#' Return the object hierarchy supported by a connection.
#' Lists the object types and metadata known by the connection, and how those
#' object types relate to each other.
#' The returned hierarchy takes the form of a nested list, in which each object
#' type supported by the connection is a named list with the following
#' attributes:
#' \describe{
#' \item{contains}{A list of other object types contained by the object, or
#' "data" if the object contains data}
#' \item{icon}{An optional path to an icon representing the type}
#' }
#' For instance, a connection in which the top-level object is a schema that
#' contains tables and views, the function will return a list like the
#' following:
#' \preformatted{list(schema = list(contains = list(
#' list(name = "table", contains = "data")
#' list(name = "view", contains = "data"))))
#' }
#' @param connection A connection object, as returned by `dbConnect()`.
#' @return The hierarchy of object types supported by the connection.
#' @export
# nocov start
odbcListObjectTypes <- function(connection) {
#' @export
odbcListObjectTypes.default <- function(connection) {
# slurp all the objects in the database so we can determine the correct
# object hierarchy
# all databases contain tables, at a minimum
obj_types <- list(table = list(contains = "data"))
# See if we have views too. A little more elaborate than just
# checking if any( table_types == "VIEW" ), because some back-ends
# may contain VIEW "look-alikes". For example PostgreSQL/"MATVIEW".
# The icon url is that of the default Rstudio IDE resource location.
# It gets automatically pulled in for an object type "view" ( but
# not for some of the other ones ). Should we not want to encode that
# dependency, we can just bring that PNG into this package.
table_types <- tolower(string_values(odbcConnectionTableTypes(connection)))
viewlike <- grep("view", table_types, value = TRUE)
viewlike_types <- sapply(
function(i) list(contains = "data", icon = "connections/objects/view.png"),
simplify = FALSE
obj_types <- c(obj_types, viewlike_types)
# check for schema support
if (connection@info$supports.schema) {
obj_types <- list(schema = list(contains = obj_types))
# check for multiple catalogs
if (connection@info$supports.catalogs) {
obj_types <- list(catalog = list(contains = obj_types))
#' List objects in a connection.
#' Lists all of the objects in the connection, or all the objects which have
#' specific attributes.
#' When used without parameters, this function returns all of the objects known
#' by the connection. Any parameters passed will filter the list to only objects
#' which have the given attributes; for instance, passing \code{schema = "foo"}
#' will return only objects matching the schema \code{foo}.
#' @param connection A connection object, as returned by `dbConnect()`.
#' @param ... Attributes to filter by.
#' @return A data frame with \code{name} and \code{type} columns, listing the
#' objects.
#' @export
odbcListObjects <- function(connection, ...) {
#' @export
odbcListObjects.OdbcConnection <- function(connection,
catalog = NULL,
schema = NULL,
name = NULL,
type = NULL,
...) {
check_string(catalog, allow_null = TRUE)
check_string(schema, allow_null = TRUE)
check_string(name, allow_null = TRUE)
check_string(type, allow_null = TRUE)
# if no catalog was supplied but this database has catalogs, return a list of
# catalogs
if (is.null(catalog)) {
catalogs <- tryCatch(
error = function(err) character()
if (length(catalogs) > 0) {
name = catalogs,
type = rep("catalog", times = length(catalogs)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# if no schema was supplied but this database has schema, return a list of
# schema
if (is.null(schema)) {
schemas <- string_values(odbcConnectionSchemas(connection, catalog))
if (length(schemas) > 0) {
name = schemas,
type = rep("schema", times = length(schemas)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
objs <- tryCatch(
odbcConnectionTables(connection, name, catalog, schema, table_type = type),
error = function(e) NULL
# just return a list of the objects and their types, possibly filtered by the
# options above
name = objs[["table_name"]],
type = tolower(objs[["table_type"]]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' List columns in an object.
#' Lists the names and types of each column (field) of a specified object.
#' The object to inspect must be specified as one of the arguments
#' (e.g. \code{table = "employees"}); depending on the driver and underlying
#' data store, additional specification arguments may be required.
#' @param connection A connection object, as returned by `dbConnect()`.
#' @param ... Parameters specifying the object.
#' @return A data frame with \code{name} and \code{type} columns, listing the
#' object's fields.
