
Defines functions onetime_warning

Documented in onetime_warning

#' Print a warning or message only once
#' These functions use [onetime_do()] to print a warning or message just
#' once.
#' @param ... Passed to [warning()], [message()] or [packageStartupMessage()].
#' @inherit common-params
#' @return Invisible `TRUE` if the message/warning was shown, invisible
#'   `FALSE` otherwise.
#' @export
#' @seealso [onetime_do()]
#' @doctest
#' oo <- options(onetime.dir = tempdir(check = TRUE))
#' id <- sample(10000L, 1)
#' for (n in 1:3) {
#' @expect warning(regexp = if (n == 1L) "once" else NA)
#'   onetime_warning("will be shown once", id = id)
#' }
#' onetime_reset(id = id)
#' options(oo)
onetime_warning <- function(...,
        id     = deprecate_calling_package(),
        path   = default_lockfile_dir(),
        expiry = NULL,
        without_permission = "warn"
      ) {
  ret_val <- onetime_do(warning(..., call. = FALSE), id = id, path = path, expiry = expiry,
                  default = FALSE, without_permission = without_permission)
  return(invisible(! isFALSE(ret_val)))

#' @rdname onetime_warning
#' @export
onetime_message <- function (...,
        id     = deprecate_calling_package(),
        path   = default_lockfile_dir(),
        expiry = NULL,
        without_permission = "warn"
      ) {
  ret_val <- onetime_do(message(...),  id = id, path = path, expiry = expiry,
                        default = FALSE, without_permission = without_permission)
  return(invisible(! isFALSE(ret_val)))

#' @rdname onetime_warning
#' @export
onetime_startup_message <- function (...,
        id     = deprecate_calling_package(),
        path   = default_lockfile_dir(),
        expiry = NULL,
        without_permission = "warn"
      ) {
  ret_val <- onetime_do(packageStartupMessage(...), id = id, path = path,
                        expiry = expiry, default = FALSE,
                        without_permission = without_permission)
  return(invisible(! isFALSE(ret_val)))

#' Print a message, and ask for confirmation to hide it in future
#' This uses [readline()] to ask the user if the message should
#' be shown again in future.
#' By default, the message will be hidden if the user answers
#' "n", "No", or "N", or just presses return to the prompt question.
#' Unlike other `onetime` functions, `onetime_message_confirm()` doesn't by
#' default require permission to store files on the user's computer. The
#' assumption is that saying "Don't show this message again" counts as
#' granting permission (just for this one message). You can ask for broader
#' permission by setting `require_permission = TRUE` and
#' `without_permission = "ask"`.
#' @inherit common-params
#' @param ... Passed to [message()].
#' @param require_permission Logical. Ask permission to store files on the user's
#'  computer, if this hasn't been granted? Setting this to `FALSE`
#'  overrides `without_permission`.
#' @param noninteractive String. Additional message to send in non-interactive
#'  sessions. Set to `NULL` to do nothing in non-interactive sessions. The
#'  default tells the user how to manually mark the message as done.
#' @param message Deprecated. Use unnamed arguments `...` instead.
#' @return
#' * `NULL` if the message was not shown (shown already or non-interactive
#'   session and `noninteractive` was `NULL`).
#' * `TRUE` if the user confirmed, i.e. chose to hide the message.
#' * `FALSE` if the message was shown but the user did not confirm (did not
#'   choose to hide the message, or non-interactive session and `noninteractive`
#'   was not `NULL`).
#' Results are returned invisibly.
#' Note that by default, `TRUE` is returned when the user answers "no" to
#' "Show this message again?" and `FALSE` is returned when the user answers
#' "yes".
#' @export
#' @doctest
#' oo <- options(onetime.dir = tempdir(check = TRUE))
#' id <- sample(10000L, 1L)
#' @expect message("A message")
#' onetime_message_confirm("A message to show one or more times", id = id)
#' onetime_reset(id = id)
#' options(oo)
onetime_message_confirm <- function (
  id                 = deprecate_calling_package(),
  path               = default_lockfile_dir(),
  expiry             = NULL,
  confirm_prompt     = "Show this message again? [yN] ",
  confirm_answers    = c("N", "n", "No", "no"),
  default_answer     = "N",
  require_permission = FALSE,
  without_permission = "warn",
  noninteractive     = paste0(
    "To hide this message in future, run:\n",
    "  onetime::onetime_mark_as_done(id = \"", id, "\")"),
  message            = .Deprecated()
) {
  dots <- list(...)
  if (! missing(message)) {
    .Deprecated("onetime_message_confirm(message = ...)", "onetime_message_confirm(...)")
    dots <- list(message)

  if (! my_interactive()) {
    if (is.null(noninteractive)) {
      return(invisible(NULL)) # message not shown
    } else {
      dots[length(dots) + 1:2] <- c("\n", noninteractive)
      do.call(base::message, dots)
      return(invisible(FALSE)) # user did not confirm

  confirmation <- expression({
    do.call(base::message, dots)
    answer <- my_readline(confirm_prompt)

  answer <- do_onetime_do(confirmation, id = id, path = path, expiry = expiry,
                       without_permission = without_permission,
                       require_permission = require_permission, invisibly = TRUE)
  if (is.null(answer)) return(invisible(NULL))

  if (answer == "") answer <- default_answer
  if (! answer %in% confirm_answers) {
    onetime_reset(id, path)

  return(invisible(answer %in% confirm_answers))

Try the onetime package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

onetime documentation built on Sept. 3, 2023, 9:06 a.m.