Nothing <- function(treat.list, covs.list, tols, estimand = "ATE", targets = NULL, s.weights = NULL, focal = NULL, norm = "l2", std.binary = FALSE, std.cont = TRUE, min.w = 1E-8, verbose = FALSE, force = FALSE, ...) {
#For corr.type, make sure duals process correctly
args <- list(...)
#Process args
# corr.type <- if (is_not_null(args[["corr.type"]])) match_arg(tolower(args[["corr.type"]]), c("pearson", "spearman", "both")) else "pearson"
corr.type<- "pearson"
if (is_not_null(args[["eps"]])) {
if (is_null(args[["eps_abs"]])) args[["eps_abs"]] <- args[["eps"]]
if (is_null(args[["eps_rel"]])) args[["eps_rel"]] <- args[["eps"]]
args[names(args) %nin% names(formals(osqpSettings))] <- NULL
if (is_null(args[["max_iter"]])) args[["max_iter"]] <- 2E5L
if (is_null(args[["eps_abs"]])) args[["eps_abs"]] <- 1E-8
if (is_null(args[["eps_rel"]])) args[["eps_rel"]] <- 1E-8
args[["verbose"]] <- verbose
key.args <- c("treat.list", "covs.list", "tols")
missing.args <- args.not.list <- setNames(rep(FALSE, length(key.args)), key.args)
for (arg in key.args) {
if (eval(substitute(missing(q), list(q = arg)))) {
missing.args[arg] <- TRUE
else if (!is.vector(get(arg), mode = "list")) {
args.not.list[arg] <- TRUE
if (any(missing.args)) stop(paste(word_list(names(missing.args)[missing.args]), "must be supplied."), call. = FALSE)
if (any(args.not.list)) stop(paste(word_list(names(args.not.list)[args.not.list]), "must be", ifelse(sum(args.not.list) > 1, "lists.", "a list.")), call. = FALSE)
if (length(covs.list) > 1 && !force) stop("Optweights are currently not valid for longitudinal treatments. Set force = TRUE to bypass this message at your own risk.", call. = FALSE)
treat.types <- vapply(treat.list, function(x) {
if (is.factor(x) || is.character(x) || is_binary(x)) "cat"
else "cont"
}, character(1L))
treat.list <- lapply(seq_along(treat.types), function(x) {
if (treat.types[x] == "cat") as.character(treat.list[[x]])
else as.numeric(treat.list[[x]])
if (!all(vapply(covs.list, function(c) all(apply(c, 2, is.numeric)), logical(1L)))) stop("All covariates must be numeric.", call. = FALSE)
covs.list <- lapply(covs.list, as.matrix)
bin.covs.list <- lapply(covs.list, function(x) apply(x, 2, is_binary))
times <- seq_along(covs.list)
tols.list <- tols
if (length(tols.list) == 1) tols.list <- replicate(max(times), tols.list[[1]], simplify = FALSE)
tols.list <- lapply(times, function(i) if (length(tols.list[[i]]) == 1) rep(tols.list[[i]], ncol(covs.list[[i]])) else tols.list[[i]])
N <- nrow(covs.list[[1]])
if (is_null(s.weights)) sw <- rep(1, N)
else sw <- s.weights
norm.options <- c("l2", "l1", "linf")
if (length(norm) != 1 || !is.character(norm) || tolower(norm) %nin% norm.options) {
stop(paste0("norm must be ", word_list(norm.options, and.or = "or", quotes = TRUE), "."), call. = FALSE)
} else norm <- tolower(norm)
estimand <- toupper(estimand)
if (length(min.w) != 1 || !is.numeric(min.w) || min.w < 0 || min.w >= 1) stop("min.w must be a single number in the interval [0, 1).", call. = FALSE)
if (length(times) > 1 && is_not_null(estimand) && estimand %nin% "ATE") stop("Only the ATE or specified targets are compatible with longitduinal treatments.", call. = FALSE)
unique.treats <- lapply(times, function(i) {
if (treat.types[i] == "cat") sort(unique(treat.list[[i]]))
else "treat"
n <- lapply(times, function(i) {
if (treat.types[i] == "cat") vapply(unique.treats[[i]],
function(t) sum(treat.list[[i]] == t),
