
img.file <- file.path(R.home("doc"), "html", "logo.jpg")
fpt_blue_bold <- fp_text(color = "#006699", bold = TRUE)
fpt_red_italic <- fp_text(color = "#C32900", italic = TRUE)
bl <- block_list(
  fpar(ftext("hello world", fpt_blue_bold)),
    ftext("hello", fpt_blue_bold), " ",
    ftext("world", fpt_red_italic)
    ftext("hello world", fpt_red_italic),
      src = img.file, height = 1.06, width = 1.39

anyplot <- plot_instr(code = {
  col <- c(
    "#440154FF", "#443A83FF", "#31688EFF",
    "#21908CFF", "#35B779FF", "#8FD744FF", "#FDE725FF"
  barplot(1:7, col = col, yaxt = "n")

test_that("rtf_add works with text, paragraphs, and plots (ggplot2 too)", {
  def_text <- fp_text_lite(color = "#006943", bold = TRUE)
  center_par <- fp_par(text.align = "left", padding = 1, line_spacing = 1.3)

  np <- fp_par(line_spacing = 1.4, padding = 3, )
  fpt_def <- fp_text(font.size = 11, italic = TRUE, bold = TRUE, underline = TRUE)

  doc <- rtf_doc(normal_par = np, normal_chunk = fpt_def)

  expect_identical(doc$normal_par, np)
  expect_identical(doc$normal_chunk, fpt_def)
  expect_identical(doc$content, list())

  doc <- rtf_add(
    x = doc,
    value = fpar(
      ftext("how are you?", prop = def_text),
      fp_p = fp_par(text.align = "center")

  expect_identical(doc$content[[1]]$chunks[[1]], ftext("how are you?", prop = def_text))
  expect_identical(doc$content[[1]]$fp_p, fp_par(text.align = "center"))

  a_paragraph <- fpar(
    ftext("Here is a date: ", prop = def_text),
    run_word_field(field = "Date \\@ \"MMMM d yyyy\""),
    fp_p = center_par
  doc <- rtf_add(
    x = doc,
    value = block_list(

  expect_identical(doc$content[[4]]$chunks, a_paragraph$chunks)

  if (require("ggplot2")) {
    gg <- gg_plot <- ggplot(data = iris) +
      geom_point(mapping = aes(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length))
    doc <- rtf_add(doc, gg,
      width = 3, height = 4,
      ppr = center_par

    expect_true(grepl("\\.png", doc$content[[5]]$chunks[[1]]))
    expect_identical(attr(doc$content[[5]]$chunks[[1]], "dims"), list(width = 3, height = 4))
  anyplot <- plot_instr(code = {
    barplot(1:5, col = 2:6)

  doc <- rtf_add(doc, anyplot,
    width = 5, height = 4,
    ppr = center_par
  expect_true(grepl("\\.png", doc$content[[6]]$chunks[[1]]))
  expect_identical(attr(doc$content[[6]]$chunks[[1]], "dims"), list(width = 5, height = 4))

  expect_s3_class(doc, "rtf")

  expect_identical(capture.output(print.rtf(doc)), "rtf document with 6 element(s)")

  bl <- block_list(
    fpar(ftext("hello world\\t", fpt_blue_bold)),
      ftext("hello", fpt_blue_bold), " ",
      ftext("world", fpt_red_italic)
      ftext("hello world", fpt_red_italic)

  expect_silent({doc <- rtf_add(doc, bl)})

  ps <- prop_section(
    page_size = page_size(orient = "landscape"),
    page_margins = page_mar(top = 2),
    type = "continuous"
  bs <- block_section(ps)

  expect_silent({doc <- rtf_add(doc, bs)})
  expect_silent({doc <- rtf_add(doc, "a character")})
  expect_silent({doc <- rtf_add(doc, factor("a factor"))})
  expect_silent({doc <- rtf_add(doc, 1.1)})

  outfile <- print(doc, target = tempfile(fileext = ".rtf"))

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officer documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:49 p.m.