pkernel: Kernel Distribution Functions

pkernelR Documentation

Kernel Distribution Functions


Distribution of distance moved for each of the main movement kernels. Theoretical probability density, cumulative distribution function, and quantile function (inverse of the cumulative distribution function).


pkernel(q, movementmodel = c("BVN", "BVE", "BVC", "BVT", "RDE", "RDG", "RDL"), 
    move.a, move.b, truncate = Inf, lower.tail = TRUE)

dkernel(r, movementmodel = c("BVN", "BVE", "BVC", "BVT", "RDE", "RDG", "RDL"), 
    move.a, move.b, truncate = Inf)

qkernel(p, movementmodel = c("BVN", "BVE", "BVC", "BVT", "RDE", "RDG", "RDL"), 
    move.a, move.b, truncate = Inf, lower.tail = TRUE)

gkernel(r, movementmodel = c("BVN", "BVE", "BVC", "BVT", "RDE", "RDG", "RDL"),
    move.a, move.b, truncate = Inf)



numeric vector of cumulative probabilities (0.5 for median)


numeric vector of distance moved


numeric vector of quantiles (distance moved)


character (see Movement models and openCR-vignette.pdf)


numeric parameter of movement kernel


numeric parameter of movement kernel


numeric q value at which distribution truncated


logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities are P[X <= x] otherwise, P[X > x].


Some formulae are given in openCR-vignette.pdf. gkernel gives the 2-D probability density of the bivariate kernel g(r) = f(r) / (2\pi r); the remaining functions describe the distribution of distance moved f(r).

Computation of qkernel for movementmodel = 'BVE' uses numerical root finding (function uniroot).

Truncation (truncate = limit for finite limit) adjusts probabilities upwards by 1/pkernel(limit,..., truncate = Inf) so that pkernel(limit, ..., truncate = limit) equals 1.0. By default the distribution is not truncated.


For pkernel

Vector of cumulative probabilities corresponding to q. The cumulative probability is 1.0 for q > truncate.

For dkernel

Vector of probability density at radial distance r (zero for r > truncate).

For qkernel

Vector of quantiles (distances moved) corresponding to cumulative probabilities p.

For gkernel

Vector of 2-D probability density at radial distance r (zero for r > truncate).


Efford, M. G. and Schofield, M. R. (2022) A review of movement models in open population capture–recapture. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13, 2106–2118.

See Also

Movement models, make.kernel, matchscale


# plot 3 distributions chosen with matchscale to intersect at p = 0.5
q <- 0:100
plot(q, pkernel(q, 'BVN', 34), type = 'l', ylab = 'Cumulative probability')
lines(q, pkernel(q, 'BVT', move.a = 104, move.b = 5), col = 'darkgreen', lwd = 2)
lines(q, pkernel(q, 'BVT', move.a = 40, move.b = 1), col = 'orange', lwd = 2)
points(40, 0.5, pch = 16)
legend(62, 0.36, lty=1, lwd = 2, col = c('black','darkgreen','orange'), 
   legend = c('BVN sigma=34', 'BVT a=104, b=5', 'BVT a=40, b=1'))

# median
abline(v = qkernel(0.5, 'BVN', 34))

openCR documentation built on Oct. 30, 2024, 9:18 a.m.