numeric(1)) #faster than tapply
else c(treat = N)
means <- lapply(covs.list, col.w.m, w = sw)
if (is_not_null(estimand) && (is_null(targets) || all( {
if (estimand %in% c("ATT", "ATC")) {
targets <- lapply(times, function(i) {
if (i == 1) {
if (is_null(focal)) focal <- max(treat.list[[i]])
else if (estimand == "ATC") focal <- min(treat.list[[i]])
col.w.m(covs.list[[i]][treat.list[[i]] == focal, , drop = FALSE], w = sw[treat.list[[i]] == focal])
else rep(NA_real_, ncol(covs.list[[i]]))
sds <- lapply(times, function(i) {
if (is_null(focal)) focal <- max(treat.list[[i]])
else if (estimand == "ATC") focal <- min(treat.list[[i]])
sds_i <- rep(NA_real_, ncol(covs.list[[i]]))
sds_i[!bin.covs.list[[i]]] <- sqrt(col.w.v(covs.list[[i]][treat.list[[i]] == focal, !bin.covs.list[[i]], drop = FALSE], w = sw[treat.list[[i]] == focal]))
sds_i[bin.covs.list[[i]]] <- sqrt(col.w.v.bin(covs.list[[i]][treat.list[[i]] == focal, bin.covs.list[[i]], drop = FALSE], w = sw[treat.list[[i]] == focal]))
sw[treat.list[[1]]==focal] <- 1
} else if (estimand == "ATE") {
targets <- c(list(means[[1]]), lapply(covs.list[-1], function(c) rep(NA_real_, ncol(c))))
sds <- lapply(times, function(i) sqrt(rowMeans(matrix(sapply(unique.treats[[i]], function(t) {
in.treat <- switch(treat.types[i], "cat" = treat.list[[i]] == t, "cont" = rep(TRUE, length(treat.list[[i]])))
vars_i <- rep(NA_real_, ncol(covs.list[[i]]))
vars_i[!bin.covs.list[[i]]] <- col.w.v(covs.list[[i]][in.treat, !bin.covs.list[[i]], drop = FALSE], w = sw[in.treat])
vars_i[bin.covs.list[[i]]] <- col.w.v.bin(covs.list[[i]][in.treat, bin.covs.list[[i]], drop = FALSE], w = sw[in.treat])
}, simplify = "array"), ncol = length(unique.treats[[i]])))))
else {
if (is_null(targets)) targets <- rep(NA_real_, ncol(covs.list[[1]]))
else if (!is.atomic(targets) || (!all( && !is.numeric(targets))) stop("targets must be a vector of target values for each baseline covariate.", call. = FALSE)
targets <- c(list(targets), lapply(covs.list[-1], function(c) rep(NA_real_, ncol(c))))
if (length(targets[[1]]) != ncol(covs.list[[1]])) {
stop("targets must have the same number of values as there are baseline covariates.", call. = FALSE)
sds <- lapply(times, function(i) sqrt(rowMeans(matrix(sapply(unique.treats[[i]], function(t) {
in.treat <- switch(treat.types[i], "cat" = treat.list[[i]] == t, "cont" = rep(TRUE, length(treat.list[[i]])))
vars_i <- rep(NA_real_, ncol(covs.list[[i]]))
vars_i[!bin.covs.list[[i]]] <- col.w.v(covs.list[[i]][in.treat, !bin.covs.list[[i]], drop = FALSE], w = sw[in.treat])
vars_i[bin.covs.list[[i]]] <- col.w.v.bin(covs.list[[i]][in.treat, bin.covs.list[[i]], drop = FALSE], w = sw[in.treat])
}, simplify = "array"), ncol = length(unique.treats[[i]])))))
targeted <- balanced <- treat.sds <- treat.means <- tols <- vector("list", length(times))
for (i in times) {
if (treat.types[i] == "cat") {
targeted[[i]] <- ![[i]])
balanced[[i]] <- !targeted[[i]]
#balanced[[i]] <- rep(TRUE, length(targeted[[i]]))
treat.sds[[i]] <- NA_real_
treat.means[[i]] <- NA_real_
if (std.binary && std.cont) <- rep(TRUE, length(tols.list[[i]]))
else if (!std.binary && std.cont) <- !bin.covs.list[[i]]
else if (std.binary && !std.cont) <- bin.covs.list[[i]]
else <- rep(FALSE, length(tols.list[[i]]))
tols[[i]] <- abs(tols.list[[i]])
covs.list[[i]][, & !check_if_zero(tols.list[[i]]) & !check_if_zero(sds[[i]])] <-