#' @export
odbcListColumns <- function(connection, ...) {
# given a connection, returns its "host name" (a unique string which identifies it)
computeHostName <- function(connection) {
collapse = "_",
if (!identical(connection@info$servername, connection@info$dbname)) connection@info$servername
computeDisplayName <- function(connection) {
# use DSN if present
dsn <- connection@info$sourcename
if (!is.null(dsn) & dsn != "") {
# use the database name as the display name
display_name <- connection@info$dbname
server_name <- connection@info$servername
user_name <- connection@info$username
# prepend username if present
server_name <- paste(collapse = "@", string_values(c(user_name, server_name)))
# add server name (if it isn't already the display name, which can be the case
# for serverless DBMS)
if (!identical(server_name, display_name)) {
display_name <- paste(collapse = " - ", string_values(c(display_name, server_name)))
validateObjectName <- function(table, view, ..., call = caller_env()) {
# Handle view look-alike object types
# ( e.g. PostgreSQL/"matview" )
args <- list(...)
arg_names <- names(args)
viewlike <- grep("view", arg_names, value = TRUE)
view <- Reduce(`%||%`, args[viewlike], view)
# Error if both table and view are passed
check_exclusive(table, view, .frame = call)
table %||% view
#' @export
odbcListColumns.OdbcConnection <- function(connection,
table = NULL,
view = NULL,
catalog = NULL,
schema = NULL,
...) {
check_string(table, allow_null = TRUE)
check_string(view, allow_null = TRUE)
check_string(catalog, allow_null = TRUE)
check_string(schema, allow_null = TRUE)
name <- validateObjectName(table, view, ...)
# specify schema or catalog if given
cols <- odbcConnectionColumns_(connection,
name = name,
catalog_name = catalog,
schema_name = schema
# extract and name fields for observer
name = cols[["name"]],
type = cols[["field.type"]],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' Preview the data in an object.
#' Return the data inside an object as a data frame.
#' The object to previewed must be specified as one of the arguments
#' (e.g. \code{table = "employees"}); depending on the driver and underlying
#' data store, additional specification arguments may be required.
#' @param connection A connection object, as returned by `dbConnect()`.
#' @param rowLimit The maximum number of rows to display.
#' @param ... Parameters specifying the object.
#' @return A data frame containing the data in the object.
#' @export
odbcPreviewObject <- function(connection, rowLimit, ...) {
#' @export
odbcPreviewObject.OdbcConnection <- function(connection,
table = NULL,
view = NULL,
schema = NULL,
catalog = NULL,
...) {
check_string(table, allow_null = TRUE)
check_string(view, allow_null = TRUE)
check_string(schema, allow_null = TRUE)
check_string(catalog, allow_null = TRUE)
# extract object name from arguments
name <- validateObjectName(table, view, ...)
# prepend schema if specified
if (!is.null(schema)) {
name <- paste(dbQuoteIdentifier(connection, schema),
dbQuoteIdentifier(connection, name),
sep = "."
# prepend catalog if specified
if (!is.null(catalog)) {
name <- paste(dbQuoteIdentifier(connection, catalog), name, sep = ".")
dbGetQuery(connection, odbcPreviewQuery(connection, rowLimit, name),
n = rowLimit
#' Create a preview query.
#' Optimize against the rowLimit argument. S3 since some
#' back-ends do not parse the LIMIT syntax. Internal, not expected that
#' users would interact with this method.
#' @param connection A connection object, as returned by `dbConnect()`.
#' @param rowLimit The maximum number of rows to display.
#' @param name Name of the object to be previewed
#' @keywords internal
odbcPreviewQuery <- function(connection, rowLimit, name) {
#' Common top-N syntax ( MYSQL, PSQL, DB2, SNOWFLAKE, etc )
#' @rdname odbcPreviewQuery
odbcPreviewQuery.OdbcConnection <- function(connection, rowLimit, name) {
paste0("SELECT * FROM ", name, " LIMIT ", rowLimit)
#' SQL Server specific top-N syntax
#' @rdname odbcPreviewQuery
`odbcPreviewQuery.Microsoft SQL Server` <- function(connection, rowLimit, name) {
paste0("SELECT TOP ", rowLimit, " * FROM ", name)
#' Teradata specific top-N syntax
#' @rdname odbcPreviewQuery
`odbcPreviewQuery.Teradata` <- function(connection, rowLimit, name) {
paste0("SELECT TOP ", rowLimit, " * FROM ", name)
#' Oracle specific top-N syntax
#' @rdname odbcPreviewQuery
odbcPreviewQuery.Oracle <- function(connection, rowLimit, name) {
paste0("SELECT * FROM ", name, " WHERE ROWNUM <= ", rowLimit)
#' Get an icon representing a connection.
