
Defines functions calcPercentile

Documented in calcPercentile

#' Calculate percentile values from a time series
#' Calculates multiple percentile values from a time series, with flexible time
#' aggregation.
#' This is a utility function to calculate percentiles and is used in, for
#' example, \code{timePlot}. Given a data frame with a \code{date} field and one
#' other numeric variable, percentiles are calculated.
#' @param mydata A data frame of data with a \code{date} field in the format
#'   \code{Date} or \code{POSIXct}. Must have one variable to apply calculations
#'   to.
#' @param pollutant Name of variable to process. Mandatory.
#' @param avg.time Averaging period to use. See [timeAverage()] for details.
#' @param percentile A vector of percentile values. For example \code{percentile
#'   = 50} for median values, \code{percentile = c(5, 50, 95} for multiple
#'   percentile values.
#' @param data.thresh Data threshold to apply when aggregating data. See
#'   [timeAverage()] for details.
#' @param start Start date to use - see [timeAverage()] for details.
#' @export
#' @return Returns a data frame with new columns for each percentile level. New
#'   columns are given names like percentile.95 e.g. when percentile = 95 is
#'   chosen. See examples below.
#' @author David Carslaw
#' @seealso \code{\link{timePlot}}, [timeAverage()]
#' @examples
#' # 95th percentile monthly o3 concentrations
#' percentiles <- calcPercentile(mydata, pollutant ="o3",
#' avg.time = "month", percentile = 95)
#' head(percentiles)
#' # 5, 50, 95th percentile monthly o3 concentrations
#' \dontrun{
#' percentiles <- calcPercentile(mydata, pollutant ="o3",
#' avg.time = "month", percentile = c(5, 50, 95))
#' head(percentiles)
#' }
calcPercentile <- function(mydata, pollutant = "o3", avg.time = "month", percentile = 50,
                           data.thresh = 0, start = NA) {

  make.percentile <- function(mydata, pollutant = "o3", avg.time = "month", percentile = 50,
                              data.thresh = 0, start = NA) {
    mydata <- timeAverage(
      mydata, avg.time,
      statistic = "percentile", percentile = percentile,
      data.thresh = data.thresh, start.date = NA
    ## change column name
    new.name <- paste("percentile.", percentile, sep = "")
    names(mydata)[names(mydata) == pollutant] <- new.name
    results <- mydata[, new.name, drop = FALSE]
    results <- data.frame(date = mydata$date, results)


  mydata <- lapply(percentile, function(x)
      pollutant = pollutant, avg.time = avg.time,
      data.thresh = data.thresh, percentile = x

  mydata <- Reduce(function(x, y, by = "date") merge(x, y, by = "date", all = TRUE), mydata)


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