mat_div(covs.list[[i]][, & !check_if_zero(tols.list[[i]]) & !check_if_zero(sds[[i]]), drop = FALSE],
sds[[i]][ & !check_if_zero(tols.list[[i]]) & !check_if_zero(sds[[i]])])
targets[[i]][ & !check_if_zero(tols.list[[i]]) & !check_if_zero(sds[[i]])] <-
targets[[i]][ & !check_if_zero(tols.list[[i]]) & !check_if_zero(sds[[i]])] /
sds[[i]][ & !check_if_zero(tols.list[[i]]) & !check_if_zero(sds[[i]])]
#Note: duals work incorrecly unless tols are > 0, so replace small tols with
# tols[[i]] <- ifelse(tols[[i]] < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
# sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
# tols[[i]])
else {
sds[[i]] <- rep(NA_real_, ncol(covs.list[[i]]))
sds[[i]][!bin.covs.list[[i]]] <- sqrt(col.w.v(covs.list[[i]][,!bin.covs.list[[i]], drop = FALSE], w = sw))
sds[[i]][bin.covs.list[[i]]] <- sqrt(col.w.v.bin(covs.list[[i]][,bin.covs.list[[i]], drop = FALSE], w = sw))
targeted[[i]] <- ![[i]])
balanced[[i]] <- rep(TRUE, length(targeted[[i]]))
covs.list[[i]][, targeted[[i]]] <- center(covs.list[[i]][, targeted[[i]], drop = FALSE], at = targets[[i]][targeted[[i]]]) #center covs at targets (which will be eventual means)
covs.list[[i]][, !targeted[[i]]] <- center(covs.list[[i]][, !targeted[[i]], drop = FALSE], at = means[[i]][!targeted[[i]]]) #center covs at means
treat.sds[[i]] <- sqrt(w.v(treat.list[[i]], w = sw))
treat.means[[i]] <- col.w.m(matrix(treat.list[[i]], ncol = 1), w = sw)
treat.list[[i]] <- treat.list[[i]] - treat.means[[i]] #center treat
# tols[[i]] <- abs(tols.list[[i]]*sds[[i]]*treat.sds[[i]])
tols[[i]] <- abs(tols.list[[i]])
covs.list[[i]][, !check_if_zero(sds[[i]])] <- mat_div(covs.list[[i]][,!check_if_zero(sds[[i]]), drop = FALSE], sds[[i]][!check_if_zero(sds[[i]])])
targets[[i]][!check_if_zero(sds[[i]])] <- targets[[i]][!check_if_zero(sds[[i]])] / sds[[i]][!check_if_zero(sds[[i]])]
treat.list[[i]] <- treat.list[[i]]/treat.sds[[i]]
#Note: duals work incorrecly unless tols are > 0, so replace small tols with
# tols[[i]] <- ifelse(tols[[i]] < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
# sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
# tols[[i]])
if (norm == "l2") {
#Minimizing variance of weights
P = sparseMatrix(1:N, 1:N, x = 2*(sw^2)/N)
q = -sw/N #ensures objective function value is variance of weights
#Minimizing the sum of the variances in each treatment group
#Note: equiv. to setting targets closer to smaller group
# P = sparseMatrix(1:N, 1:N, x = (2*sw^2)/ifelse(treat.list[[1]]==1, n[[1]]["1"], n[[1]]["0"]))
# q = -sw/ifelse(treat.list[[1]]==1, n[[1]]["1"], n[[1]]["0"]) #ensures objective function value is variance of weights
#Mean of weights in each treat must equal 1
A_meanw ="rbind", lapply(times, function(i) {
if (treat.types[i] == "cat")"rbind", lapply(unique.treats[[i]], function(t) (treat.list[[i]] == t) * sw / n[[i]][t]))
else sw/n[[i]]
L_meanw ="c", lapply(times, function(i) rep(1, length(unique.treats[[i]]))))
U_meanw = L_meanw
#All weights must be >= min; focal weights must be 1, weights where sw = 0 must be 0
min <- min.w
A_wmin = sparseMatrix(1:N, 1:N, x = 1)
if (is_not_null(focal)) {
L_wmin <- ifelse(check_if_zero(sw), min, ifelse(treat.list[[1]] == focal, 1, min))
U_wmin <- ifelse(check_if_zero(sw), min, ifelse(treat.list[[1]] == focal, 1, Inf))
else {
L_wmin <- rep(min, N)
U_wmin <- ifelse(check_if_zero(sw), min, Inf)
#Targeting constraints
#Note: need 2 * in order to simulate tols/2 but using original tols.
