#' Add a new mapping to an ontology
#' Extend an ontology by creating mappings between classes and concepts of
#' external vocabularies and the harmonised classes and concepts.
#' @param new [`character(.)`][character]\cr the english external label(s) that
#' shall be mapped to labels that do already exist in the ontology.
#' @param target [`data.frame(.)`][data.frame]\cr the already harmonised English
#' label(s) to which the external labels shall be mapped; derive with get_concept().
#' @param match [`character(1)`][character]\cr the
#' \href{}{skos mapping property}
#' used to describe the link, possible values are \code{"close"},
#' \code{"exact"}, \code{"broad"} and \code{"narrow"}.
#' @param source [`character(1)`][character]\cr any character uniquely
#' identifying the source dataset of the new label.
#' @param lut [`character(.)`][character]\cr in case the terms used for mapping
#' are from a look up table (i.e. a standardised set of terms with a
#' description), provide this table with column names 'label' and
#' 'description' here.
#' @param certainty [`integerish(1)`][integer]\cr the certainty of the match.
#' Possible values are between 1 and 4, with meaning \itemize{\item 1 =
#' probably unreliable \item 2 = unclear, assigned according to a given
#' definition \item 3 = clear, assigned according to a given definition \item
#' 4 = original, harmonised term (can't be assigned by a user)}.
#' @param type [`character(1)`][character]\cr whether the new labels are mapped
#' to a \code{"concept"}, or to a \code{"class"}.
#' @param verbose [`logical(1)`][logical]\cr whether or not to give detailed
#' information on the process of this function.
#' @param beep [`integerish(1)`][integer]\cr Number specifying what sound to be
#' played to signal the user that a point of interaction is reached by the
#' program, see \code{\link[beepr]{beep}}.
#' @param ontology [`ontology(1)`][list]\cr either a path where the ontology is
#' stored, or an already loaded ontology.
#' @examples
#' ontoDir <- system.file("extdata", "crops.rds", package = "ontologics")
#' onto <- load_ontology(path = ontoDir)
#' mapping <- data.frame(old = c("BIOENERGY CROPS", "Bioenergy woody",
#' "Other bioenergy crops"),
#' new = c("bioenergy plants", "Wood plantation for fuel",
#' "Algae for bioenergy"),
#' type = c("close", "broader", "broader"))
#' onto <- new_source(name = "externalDataset",
#' version = "0.0.1",
#' description = "a vocabulary",
#' homepage = "",
#' license = "CC-BY-0",
#' ontology = onto)
#' onto <- get_concept(label = mapping$old, ontology = onto) %>%
#' new_mapping(new = mapping$new,
#' target = .,
#' match = mapping$type,
#' source = "externalDataset",
#' certainty = 3,
#' ontology = onto)
#' @return No return value, called for the side effect of adding new mappings to
#' an ontology.
#' @importFrom checkmate testIntegerish testCharacter assert assertCharacter
#' assertChoice assertIntegerish assertFileExists assertNames
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join filter pull mutate bind_rows arrange if_else
#' bind_cols full_join na_if across anti_join right_join
#' @importFrom tidyr unite pivot_wider
#' @importFrom tidyselect all_of where
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect str_split str_replace
#' @importFrom readr read_rds write_rds
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom beepr beep
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @export
new_mapping <- function(new = NULL, target, source = NULL, lut = NULL,
match = NULL, certainty = NULL, type = "concept",
ontology = NULL, verbose = FALSE,
beep = NULL){
assertCharacter(x = new, all.missing = FALSE)
assertDataFrame(x = target, nrows = length(new))
assertDataFrame(x = lut, null.ok = TRUE)
assertIntegerish(x = certainty, lower = 1, upper = 4)
assertChoice(x = type, choices = c("concept", "class"))
assertLogical(x = verbose, len = 1)
if(inherits(x = ontology, what = "onto")){
ontoPath <- NULL
} else {
assertFileExists(x = ontology, access = "rw", extension = "rds")
ontoPath <- ontology
theName <- tail(str_split(string = ontology, "/")[[1]], 1)
theName <- head(str_split(string = theName, pattern = "[.]")[[1]], 1)
ontology <- load_ontology(path = ontoPath)
assertNames(x = names(lut), must.include = c("label", "description"))
# if(length(description) != length(new)){
# if(length(description) == 1){
# description <- bind_cols(desc = description, label = new)
# } else {
# stop("the number of elements in 'description' is neither the same as in 'new' nor 1.")
# }
# } else if(all(description == "")) {
# description <- bind_cols(desc = NA_character_, label = new)
# } else {
# description <- bind_cols(desc = description, label = new)
# }
} #else {
# description <- bind_cols(desc = NA_character_, label = new)
# }
if(length(match) != length(new)){
if(length(match) == 1){
match <- rep(x = match, length.out = length(new))
} else {
stop("the number of elements in 'match' is neither the same as in 'target' nor 1.")
