistsTable,Microsoft SQL Server,Id-method Man page
dbExistsTable,Microsoft SQL Server,SQL-method Man page
dbExistsTable,Microsoft SQL Server,character-method Man page
dbExistsTable,OdbcConnection,Id-method Man page
dbExistsTable,OdbcConnection,SQL-method Man page
dbExistsTable,OdbcConnection,character-method Man page
dbExistsTableForWrite,Snowflake,character-method Man page
dbFetch,OdbcResult-method Man page
dbGetInfo,OdbcConnection-method Man page
dbGetInfo,OdbcDriver-method Man page
dbGetQuery,OdbcConnection,character-method Man page
dbGetRowCount,OdbcResult-method Man page
dbGetRowsAffected,OdbcResult-method Man page
dbGetStatement,OdbcResult-method Man page
dbHasCompleted,OdbcResult-method Man page
dbIsValid,OdbcConnection-method Man page
dbIsValid,OdbcDriver-method Man page
dbIsValid,OdbcResult-method Man page
dbListFields,OdbcConnection,Id-method Man page
dbListFields,OdbcConnection,SQL-method Man page
dbListFields,OdbcConnection,character-method Man page
dbListTables,Microsoft SQL Server-method Man page
dbListTables,OdbcConnection-method Man page
dbQuoteIdentifier,OdbcConnection,SQL-method Man page
dbQuoteIdentifier,OdbcConnection,character-method Man page
dbQuoteString,Hive,character-method Man page
dbRemoveTable,OdbcConnection,character-method Man page
dbRollback,OdbcConnection-method Man page
dbSendQuery,OdbcConnection,character-method Man page
dbSendStatement,OdbcConnection,character-method Man page
dbUnquoteIdentifier,Microsoft SQL Server,SQL-method Man page
dbWriteTable,OdbcConnection,Id,data.frame-method Man page
dbWriteTable,OdbcConnection,SQL,data.frame-method Man page
dbWriteTable,OdbcConnection,character,data.frame-method Man page
dot_names Source code
enc2iconv Source code
escapePattern Source code
getCatalogSchema Source code
getSelector Source code
has_names Source code
has_result Source code
has_unixodbc Source code
id_field Source code
isPatternValue Source code
isTempTable Man page
isTempTable,Microsoft SQL Server,SQL-method Man page
isTempTable,Microsoft SQL Server,character-method Man page
isTempTable,OdbcConnection,Id-method Man page
isTempTable,OdbcConnection,SQL-method Man page
is_blob Source code
is_camel_case Source code
is_hosted_session Source code
is_macos Source code
is_windows Source code
is_writeable Source code
lengths Source code
list_data_sources_ Source code
list_drivers_ Source code
locate_config_spark Source code
locate_install_unixodbc Source code
needs_quoting Source code
new_result Source code
obj_type_friendly Source code
obj_type_oo Source code
object_type Source code
odbc Man page Source code
odbc-package Man page
odbcConnectionActions Man page Source code
odbcConnectionActions_ Source code
odbcConnectionColumns Man page Source code
odbcConnectionColumns_,Oracle,character-method Man page
odbcConnectionColumns_,Snowflake,character-method Man page
odbcConnectionIcon Man page Source code
odbcConnectionIcon_ Source code
odbcConnectionSchemas,Microsoft SQL Server-method Man page
odbcConnectionTables,Oracle,character-method Man page
odbcDataType Man page
odbcDataType,ACCESS-method Man page
odbcDataType,ANY-method Man page
odbcDataType,BigQuery-method Man page
odbcDataType,Hive-method Man page
odbcDataType,Impala-method Man page
odbcDataType,Microsoft SQL Server-method Man page
odbcDataType,MySQL-method Man page
odbcDataType,Oracle-method Man page
odbcDataType,PostgreSQL-method Man page
odbcDataType,Redshift-method Man page
odbcDataType,SQLite-method Man page
odbcDataType,Snowflake-method Man page
odbcDataType,Spark SQL-method Man page
odbcDataType,Teradata-method Man page
odbcDataType,Vertica Database-method Man page
odbcListColumns Man page Source code
odbcListColumns.OdbcConnection Source code
odbcListConfig Man page Source code
odbcListDataSources Man page Source code
odbcListDrivers Man page Source code
odbcListObjectTypes Man page Source code
odbcListObjectTypes.default Source code
odbcListObjects Man page Source code
odbcListObjects.OdbcConnection Source code
odbcPreviewObject Man page Source code
odbcPreviewObject.OdbcConnection Source code
odbcPreviewQuery Man page Source code
odbcPreviewQuery.Microsoft SQL Server Man page
odbcPreviewQuery.OdbcConnection Man page Source code
odbcPreviewQuery.Oracle Man page Source code
odbcPreviewQuery.Teradata Man page
odbcSetTransactionIsolationLevel Man page Source code
odbc_connect Source code
odbc_data_type_df Source code
odbc_write_table Source code
on_connection_closed Source code
on_connection_opened Source code
on_connection_updated Source code
oxford_comma Source code
parse_database_error Source code
parse_size Source code
quote_value Man page Source code
random_name Source code
replace_or_append Source code
result_active Source code
result_bind Source code
result_column_info Source code
result_completed Source code
result_describe_parameters Source code
result_fetch Source code
result_insert_dataframe Source code
result_release Source code
result_row_count Source code
result_rows_affected Source code
rethrow_database_error Source code
set_odbcsysini Source code
set_transaction_isolation Source code
show,OdbcConnection-method Man page
show,OdbcDriver-method Man page
snowflake Man page Source code
snowflake_args Source code
snowflake_auth_args Source code
snowflake_default_driver Source code
snowflake_default_driver_paths Source code
snowflake_server Source code
sqlCreateTable,DB2/AIX64-method Man page
sqlCreateTable,HDB-method Man page
sqlCreateTable,Microsoft SQL Server-method Man page
sqlCreateTable,OdbcConnection-method Man page
sqlCreateTable,Oracle-method Man page
sqlCreateTable,Teradata-method Man page
sqlData,OdbcConnection-method Man page
stop_input_type Source code
string_values Source code
switch_type Source code
transactionLevels Source code
validateObjectName Source code
varbinary Source code
varchar Source code
vec_type_friendly Source code
workbench_databricks_token Source code
workbench_snowflake_token Source code
write_spark_lines Source code
odbc documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:47 a.m.