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' Return the path on disk to an icon representing a connection.
#' @details
#' The icon returned should be a 32x32 square image file.
#' @param connection A connection object, as returned by `dbConnect()`.
#' @return The path to an icon file on disk.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
odbcConnectionIcon <- function(connection) {
odbcConnectionIcon_ <- function(connection) {
# no icon is returned by default
#' List the actions supported for the connection
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' Return a list of actions that can be performed on the connection.
#' @details
#' The list returned is a named list of actions, where each action has the
#' following properties:
#' \describe{
#' \item{callback}{A function to be invoked to perform the action}
#' \item{icon}{An optional path to an icon representing the action}
#' }
#' @param connection A connection object, as returned by `dbConnect()`.
#' @return A named list of actions that can be performed on the connection.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
odbcConnectionActions <- function(connection) {
odbcConnectionActions_ <- function(connection) {
actions <- list()
if (exists(".rs.api.documentNew")) {
documentNew <- get(".rs.api.documentNew")
actions <- c(
SQL = list(
icon = system.file("icons/edit-sql.png", package = "odbc"),
callback = function() {
varname <- Filter(
function(e) identical(get(e, envir = .GlobalEnv), connection),
ls(envir = .GlobalEnv)
tables <- odbcConnectionTables(connection)
columnPos <- 6
if (nrow(tables) == 0) {
contents <- paste(
paste0("-- !preview conn=", ifelse(length(varname) > 0, varname[[1]], "")),
sep = "\n"
} else {
firstTable <- tables[1, ]
tableName <- dbQuoteIdentifier(connection, firstTable$table_name)
# add schema
if (!$table_schema) && nchar(firstTable$table_schema) > 0) {
tableName <- paste(dbQuoteIdentifier(connection, firstTable$table_schema), tableName, sep = ".")
# add catalog
if (!$table_catalog) && nchar(firstTable$table_catalog) > 0) {
tableName <- paste(dbQuoteIdentifier(connection, firstTable$table_catalog), tableName, sep = ".")
contents <- paste(
paste0("-- !preview conn=", varname),
paste0("SELECT * FROM ", tableName),
sep = "\n"
columnPos <- 14
documentNew("sql", contents, row = 2, column = columnPos, execute = FALSE)
actions <- c(actions, list(
Help = list(
# show README for this package as the help; we will update to a more
# helpful (and/or more driver-specific) website once one exists
icon = "",
callback = function() {
on_connection_closed <- function(con) {
# make sure we have an observer
observer <- getOption("connectionObserver")
if (is.null(observer)) {
type <- con@info$
host <- computeHostName(con)
observer$connectionClosed(type, host)
on_connection_updated <- function(con, hint) {
# make sure we have an observer
observer <- getOption("connectionObserver")
if (is.null(observer)) {
type <- con@info$
host <- computeHostName(con)
observer$connectionUpdated(type, host, hint = hint)
on_connection_opened <- function(connection, code) {
# make sure we have an observer
observer <- getOption("connectionObserver")
if (is.null(observer)) {
# find an icon for this DBMS
icon <- odbcConnectionIcon_(connection)
# let observer know that connection has opened
# connection type
type = connection@info$,
# name displayed in connection pane
displayName = computeDisplayName(connection),
# host key
host = computeHostName(connection),
# icon for connection
icon = icon,
# connection code
connectCode = code,
# disconnection code
disconnect = function() {
listObjectTypes = function() {
# table enumeration code
listObjects = function(...) {
odbcListObjects(connection, ...)
# column enumeration code
listColumns = function(...) {
odbcListColumns(connection, ...)
# table preview code
previewObject = function(rowLimit, ...) {
odbcPreviewObject(connection, rowLimit, ...)
# other actions that can be executed on this connection
actions = odbcConnectionActions_(connection),
# raw connection object
connectionObject = connection
# nocov end
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