stratify: Stratify Capture-Recapture Data

stratifyR Documentation

Stratify Capture-Recapture Data


Arrange existing capthist data in stratified form.


stratify(..., intervals = NULL, MoreArgs = list(), covariate = NULL, bytraps = FALSE)



one or more multi-session capthist objects, or a list of such objects


list of intervals vectors, one for each multi-session capthist in ...


list of other arguments passed to join


character; name of individual or trap covariate to stratify by


logical; if TRUE then covariate is interpreted as the name of a detector covariate


The argument ... may be

  1. a list of single-session capthist, one for each stratum (sessions already joined)

  2. a list of multi-session capthist, one for each stratum (sessions will be joined)

  3. one single-session capthist, to split by covariate (sessions already joined)

  4. one multi-session capthist, to be joined as one then split by covariate

Cases 1 and 2 result in one stratum for each component of the input list. Cases 3 and 4 result in one stratum for each level of covariate.

The result in Case 1 is identical to MS.capthist(...).

The argument intervals refers to the intervals between primary sessions before joining (Cases 2,4 only) (see Examples).

MoreArgs may include the arguments remove.dupl.sites, tol, or drop.sites of join; these otherwise take their default values.


Multi-stratum (multi-session) capthist object for which each component has been ‘join’ed.

See Also

join, MS.capthist,, strata


# FebpossumCH comprises 9 annual February sessions.
# The individual covariate 'sex' takes values 'F' and 'M', resulting in two strata.
# 'intervals' can be omitted as the default does the same job.
ch <- stratify(FebpossumCH, covariate = 'sex', intervals = rep(list(rep(1,8)),2))
summary(ch, terse = TRUE)

openCR documentation built on Oct. 30, 2024, 9:18 a.m.