
Defines functions osm_random_sample

Documented in osm_random_sample

##'@title Spatially random sampling.
##'@description This function draws a spatially random sample from a either (1)
##'  a discrete set of OSM features defined in the function parameters or (2) a
##'  continuous surface defined by a user definted geographical region.
##'@param bounding_geom a \code{sf} or \code{sp} object (with \eqn{N \geq
##'  \code{size}}) where each line corresponds to one spatial location. It
##'  should contain values of 2D coordinates, data and, optionally, covariate(s)
##'  value(s) at the locations. This argument must be provided when sampling
##'  from a \code{'discrete'} set of points, see \code{'type'} below for
##'  details.
##'@param dis_or_cont random sampling, a choice of either \code{'discrete'},
##'  from a set of \eqn{N} potential sampling points or \code{'continuum'} from
##'  independent, compeletely random points.
##'@param sample_size a non-negative integer giving the total number of
##'  locations to be sampled.
##'@param plotit 'logical' specifying if graphical output is required. Default
##'  is \code{plotit = TRUE}.
##'@param plotit_leaflet 'logical' specifying if leaflet (html) graphical output
##'  is required. This is prioritised over plotit if both are selected. Default
##'  is \code{plotit_leaflet = TRUE}.
##'@param boundary_or_feature a boolean criteria to determine whether the user
##'is providing a boundary to search for OSM features to sample on or whether
##' they are explicitly providing the feautres that they want to sample on.
##'@param boundary categorical variable to determine whether the exact boundary
##'  provided (\code{boundary = 0}), the bounding box (\code{boundary = 1}) or a
##'  buffer around the boundary (\code{boundary = 2}) is used for sampling.
##'  Default is \code{boundary = 0}.
##'@param buff_dist if \code{boundary = 2} then this value determines the size
##'  of the buffer by distance. The default is \code{buff_dist is NULL}).
##'@param buff_epsg if \code{boundary = 2} then this value determines the local
##'  geographic grid reference so that the buffer can be calculated in meters.
##'  The default is  \code{buff_epsg = 4326} which will use decimal degrees
##'  instead of meters. As an example, 27700 relates to the British National
##'  Grid.
##'@param join_type a text value to determine how to spatially join all features
##'  with the boundary. The options are 'within' or 'intersect'.
##'@param key A feature key as defined in OSM. An example is 'building'.
##'@param value a value for a feature key (\code{key}); can be negated with an
##'  initial exclamation mark, value = '!this', and can also be a vector, value
##'  = c ('this', 'that').
##'@param data_return specifies what data types (as specified in OSM) you want
##'  returned. More than one can be selected. The options are 'osm_polygons',
##'  'osm_points', 'osm_multipolygons','osm_multilines','osm_lines'.
##' @param boundary_or_feature specifies whether the user inputs a boundary or
##' a set of user-inputted features. For example if the user selects "boundary",
##' they can provide a spatial data frame or OSM locality  which will query the
##' osm features within that boundary or locality. If the user select "feature"
##' then they can provide a data frame of features that they want to sample
##' @param feature_geom  is a user inputted  data frame of features that are
##' required to be sampled.
##' @param join_features_to_osm is a TRUE or FALSE variable which allows the
##' user to specify whether they want their feature geom to be spatially joined
##'  to OSM features. The output sampling data frame will have an additional
##'  column showing the joined OSM id.
##'@return a \code{df} object named 'results' of dimension \eqn{n} by \code{4}
##'  containing the final sampled \code{osm_ids}, centroid locations (named
##'  \code{x,y}) and whether the instance is in the selected sample (named
##'  \code{inSample} with a value of \code{0/1}), if sampling from a
##'  \code{'discrete'} set of points. A \code{df} object of dimension \eqn{n} by
##'  \code{3} containing the serial id and centroid locations for all sample
##'  instances,if sampling from a \code{'continuum'}.
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' library(sp)
##'    SpatialPolygons(list(Polygons(list(Polygon(
##'        cbind(
##'            c(3.888959,3.888744,3.888585,3.888355,3.887893,3.887504,3.886955,
##'            3.886565,3.886303,3.886159,3.885650,3.885650,3.885595,3.885404,
##'            3.885444,3.885897,3.886692,3.887241,3.888068,3.888323,3.888697,
##'            3.889150,3.889548,3.889890,3.890184,3.890828,3.891258,3.891807,
##'            3.892061,3.892292,3.892689,3.893294,3.893008,3.893676,3.888959),
##'            c(7.379483,7.379785,7.380024,7.380294,7.380629,7.380986,
##'            7.381448,7.381861,7.382243,7.382474,7.383277,7.383468,7.383890,
##'            7.384263,7.384669,7.385258,7.385313,7.385194,7.384868,7.384900,
##'            7.385051,7.385067,7.384955,7.384749,7.384526,7.384120,7.384009,
##'            7.384080,7.384430,7.384478,7.384629,7.384772,7.383269,7.380963,
##'            7.379483)))), ID=1))),
##'    data.frame( ID=1))
##'proj4string(bounding_geom) <- CRS('+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84')
##'xy.sample <- osm_random_sample(buff_dist=NULL,
##'                               boundary_or_feature = "boundary",
##'                               bounding_geom = bounding_geom,
##'                               key= 'building', value = NULL, boundary = 0,
##'                               buff_epsg = NULL, join_type = 'intersect',
##'                               dis_or_cont = 'discrete', sample_size = 70,
##'                               plotit = TRUE, plotit_leaflet = TRUE,
##'                               data_return= c('osm_polygons'))
##'@author Henry J. Crosby \email{henry.crosby@warwick.ac.uk}
##'@author Godwin Yeboah \email{godwin.yeboah@warwick.ac.uk}
##'@author J. Porto De Albuquerque \email{J.Porto@warwick.ac.uk}
##'@references Rowlingson, B. and Diggle, P. 1993 Splancs: spatial point pattern
##'  analysis code in S-Plus. Computers and Geosciences, 19, 627-655
##'  https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Map_Features
##'@import sp
##'@import sf
##'@importFrom splancs csr
##'@importFrom dplyr summarise
##'@importFrom methods as
##'@import nngeo
##'@import rgdal
##'@import osmdata
##'@import processx
##'@import mapview
##'@import graphics
##'@import stats
##'@import geoR
##'@import pdist
##'@import qpdf
##'@import tibble


