
Defines functions process_urls

#' Parses urls against OJS routing conventions and retrieves the base url
#' Takes a vector of urls and parses them according to OJS routing conventions, then retrieves OJS base url.
#' @param input_url Character vector.
#' @return A vector of the same length of your input.
#' @examples
#' mix_links <- c(
#'   'https://dspace.palermo.edu/ojs/index.php/psicodebate/issue/archive',
#'   'https://publicaciones.sociales.uba.ar/index.php/psicologiasocial/article/view/2903'
#' )
#' base_url <- ojsr::parse_base_url(input_url = mix_links)
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
parse_base_url <- function ( input_url ) {
  url_parsed <- process_urls(input_url)
  df <- url_parsed %>% dplyr::select(.data$base_url) %>% unlist(use.names = FALSE)

#' Parses urls against OJS routing conventions and retrieves the OAI url
#' Takes a vector of urls and parses them according to OJS routing conventions, then retrieves OAI entry url.
#' @param input_url Character vector.
#' @return A vector of the same length of your input.
#' @examples
#' mix_links <- c(
#'   'https://dspace.palermo.edu/ojs/index.php/psicodebate/issue/archive',
#'   'https://publicaciones.sociales.uba.ar/index.php/psicologiasocial/article/view/2903'
#' )
#' oai_url <- ojsr::parse_oai_url(input_url = mix_links)
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
parse_oai_url <- function ( input_url ) {
  url_parsed <- process_urls(input_url)
  df <- url_parsed %>% dplyr::select(.data$conventional_oai) %>% unlist(use.names = FALSE)

process_urls <- function( url ) {

  if( !is.character(url) ) {
    stop("url must be a character string or vector")

  url_input <- data.frame(input_url=url, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # saving the input to rejoin after processing

  url <- unique(url_input$input_url) # now, let's work on unique records

  ojs_url_dataframe <- data.frame()  # object to return

  for (i in 1:length(url)) { # in a loop for vectorized input

    urlposta <- url[i] # input parameter
    skipUrl <- FALSE

    if (is.na(urlposta)) { warning( urlposta , " (element ", i ,")", " is empty or NA. Returning NAs", call. = FALSE); skipUrl = TRUE }
    if (!skipUrl & !grepl(pattern = "^https?://", x = urlposta)) { warning( urlposta , " (element ", i ,")", " does not include http|https protocol. Returning NAs", call. = FALSE); skipUrl = TRUE }
    if (!skipUrl & !grepl(pattern = "index.php", x = urlposta, fixed = TRUE)) { warning( urlposta , " (element ", i ,")", " does not include index.php. Returning NAs", call. = FALSE); skipUrl = TRUE }
    if (!skipUrl & grepl(pattern = "journal=", x = urlposta, fixed = TRUE)) { warning( urlposta , " (element ", i ,")", " uses journal as parameter. Returning NAs", call. = FALSE); skipUrl = TRUE }

    ojs_url <- list() # object to populate. converts to df before returning

    ojs_url$input_url <- urlposta # input parameter
    ojs_url$base_url <- NA # base url of the OJS
    ojs_url$issue_id <- NA # if an issue, its ID
    ojs_url$article_id <- NA # if an article, its ID
    ojs_url$galley_id <- NA # if a galley (full-content, supplementary materials, etc.), its ID
    ojs_url$conventional_archive <- NA # the *(conventional to be) right* url to scrap the list of issues
    ojs_url$conventional_issue <- NA # the *(conventional to be) right* url to scrap the ToC from an issue (if issue_id is present, otherwise "")
    ojs_url$conventional_article <- NA # the *(conventional to be) right* url to scrap metadata from an article (if article_id is present, otherwise "")
    ojs_url$conventional_oai <- NA # the *(conventional to be) right* url to the OAI records listing
    ojs_url$conventional_search <- NA # the *(conventional to be) right* url to a search result

    ojs_url_path <- ojs_url_page <- ojs_url_command <- ""

    if ( !skipUrl ) {


        ojs_url_parsed <- urltools::url_parse(urlposta) # parsing non-ojs url conventions
        ojs_url_path <- urltools::path(urlposta) # url - domain = /index.php/journal/page/function/arg1/arg2/arg3