# prepare some variables
if(type == "concept"){
typeNames <- "concepts"
typeName <- "concept"
targetCols <- c("id", "label", "class", "has_broader")
theTable <- ontology@concepts
} else if(type == "class"){
typeNames <- "classes"
typeName <- "class"
targetCols <- c("id", "label", "has_broader")
theTable <- ontology@classes
target <- suppressWarnings(target %>%
left_join(theTable$harmonised, by = colnames(target)) %>%
select(id, label, has_broader))
srcID <- ontology@sources %>%
filter(label %in% source) %>%
if(length(srcID) == 0){
stop("please first define the source '", source, "' (see function new_source).")
prevID <- str_detect(string = theTable$external$id, pattern = source)
prevID <- 0
} else {
prevID <- str_split(theTable$external$id[prevID], pattern = "_", simplify = TRUE)
prevID <- as.numeric(prevID[, dim(prevID)[2]])
prevID <- max(prevID, na.rm = TRUE)
if( prevID <- 0
# in case target doesn't contain labels, call the function edit_matches, to
# assign the new terms to the already existing labels in the ontology
# if(!"label" %in% colnames(target)){
# assertNames(x = colnames(target), must.include = c("class", "has_broader"))
# related <- edit_matches(new = new, target = target, source = source,
# ontology = ontology, matchDir = matchDir, verbose = verbose, beep = beep)
# temp <- related %>%
# pivot_longer(cols = c(has_broader_match, has_close_match, has_exact_match, has_narrower_match),
# names_to = "match", values_to = "new") %>%
# filter(! %>%
# mutate(certainty = certainty,
# has_source = srcID,
# match = str_replace(string = match, pattern = "has_", replacement = ""),
# match = str_replace(string = match, pattern = "_match", replacement = "")) %>%
# separate_rows(new, sep = " \\| ")
# } else {
assertNames(x = names(target), must.include = targetCols)
assertSubset(x = match, choices = c("close", "exact", "broader", "narrower"))
testTable <- target %>%
select(all_of(targetCols)) %>%
mutate(avail = TRUE) %>%
left_join(theTable$harmonised, by = targetCols)
missingItems <- testTable %>%
filter(!avail) %>%
stop("the ", typeNames," '", paste0(missingItems, collapse = ", "), "' don't exist yet as harmonised ", typeNames,", please first define them with 'new_", typeName,"()'.")
temp <- target %>%
select(all_of(targetCols)) %>%
bind_cols(tibble(new = new, match = match, certainty = certainty, has_source = srcID)) %>%
separate_rows(new, sep = " \\| ")
# }
# identify concepts that are not yet in the external concepts
extMps <- temp %>%
distinct(new, has_broader, has_source) %>%
filter(new != "") %>%
rename(label = new)
if("has_broader" %in% names(theTable$external)){
extMps <- extMps %>%
anti_join(theTable$external, by = c("label", "has_source", "has_broader"))
} else {
extMps <- extMps %>%
anti_join(theTable$external, by = c("label", "has_source"))
if(!is.null(lut) & !dim(extMps)[1] == 0){
extMps <- extMps %>%
distinct(label, has_source) %>%
right_join(lut, by = "label") %>%
mutate(newid = paste0(source, "_", row_number() + prevID),
has_broader = NA_character_,
has_source = srcID) %>%
select(id = newid, label, has_broader, has_source, description)
} else {
extMps <- extMps %>%
mutate(newid = paste0(source, "_", row_number() + prevID)) %>%
select(id = newid, label, has_broader, has_source) %>%
mutate(description = NA_character_)
theTable$external <- extMps %>%
bind_rows(theTable$external, .)
# map external concept to harmonised table
if(dim(extMps)[1] != 0){
toOut <- temp %>%
left_join(theTable$external %>% filter(has_source == srcID) %>% select(new = label, newid = id),
by = "new")
} else {
toOut <- temp %>%
left_join(theTable$external %>% filter(has_source == srcID) %>% select(new = label, newid = id, has_broader),
by = c("new", "has_broader"))
toOut <- toOut %>%
filter(! %>%
mutate(newid = if_else(!, paste0(newid, ".", certainty), NA_character_),
match = paste0("has_", match, "_match")) %>%
select(-certainty, -has_source, -new)
toOut <- theTable$harmonised %>%
pivot_longer(cols = c(description, has_broader_match, has_close_match, has_exact_match, has_narrower_match),
names_to = "match", values_to = "newid") %>%
separate_rows(newid, sep = " \\| ") %>%
full_join(toOut, by = c({{ targetCols }}, "match", "newid")) %>%
toOut <- toOut %>%
group_by(across(all_of(c(targetCols, "match")))) %>%
summarise(newid = paste0(na.omit(newid), collapse = " | ")) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(newid = na_if(newid, "")) %>%
pivot_wider(id_cols = all_of(targetCols), names_from = match, values_from = newid)
toOut <- toOut %>%
mutate(across(where(is.character), function(x) na_if(x, ""))) %>%
select(all_of(targetCols), description, has_close_match, has_broader_match, has_narrower_match, has_exact_match) %>%
theTable$harmonised <- toOut
if(type == "concept"){
out <- new(Class = "onto",
sources = ontology@sources,
classes = ontology@classes,
concepts = theTable)
} else if(type == "class"){
out <- new(Class = "onto",
sources = ontology@sources,
classes = theTable,
concepts = ontology@concepts)
write_rds(x = out, file = ontoPath)
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