
Defines functions app_remote_sha update_apps available_apps installed_apps ocpu_app_info remove_apps install_apps_one install_apps

Documented in available_apps install_apps installed_apps remove_apps update_apps

#' OpenCPU Application
#' Manage installed OpenCPU applications. These applications can be started locally
#' using [ocpu_start_app] or deployed online on [ocpu.io](https://ocpu.io).
#' OpenCPU apps are simply R packages. For regular users, apps get installed in a
#' user-specific app library which is persistent between R sessions. This is used
#' for locally running or developing web applications.
#' When running these functions as `opencpu` user on an OpenCPU cloud server, apps
#' will be installed in the global opencpu server app library; the same library as used
#' by the OpenCPU Github webhook.
#' @export
#' @param repo a github repository such as `user/repo`, see [install_github].
#' @param ... additional options for `install_github`
#' @rdname apps
#' @name apps
#' @aliases apps
#' @family ocpu
#' @example examples/apps.R
#' @export
install_apps <- function(repo, ...){
  lapply(repo, install_apps_one, ...)
  repo[repo %in% installed_apps()]

install_apps_one <- function(repo, force = NULL, lib = NULL, auth_token = github_pat(), ...){
  info <- ocpu_app_info(repo)
  github_info <- github_package_info(url_path(info$user, info$repo), auth_token)
  package <- github_info$package
    lib <- info$path
    pkgpath <- file.path(lib, package)
        unlink(lib, recursive = TRUE)
        stop(sprintf("Installation of %s failed", repo))
    }, add = TRUE)
    force <- TRUE # temp workaround for devtools bug 1509
  } else if(!length(force)) {
    # Check if existing package needs update.
    local_sha <- utils::packageDescription(package, lib)$GithubSHA1
    if(length(local_sha) && !is.na(local_sha)){
      if(identical(local_sha, app_remote_sha(repo))){
        message(sprintf("Application '%s' is up to date (%s).", repo, substr(local_sha, 1, 7)))
    force <- TRUE # temp workaround for devtools bug 1509
  inlib(lib, {
    remotes::install_github(repo, force = force, auth_token = auth_token, ...)
    writeLines(package, file.path(lib, "_APP_"))

#' @rdname apps
#' @export
remove_apps <- function(repo){
  vapply(repo, function(full_name){
    info <- ocpu_app_info(full_name)
    # cannot remove loaded packages
    !unlink(info$path, recursive = TRUE)
  }, logical(1))

ocpu_app_info <- function(repo){
  parts <- strsplit(repo[1], "[/@#]")[[1]]
  user <- parts[1]
  reponame <- parts[2]
  path <- github_userlib(user, reponame)
  appfile <- file.path(path, "_APP_")
  package <- if(file.exists(appfile)){
    readLines(appfile, n = 1L)[1]
  } else {
  data.frame (
    user = user,
    repo = reponame,
    package = package,
    path = path,
    installed = file.exists(path),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

#' @rdname apps
#' @export
installed_apps <- function(){
  pattern <- paste0("^", github_prefix, "_")
  apps <- list.files(github_rootpath(), pattern = pattern)
  apps <- sub(pattern, "", apps)
  sub("_", "/", apps, fixed = TRUE)

#' @rdname apps
#' @export
available_apps <- function(){
  data <- jsonlite::fromJSON('https://api.github.com/users/rwebapps/repos')

#' @rdname apps
#' @export
update_apps <- function(...){
  vapply(installed_apps(), function(x){
      install_apps(x, ...)
    }, error = function(e) FALSE)
  }, logical(1))

# This is a workaround for https://github.com/hadley/devtools/issues/1509
# It manually checks if a package has to be updated. This could be removed
# once devtools 1.13.2 is on CRAN.
app_remote_sha <- function(repo){

Try the opencpu package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

opencpu documentation built on Oct. 4, 2024, 5:08 p.m.