      }, warning = function(war) { warning(paste("warning parsing ", url[i], " : ",war)) ;
      }, error = function(err) { stop(paste("error parsing ", url[i], " : ",err));

      if ( ojs_url_path != "" ) {

        urlsplit <- unlist(strsplit(x = ojs_url_path, split = "/", fixed = TRUE)) # split url by "/"

        if (!grepl(pattern = "?", x = urlposta, fixed = TRUE) & !is.na(ojs_url_parsed$parameter)) { warning( paste(urlposta , "(element ", i ,")", " includes paramenters in url") ) }

        ojs_url_base_position <- match("index.php", urlsplit) # position of "index.php" url segment, or NA
        ojs_url_base_url <- "" # base url to rewrite (the "conventional" paramenters returned)
        ojs_url_directory <- ifelse( ojs_url_base_position > 1, paste( urlsplit[1:ojs_url_base_position-1] , collapse = "/"), "" ) # directory of installation
        ojs_url_journal_name <- urlsplit[ ojs_url_base_position + 1 ] # abv name of the jounal
        ojs_url_base_url <- paste0( ojs_url_parsed$scheme , "://" , ojs_url_parsed$domain)
        if ( !is.na(ojs_url_parsed$port )) { ojs_url_base_url <- paste0( ojs_url_base_url , ":" , ojs_url_parsed$port) }
        if ( ojs_url_directory != "" ) { ojs_url_base_url <- paste0( ojs_url_base_url , "/" , ojs_url_directory) }
        if ( !is.na( ojs_url_base_position )) { ojs_url_base_url <- paste0( ojs_url_base_url , "/index.php") }
        if ( ojs_url_journal_name != "" ) { ojs_url_base_url <- paste0( ojs_url_base_url , "/" , ojs_url_journal_name) }
        ojs_url$base_url <- ojs_url_base_url

        if ( !is.na ( urlsplit[ ojs_url_base_position + 2 ] ) ) { ojs_url_page <- urlsplit[ ojs_url_base_position + 2 ] } # page/controller = about, user, article, issue, search, etc.
        if ( !is.na ( urlsplit[ ojs_url_base_position + 3 ] ) ) { ojs_url_command <- urlsplit[ ojs_url_base_position + 3 ] } # function = view, download, index, search, etc.

        if ( ojs_url_page == "article" & ( ojs_url_command == "view" | ojs_url_command == "download" ) ) {
          if ( !is.na ( urlsplit[ ojs_url_base_position + 4 ] ) ) { ojs_url$article_id = as.integer(urlsplit[ ojs_url_base_position + 4 ]) } # there is an article id
          if ( !is.na ( urlsplit[ ojs_url_base_position + 5 ] ) ) { ojs_url$galley_id = urlsplit[ ojs_url_base_position + 5 ] } # there is an galley id

        if ( ojs_url_page == "issue" & ( ojs_url_command == "current" | ojs_url_command == "view" | ojs_url_command == "archive" ) ) {
          if ( !is.na ( urlsplit[ ojs_url_base_position + 4 ] ) ) { ojs_url$issue_id = urlsplit[ ojs_url_base_position + 4 ] } # there is an issue id

        ojs_url$conventional_article <- ifelse( !is.na(ojs_url$article_id), paste0(ojs_url_base_url , "/article/view/", ojs_url$article_id), NA)
        ojs_url$conventional_issue <- ifelse( !is.na(ojs_url$issue_id), paste0(ojs_url_base_url , "/issue/view/", ojs_url$issue_id , "/showToc"), NA)
        ojs_url$conventional_oai <- paste0(ojs_url_base_url , "/oai")
        ojs_url$conventional_search <- paste0(ojs_url_base_url , "/search/?query=")
        ojs_url$conventional_archive <- paste0(ojs_url_base_url , "/issue/archive")
        ojs_url_row <- as.data.frame( t(unlist(ojs_url)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        ojs_url_dataframe <- rbind(ojs_url_dataframe, ojs_url_row)

    } else {

      # skip
      ojs_url_row <- as.data.frame( t(unlist(ojs_url)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      ojs_url_dataframe <- rbind(ojs_url_dataframe, ojs_url_row)


  ojsr_url_output <- dplyr::left_join(url_input, ojs_url_dataframe, by="input_url")

Try the ojsr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ojsr documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 5:20 p.m.