age.matrix | Session-specific Ages |
AIC.openCR | Compare openCR Models |
classMembership | Class Membership Probability for Mixture Models | | Cloning to Evaluate Identifiability |
collate | Array of Parameter Estimates |
cumMove | Probability Distribution After Movement |
derived | Derived Parameters From openCR Models |
dipper | Dippers |
expected.d | Expected Distance Moved |
fieldvoleCH | Kielder Field Voles |
gonodontis | Gonodontis Moths | | Jolly-Seber Estimates |
kernel | Discrete Movement Kernel |
LLsurface | Plot Likelihood Surface |
make.table | Tabulate Estimates From Multiple Models |
manip | Data Manipulation |
matchscale | Match Kernel |
microtus | Patuxent Meadow Voles |
modelAverage | Averaging of OpenCR Models Using Akaike's Information... |
movementmodels | List of Movement Models | | Moving Window Functions |
openCR-defunct | Defunct Functions in Package 'openCR' |
openCR-deprecated | Deprecated Functions in Package 'openCR' | | Design Data for Open population Models | | Fit Open Population Capture-Recapture Model |
openCR-internal | Internal Functions |
openCRlist | Bundle openCR Models |
openCR.make.newdata | Create Default Design Data |
openCR-package | Open Population Capture-Recapture Models | | Fit Multiple openCR Models |
pkernel | Kernel Distribution Functions |
plot.derivedopenCR | Plot Derived Estimates |
plot.openCR | Plot Estimates |
PPNpossums | Orongorongo Valley Brushtail Possums |
predict.openCR | openCR Model Predictions |
print.derivedopenCR | Print Method for Derived Estimates |
print.openCR | Print or Summarise openCR Object |
read.inp | Import Data from RMark Input Format |
rev.capthist | Reverse Primary Sessions |
simulate | Simulate Capture Histories |
squeeze | Unique Capture Histories |
strata | Stratum names |
stratify | Stratify Capture-Recapture Data |
ucare | Goodness-of-fit tests for the Cormack-Jolly-Seber model |
utility | Summarise Non-spatial Open-population Data |
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