#This makes dual variables work as expected.
A_target ="rbind", lapply(times, function(i) {
if (any(targeted[[i]])) {
if (treat.types[i] == "cat")"rbind", lapply(unique.treats[[i]], function(t)
if (is_null(focal)) 2 * t(covs.list[[i]][, targeted[[i]], drop = FALSE] * (treat.list[[i]] == t) * sw / n[[i]][t])
else if (is_not_null(focal) && t != focal) t(covs.list[[i]][, targeted[[i]], drop = FALSE] * (treat.list[[i]] == t) * sw / n[[i]][t])
else rbind(t(covs.list[[i]][, targeted[[i]], drop = FALSE] * sw), treat.list[[i]] * sw) #variables are centered
else NULL
L_target ="c", lapply(times, function(i) {
if (any(targeted[[i]])) {
if (treat.types[i] == "cat")"c", lapply(unique.treats[[i]], function(t) {
if (is_null(focal)) 2 * targets[[i]][targeted[[i]]] - tols[[i]][targeted[[i]]]
else if (is_not_null(focal) && t != focal) targets[[i]][targeted[[i]]] - tols[[i]][targeted[[i]]]
else rep(0, sum(targeted[[i]]) + 1) #variables are centered at targets; +1 for treat
else NULL
U_target ="c", lapply(times, function(i) {
if (any(targeted[[i]])) {
if (treat.types[i] == "cat")"c", lapply(unique.treats[[i]], function(t) {
if (is_null(focal)) 2 * targets[[i]][targeted[[i]]] + tols[[i]][targeted[[i]]]
else if (is_not_null(focal) && t != focal) targets[[i]][targeted[[i]]] + tols[[i]][targeted[[i]]]
else rep(0, sum(targeted[[i]]) + 1) #variables are centered at targets; +1 for treat
else NULL
#Balancing constraints for all covariates
A_balance <-"rbind", lapply(times, function(i) {
if (any(balanced[[i]])) {
if (treat.types[i] == "cat")"rbind", lapply(combn(unique.treats[[i]], 2, simplify = FALSE), function(comb) {
t(covs.list[[i]][, balanced[[i]], drop = FALSE] * (treat.list[[i]] == comb[1]) * sw / n[[i]][comb[1]]) - t(covs.list[[i]][, balanced[[i]], drop = FALSE] * (treat.list[[i]] == comb[2]) * sw / n[[i]][comb[2]])
else {
correct.factor <- 2 #see w.cov
if (corr.type == "pearson") t(covs.list[[i]][, balanced[[i]], drop = FALSE] * treat.list[[i]] * sw / (n[[i]] - correct.factor)) #For cont, all have balancing constraints
else if (corr.type == "spearman") t(apply(covs.list[[i]][, balanced[[i]], drop = FALSE], 2, rank) * treat.list[[i]] * sw / (n[[i]] - correct.factor)) #For cont, all have balancing constraints
else {
rbind(t(covs.list[[i]][, balanced[[i]], drop = FALSE] * treat.list[[i]] * sw / (n[[i]] - correct.factor)),
t(apply(covs.list[[i]][, balanced[[i]], drop = FALSE], 2, rank) * treat.list[[i]] * sw / (n[[i]] - correct.factor)))
else NULL
L_balance <-"c", lapply(times, function(i) {
if (any(balanced[[i]])) {
if (treat.types[i] == "cat") rep(-tols[[i]][balanced[[i]]], length(combn(unique.treats[[i]], 2, simplify = FALSE)))
else {
if (corr.type %in% c("pearson", "spearman")) -tols[[i]][balanced[[i]]]
else rep(-tols[[i]][balanced[[i]]], 2)
else NULL
U_balance <-"c", lapply(times, function(i) {
if (any(balanced[[i]])) {
if (treat.types[i] == "cat") rep(tols[[i]][balanced[[i]]], length(combn(unique.treats[[i]], 2, simplify = FALSE)))
else {
if (corr.type %in% c("pearson", "spearman")) tols[[i]][balanced[[i]]]
else rep(tols[[i]][balanced[[i]]], 2)
