kernel: Discrete Movement Kernel

make.kernelR Documentation

Discrete Movement Kernel


Functions to create, plot and summarise a discrete representation of a movement kernel.


make.kernel(movementmodel = c("BVN", "BVE", "BVC", "BVT","RDE", "RDG", "RDL", "UNI"), 
    kernelradius = 10, spacing, move.a, move.b, 
    sparsekernel = FALSE, clip = FALSE, normalize = TRUE,     
    stat = c('estimate','lcl', 'ucl'), session = 1, r0 = 1/sqrt(pi), ...)

## S3 method for class 'kernel'
plot(x, type = "kernel", contour = FALSE, levels = NULL, text = FALSE,
    title = NULL, add = FALSE, xscale = 1, ...)

## S3 method for class 'kernel'
summary(object, ...)



character or function or openCR object


integer radius of kernel in grid cells


numeric spacing between cell centres


numeric parameter of kernel


numeric parameter of kernel


logical; if TRUE then only cardinal and intercardinal axes are included


logical; if TRUE then corner cells are removed


logical; if TRUE then cell values are divided by their sum


character; predicted statistic to use for move.a (openCR object only)


integer; session for move.a, move.b if input is fitted model


numeric; effective radius of zero cell for movement models


kernel object from make.kernel


character; plot style (see Details)


logical; if TRUE then contour lines are overlaid on any plot


numeric vector of contour levels


logical; if TRUE then cell probabilities are overprinted, rounded to 3 d.p.


character; if NULL a title is constructed automatically


logical; if TRUE a line is added to an existing plot (types "gr", "fr", "Fr")


numeric multiplier for distance axis (0.001 for distances in km)


other arguments passed to predict.openCR (make.kernel) or plot.mask (plot type "kernel") or lines ( plot types "gr", "fr", "Fr") (not used by summary method)


kernel object from make.kernel


A kernel object is a type of mask with cell probabilities stored in the covariate ‘kernelp’. All kernels are truncated at kernelradius x spacing.

The movementmodel may also be a function or a previously fitted openCR model that includes movement. If a fitted openCR object, parameter values and kernel attributes are derived from that object and other arguments are ignored.

The parameter ‘move.a’ is a scale parameter in metres, except for the UNIzi and INDzi models for which it is the zero-inflation parameter (‘move.b’ is the zero-inflation parameter for BVNzi, BVEzi and RDEzi).

'Sparse' kernels include only those grid cells that lie on 4 axes (N-S, E-W, NW-SE, NE-SW); cell probabilities are adjusted to maintain nearly the same distance distribution as the non-sparse equivalents.

Movement models are listed in Movement models and further described in the vignettes openCR-vignette.pdf.

Plot type may be one or more of –

`kernel' coloured 2-D depiction
`gr' cross-section through the origin of g(r) (the 2-D kernel)
`fr' continuous probability density f(r)
`Fr' cumulative probability distribution F(r)

Type “kernel" by default includes an informative title with font size from the graphical parameter ‘cex.main’. Set title = "" to suppress the title.

Useful properties of theoretical (not discretized) kernels may be recovered with matchscale, pkernel, dkernel and qkernel.

The obscure argument r0 controls the value assigned to the central cell of a discretized kernel. For positive r0 the value is F(r0*cellsize), where F is the cumulative probability distribution of distance moved. Otherwise the cell is assigned the value g(0)*cellarea, where g() is the 2-D kernel probability density (this fails where g(0) is undefined or infinite).


make.kernel returns an object of class c('kernel','mask','data.frame').

The kernel object has attributes:

Attribute Description
movementmodel saved input
K2 saved kernelradius
move.a saved input
move.b saved input
distribution empirical cumulative distribution function

The empirical cumulative distribution is a dataframe with columns for the sorted cell radii ‘r’ and the associated cumulative probability ‘cumprob’ (one row per cell).

summary.kernel returns an object with these components, displayed with the corresponding print method.

Component Description
k2 kernel radius in mask cells
spacing cell width
ncells number of cells in kernel
movementmodel movement model code
move.a first (scale) parameter
move.b second (shape) parameter
mu mean of logs (RDL only; from move.a)
s SD of logs (RDL only; from move.b)
expectedmove mean movement (untruncated)
expectedmovetr mean movement (trucated at kernel radius)
expectedmoveemp mean computed directly from kernel cell values as sum(r.p)
ptruncated proportion of theoretical distribution truncated at radius
expectedq50 theoretical (untruncated) median
expectedq90 theoretical (untruncated) 90th percentile
expectedq50tr theoretical truncated median
expectedq90tr theoretical truncated 90th percentile

The empirical mean in expectedmoveemp is usually the most pertinent property of a fitted kernel.


The plot method for kernels supercedes the function plotKernel that has been removed.


Clark, J. S, Silman, M., Kern, R., Macklin, E. and HilleRisLambers, J. (1999) Seed dispersal near and far: patterns across temperate and tropical forests. Ecology 80, 1475–1494.

Efford, M. G. and Schofield, M. R. (2022) A review of movement models in open population capture–recapture. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13, 2106–2118.

Ergon, T. and Gardner, B. (2014) Separating mortality and emigration: modelling space use, dispersal and survival with robust-design spatial capture–recapture data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5, 1327–1336.

Nathan, R., Klein, E., Robledo-Arnuncio, J. J. and Revilla, E. (2012) Dispersal kernels: review. In: J. Clobert et al. (eds) Dispersal Ecology and Evolution. Oxford University Press. Pp. 187–210.

See Also

Movement models, mask, matchscale, dkernel, pkernel, qkernel


k <- make.kernel(movementmodel = 'BVT', spacing = 10, move.a = 20, move.b = 1)

# read a previously fitted movement model packaged with 'openCR'
fit <- readRDS(system.file("exampledata", "spmOV.RDS", package = "openCR"))
k <- make.kernel(fit)
if (interactive()) {
   spotHeight(k, dec = 3)  # click on points; Esc to exit

openCR documentation built on Oct. 30, 2024, 9:18 a.m.