
# Tests for interaction with RItools

## Disabling for now. See issue 104 for details on when to turn this test back on.
## if (requireNamespace("RItools", quietly = TRUE)) {
##   context("RItools interaction")

##   test_that("Summary function adds RItools info", {

    ## ### Testing ways to create glm objects and send them to RItools for balance tests

    ## test.data <- data.frame(Z = rep(c(0,1),10), X = 1:10)
    ## test.data.na <- test.data ; test.data.na$X[c(3,6,8)] <- NA

    ## ## Method 1: passing a matrix/data.frame or similar

    ## # fill.NAs is a layer of indirection between the glm object and RItools
    ## # putting th test here because this could happen for other ways to create glms, not just fill.NAs
    ## test.df <- glm(fill.NAs(Z ~ sin(X), data = test.data.na), family = binomial)

    ## match.df <- pairmatch(match_on(test.df), data = test.data.na)

    ## # may cause an error if the function can't get at the proper data that was used to create the glm object
    ## res <- summary(match.df, test.df)

    ## expect_true(!is.null(res$balance))

    ## ## Method 2: using a formula and a data argument

    ## test.fmla <- glm(Z ~ sin(X), data = test.data, family = binomial)
    ## match.fmla <- pairmatch(match_on(test.fmla), data = test.data)

    ## res <- summary(match.fmla, test.fmla)
    ## expect_true(!is.null(res$balance))

    ## ## Method 3: Using enviornment
    ## test.env <- with(test.data, glm(Z ~ sin(X), family = binomial))
    ## match.env <- pairmatch(match_on(test.env), data = test.data)

    ## res <- summary(match.env, test.env)
    ## expect_true(!is.null(res$balance))

    ## ## Now trying Method 2 with mising values

    ## test.fna <- glm(Z ~ sin(X), data = test.data.na, family = binomial)
    ## match.fna <- pairmatch(match_on(test.fna), data = test.data.na)

    ## res <- summary(match.fna, test.fna)
    ## expect_true(!is.null(res$balance))

    ## ## If data is not passed, and it can recover, it should produce the same result
    ## match.nodata <- pairmatch(match_on(test.fna)) # data not passed

    ## expect_true(identical(summary(match.nodata, test.fna), summary(match.nodata, test.fna, data=test.data.na)))

##  })

## }

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optmatch documentation built on Nov. 16, 2023, 5:06 p.m.