else NULL
A <- rbind(A_wmin, A_meanw, A_balance, A_target)
L <- c(L_wmin, L_meanw, L_balance, L_target)
U <- c(U_wmin, U_meanw, U_balance, U_target)
out <- solve_osqp(P = P, q = q, A = A, l = L, u = U,
pars =, args))
#Get dual vars for balance and target constraints
A_balance.indices <- if (is_null(A_balance)) NULL else (NROW(A_wmin)+NROW(A_meanw)+1):(NROW(A_wmin)+NROW(A_meanw)+NROW(A_balance))
A_target.indices <- if (is_null(A_target)) NULL else (NROW(A_wmin)+NROW(A_meanw)+NROW(A_balance)+1):(NROW(A_wmin)+NROW(A_meanw)+NROW(A_balance)+NROW(A_target))
w <- out$x
else if (norm == "l1") {
#Minimizing mean absolute deviation of weights
P = sparseMatrix(NULL, NULL, dims = c(2*N, 2*N))
q = c(rep(0, N), 2*sw/N)
#Mean of weights in each treat must equal 1
A_meanw ="rbind", lapply(times, function(i) {
if (treat.types[i] == "cat")"rbind", lapply(unique.treats[[i]], function(t) (treat.list[[i]] == t) * sw / n[[i]][t]))
else sw/n[[i]]
L_meanw ="c", lapply(times, function(i) rep(1, length(unique.treats[[i]]))))
U_meanw = L_meanw
#All weights must be >= min; focal weights must be 1, weights where sw = 0 must be 0
#Auxilliary vars must be >= 0
min <- min.w
A_wmin = sparseMatrix(1:(2*N), 1:(2*N), x = 1)
if (is_not_null(focal)) {
L_wmin <- ifelse(check_if_zero(sw), min, ifelse(treat.list[[1]] == focal, 1, min))
U_wmin <- ifelse(check_if_zero(sw), min, ifelse(treat.list[[1]] == focal, 1, Inf))
else {
L_wmin <- rep(min, N)
U_wmin <- ifelse(check_if_zero(sw), min, Inf)
Lz_wmin <- c(L_wmin, rep(0, N))
Uz_wmin <- c(U_wmin, rep(Inf, N))
#Targeting constraints
A_target ="rbind", lapply(times, function(i) {
if (any(targeted[[i]])) {
if (treat.types[i] == "cat")"rbind", lapply(unique.treats[[i]], function(t)
if (is_null(focal) || (is_not_null(focal) && t != focal)) t(covs.list[[i]][, targeted[[i]], drop = FALSE] * (treat.list[[i]] == t) * sw / n[[i]][t])
else rbind(t(covs.list[[i]][, targeted[[i]], drop = FALSE] * sw), treat.list[[i]] * sw) #variables are centered
else NULL
L_target ="c", lapply(times, function(i) {
if (any(targeted[[i]])) {
if (treat.types[i] == "cat")"c", lapply(unique.treats[[i]], function(t) {
if (is_null(focal)) targets[[i]][targeted[[i]]] - tols[[i]][targeted[[i]]]/2
else if (is_not_null(focal) && t != focal) targets[[i]][targeted[[i]]] - tols[[i]][targeted[[i]]]
else rep(0, sum(targeted[[i]]) + 1) #variables are centered at targets; +1 for treat
else NULL
U_target ="c", lapply(times, function(i) {
if (any(targeted[[i]])) {
if (treat.types[i] == "cat")"c", lapply(unique.treats[[i]], function(t) {
if (is_null(focal)) targets[[i]][targeted[[i]]] + tols[[i]][targeted[[i]]]/2
else if (is_not_null(focal) && t != focal) targets[[i]][targeted[[i]]] + tols[[i]][targeted[[i]]]
else rep(0, sum(targeted[[i]]) + 1) #variables are centered at targets; +1 for treat
else NULL
#Balancing constraints for all covariates
A_balance <-"rbind", lapply(times, function(i) {
if (any(balanced[[i]])) {
if (treat.types[i] == "cat")"rbind", lapply(combn(unique.treats[[i]], 2, simplify = FALSE), function(comb) {
t(covs.list[[i]][, balanced[[i]], drop = FALSE] * (treat.list[[i]] == comb[1]) * sw / n[[i]][comb[1]]) - t(covs.list[[i]][, balanced[[i]], drop = FALSE] * (treat.list[[i]] == comb[2]) * sw / n[[i]][comb[2]])
else {
correct.factor <- 2
if (corr.type == "pearson") t(covs.list[[i]][, balanced[[i]], drop = FALSE] * treat.list[[i]] * sw / (n[[i]] - correct.factor)) #For cont, all have balancing constraints
else if (corr.type == "spearman") t(apply(covs.list[[i]][, balanced[[i]], drop = FALSE], 2, rank) * treat.list[[i]] * sw / (n[[i]] - correct.factor)) #For cont, all have balancing constraints
else {
rbind(t(covs.list[[i]][, balanced[[i]], drop = FALSE] * treat.list[[i]] * sw / (n[[i]] - correct.factor)),
t(apply(covs.list[[i]][, balanced[[i]], drop = FALSE], 2, rank) * treat.list[[i]] * sw / (n[[i]] - correct.factor)))
else NULL
L_balance <-"c", lapply(times, function(i) {
if (any(balanced[[i]])) {
if (treat.types[i] == "cat") rep(-tols[[i]][balanced[[i]]], length(combn(unique.treats[[i]], 2, simplify = FALSE)))
else {
if (corr.type %in% c("pearson", "spearman")) -tols[[i]][balanced[[i]]]
else rep(-tols[[i]][balanced[[i]]], 2)
else NULL
U_balance <-"c", lapply(times, function(i) {
if (any(balanced[[i]])) {
if (treat.types[i] == "cat") rep(tols[[i]][balanced[[i]]], length(combn(unique.treats[[i]], 2, simplify = FALSE)))
else {
if (corr.type %in% c("pearson", "spearman")) tols[[i]][balanced[[i]]]
else rep(tols[[i]][balanced[[i]]], 2)
else NULL
#Conversion constraints
Inxn = sparseMatrix(1:N, 1:N, x = 1)
A_conversion = rbind(cbind(Inxn, -Inxn),
cbind(-Inxn, -Inxn))
# A_conversion = sparseMatrix(c(1:N, 1:N, (N+1):(2*N), (N+1):(2*N)),
# c(1:N, (N+1):(2*N), 1:N, (N+1):(2*N)),
# x = c(rep(1, N), rep(-1, 3*N)))
L_conversion = rep(-Inf, 2*N)
U_conversion = rep(1, 2*N)
A <- rbind(A_meanw, A_balance, A_target)
L <- c(L_meanw, L_balance, L_target)
U <- c(U_meanw, U_balance, U_target)
Au <- cbind(A, matrix(0, nrow = nrow(A), ncol = N))
Az <- rbind(Au, A_wmin, A_conversion)
Lz = c(L, Lz_wmin, L_conversion)
Uz = c(U, Uz_wmin, U_conversion)
out <- solve_osqp(P = P, q = q, A = Az, l = Lz, u = Uz,
pars =, args))
w <- out$x[1:N]
#Get dual vars for constraints
A_balance.indices <- if (is_null(A_balance)) NULL else (NROW(A_meanw)+1):(NROW(A_meanw)+NROW(A_balance))
A_target.indices <- if (is_null(A_target)) NULL else (NROW(A_meanw)+NROW(A_balance)+1):(NROW(A_meanw)+NROW(A_balance)+NROW(A_target))
else if (norm == "linf") {
#Minimizing largest weight
P = sparseMatrix(NULL, NULL, dims = c(2*N, 2*N))
q = rep(sw/N, 2)
#Mean of weights in each treat must equal 1
A_meanw ="rbind", lapply(times, function(i) {
if (treat.types[i] == "cat")"rbind", lapply(unique.treats[[i]], function(t) (treat.list[[i]] == t) * sw / n[[i]][t]))
else sw/n[[i]]
L_meanw ="c", lapply(times, function(i) rep(1, length(unique.treats[[i]]))))
U_meanw = L_meanw
#All weights must be >= min; focal weights must be 1, weights where sw = 0 must be 0
#Auxilliary var must be >= 0
min <- min.w
A_wmin = sparseMatrix(1:(2*N), 1:(2*N), x = 1)
if (is_not_null(focal)) {
L_wmin = ifelse(check_if_zero(sw), min, ifelse(treat.list[[1]] == focal, 1, min))
U_wmin = ifelse(check_if_zero(sw), min, ifelse(treat.list[[1]] == focal, 1, Inf))
else {
L_wmin = rep(min, N)
U_wmin = ifelse(check_if_zero(sw), min, Inf)
Lz_wmin = c(L_wmin, rep(0, N))
Uz_wmin = c(U_wmin, rep(Inf, N))
#Targeting constraints
A_target ="rbind", lapply(times, function(i) {
if (any(targeted[[i]])) {
if (treat.types[i] == "cat")"rbind", lapply(unique.treats[[i]], function(t)
if (is_null(focal) || (is_not_null(focal) && t != focal)) t(covs.list[[i]][, targeted[[i]], drop = FALSE] * (treat.list[[i]] == t) * sw / n[[i]][t])
else rbind(t(covs.list[[i]][, targeted[[i]], drop = FALSE] * sw), treat.list[[i]] * sw) #variables are centered
else NULL
L_target ="c", lapply(times, function(i) {
if (any(targeted[[i]])) {
if (treat.types[i] == "cat")"c", lapply(unique.treats[[i]], function(t) {
if (is_null(focal)) targets[[i]][targeted[[i]]] - tols[[i]][targeted[[i]]]/2
else if (is_not_null(focal) && t != focal) targets[[i]][targeted[[i]]] - tols[[i]][targeted[[i]]]
else rep(0, sum(targeted[[i]]) + 1) #variables are centered at targets; +1 for treat
else NULL
U_target ="c", lapply(times, function(i) {
if (any(targeted[[i]])) {
if (treat.types[i] == "cat")"c", lapply(unique.treats[[i]], function(t) {
if (is_null(focal)) targets[[i]][targeted[[i]]] + tols[[i]][targeted[[i]]]/2
else if (is_not_null(focal) && t != focal) targets[[i]][targeted[[i]]] + tols[[i]][targeted[[i]]]
else rep(0, sum(targeted[[i]]) + 1) #variables are centered at targets; +1 for treat
else NULL
#Balancing constraints for all covariates
A_balance ="rbind", lapply(times, function(i) {
if (any(balanced[[i]])) {
if (treat.types[i] == "cat")"rbind", lapply(combn(unique.treats[[i]], 2, simplify = FALSE), function(comb) {
t(covs.list[[i]][, balanced[[i]], drop = FALSE] * (treat.list[[i]] == comb[1]) * sw / n[[i]][comb[1]]) - t(covs.list[[i]][, balanced[[i]], drop = FALSE] * (treat.list[[i]] == comb[2]) * sw / n[[i]][comb[2]])
else {
correct.factor <- 2
if (corr.type == "pearson") t(covs.list[[i]][, balanced[[i]], drop = FALSE] * treat.list[[i]] * sw / (n[[i]] - correct.factor)) #For cont, all have balancing constraints
else if (corr.type == "spearman") t(apply(covs.list[[i]][, balanced[[i]], drop = FALSE], 2, rank) * treat.list[[i]] * sw / (n[[i]] - correct.factor)) #For cont, all have balancing constraints
else {
rbind(t(covs.list[[i]][, balanced[[i]], drop = FALSE] * treat.list[[i]] * sw / (n[[i]] - correct.factor)),
t(apply(covs.list[[i]][, balanced[[i]], drop = FALSE], 2, rank) * treat.list[[i]] * sw / (n[[i]] - correct.factor)))
else NULL
L_balance ="c", lapply(times, function(i) {
if (any(balanced[[i]])) {
if (treat.types[i] == "cat") rep(-tols[[i]][balanced[[i]]], length(combn(unique.treats[[i]], 2, simplify = FALSE)))
else {
if (corr.type %in% c("pearson", "spearman")) -tols[[i]][balanced[[i]]]
else rep(-tols[[i]][balanced[[i]]], 2)
else NULL
U_balance ="c", lapply(times, function(i) {
if (any(balanced[[i]])) {
if (treat.types[i] == "cat") rep(tols[[i]][balanced[[i]]], length(combn(unique.treats[[i]], 2, simplify = FALSE)))
else {
if (corr.type %in% c("pearson", "spearman")) tols[[i]][balanced[[i]]]
else rep(tols[[i]][balanced[[i]]], 2)
else NULL
#Conversion constraints
Inxn = sparseMatrix(1:N, 1:N, x = 1)
#one = matrix(1, nrow = N, ncol = 1)
A_conversion1 = rbind(cbind(Inxn, -Inxn),
cbind(-Inxn, -Inxn))
# A_conversion = sparseMatrix(c(1:N, 1:N, (N+1):(2*N), (N+1):(2*N)),
# c(1:N, rep(N+1, N), 1:N, rep(N+1, N)),
# x = c(rep(1, N), rep(-1, 3*N)))
L_conversion1 = rep(-Inf, 2*N)
U_conversion1 = rep(1, 2*N)
A_conversion2 = cbind(sparseMatrix(NULL, NULL, dims = c(N-1, N)),
matrix(1, ncol = 1, nrow = N-1),
sparseMatrix(1:(N-1), 1:(N-1), x = -1))
L_conversion2 = rep(0, N-1)
U_conversion2 = rep(0, N-1)
A_conversion = rbind(A_conversion1, A_conversion2)
L_conversion = c(L_conversion1, L_conversion2)
U_conversion = c(U_conversion1, U_conversion2)
A = rbind(A_meanw, A_balance, A_target)
L = c(L_meanw, L_balance, L_target)
U = c(U_meanw, U_balance, U_target)
Au = cbind(A, matrix(0, nrow = NROW(A), ncol = ncol(A)))
Az = rbind(Au, A_wmin, A_conversion)
Lz = c(L, Lz_wmin, L_conversion)
Uz = c(U, Uz_wmin, U_conversion)
out <- solve_osqp(P = P, q = q, A = Az, l = Lz, u = Uz,
pars =, args))
w <- out$x[1:N]
#Get dual vars for constraints
A_balance.indices <- if (is_null(A_balance)) NULL else (NROW(A_meanw)+1):(NROW(A_meanw)+NROW(A_balance))
A_target.indices <- if (is_null(A_target)) NULL else (NROW(A_meanw)+NROW(A_balance)+1):(NROW(A_meanw)+NROW(A_balance)+NROW(A_target))
w[w < min.w] <- min.w
balance_duals <- abs(out$y[A_balance.indices]) #A_balance
target_duals <- abs(out$y[A_target.indices]) #A_target
duals <- vector("list", length(times))
kb <- kt <- 1
for (i in times) {
if (is_not_null(target_duals)) {
non.focal.treats <- if (is_null(focal)) unique.treats[[i]] else unique.treats[[i]][unique.treats[[i]] != focal]
targeted.covs <- colnames(covs.list[[i]])[targeted[[i]]]
if (length(non.focal.treats) > 0 && length(targeted.covs) > 0) {
td <- data.frame(expand.grid(constraint = "target",
cov = targeted.covs,
treat = non.focal.treats,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
dual = target_duals[kt:(kt + length(non.focal.treats) * length(targeted.covs) - 1)]
else td <- NULL
kt <- kt + length(non.focal.treats) * length(targeted.covs)
else td <- NULL
if (is_not_null(balance_duals)) {
if (treat.types[i] == "cat") treat.combs <- vapply(combn(unique.treats[[i]], 2, simplify = FALSE),
paste, character(1L), collapse = " vs. ")
else treat.combs <- unique.treats[[i]]
balanced.covs <- colnames(covs.list[[i]])[balanced[[i]]]
if (length(treat.combs) > 0 && length(balanced.covs) > 0) {
bd <- data.frame(expand.grid(constraint = "balance",
cov = balanced.covs,
treat = treat.combs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
dual = balance_duals[kb:(kb + length(treat.combs) * length(balanced.covs) - 1)]
else bd <- NULL
kb <- kb + length(treat.combs) * length(balanced.covs)
else bd <- NULL
duals[[i]] <- rbind(td, bd)
opt_out <- list(w = w,
duals = duals,
info = out$info,
out = out,
A = A)
class(opt_out) <- ""
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