osm_random_sample <- function(bounding_geom = NULL, key = NULL, value = NULL, boundary_or_feature = "boundary",
                              feature_geom = NULL, data_return = c("osm_polygons", "osm_points",
                                                                   "osm_multipolygons","multilines", "lines"),
                              boundary = 0, buff_dist = 0, buff_epsg = 4326,join_type = "within", dis_or_cont,
                              sample_size, join_features_to_osm , plotit = TRUE, plotit_leaflet = TRUE)
    type <- dis_or_cont
    size <- sample_size

    if (boundary_or_feature == "boundary")
    poly <- bounding_geom

    if (is.null(key))
        stop("A key must be specified")
    } else
    if (boundary < 2 && !is.null(buff_dist))
        warning("buff_dist is defined despite not requesting a buffered boundary ('boundary' = 2). buff_dist has been ignored")
    if (boundary == 0)
        if (class(poly) == "character")

            if (is.null(value))
                dat <- opq(getbb(poly)) %>% add_osm_feature(key = key) %>%
                    osmdata_sf()  ## Returns all within the bounding box
            } else
                dat <- opq(getbb(poly)) %>% add_osm_feature(key = key,
                                                            value = value) %>% osmdata_sf()  ## Returns all within the bounding box

            poly <- rbind(c(getbb(poly)[1, 1], getbb(poly)[2, 1]), c(getbb(poly)[1,
                                                                                 2], getbb(poly)[2, 1]), c(getbb(poly)[1, 2], getbb(poly)[2,
                                                                                                                                          2]), c(getbb(poly)[1, 1], getbb(poly)[2, 2]), c(getbb(poly)[1,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      1], getbb(poly)[2, 1]))

            poly <- as.data.frame(poly)
            colnames(poly) <- c("lat", "lon")
            bounding <- poly %>% st_as_sf(coords = c("lat", "lon"), crs = 4326) %>%
                summarise(geometry = st_combine(geometry)) %>% st_cast("POLYGON")
            poly <- bounding
            dat_tr_ex <- trim_osmdata(dat, bounding, exclude = TRUE)  # Returns all buildings that are fully within the specified area
            dat_tr <- trim_osmdata(dat, bounding, exclude = FALSE)  # Returns all buildings that intersect with the specified area

            warning("the bounding box is used when poly is of type 'character'")

        } else if (class(poly) == "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")

            if (is.null(value))
                dat <- opq(poly@bbox) %>% add_osm_feature(key = key) %>%
                    osmdata_sf()  ## Returns all within the bounding box
            } else
                dat <- opq(poly@bbox) %>% add_osm_feature(key = key, value = value) %>%
                    osmdata_sf()  ## Returns all within the bounding box

            dat_tr_ex <- trim_osmdata(dat, poly, exclude = TRUE)  # Returns all buildings that are fully within the specified area
            dat_tr <- trim_osmdata(dat, poly, exclude = FALSE)  # Returns all buildings that intersect with the specified area
            bounding <- poly
        } else
            warning("poly must be of type 'character' or 'SpatialPolygonsDataFrame'")

    } else if (boundary == 1)

        if (class(poly) == "character")

            if (is.null(value))
                dat <- opq(getbb(poly)) %>% add_osm_feature(key = key) %>%
                    osmdata_sf()  ## Returns all within the bounding box
            } else
                dat <- opq(getbb(poly)) %>% add_osm_feature(key = key,
                                                            value = value) %>% osmdata_sf()  ## Returns all within the bounding box

            poly <- rbind(c(getbb(poly)[1, 1], getbb(poly)[2, 1]), c(getbb(poly)[1,
                                                                                 2], getbb(poly)[2, 1]), c(getbb(poly)[1, 2], getbb(poly)[2,
                                                                                                                                          2]), c(getbb(poly)[1, 1], getbb(poly)[2, 2]), c(getbb(poly)[1,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      1], getbb(poly)[2, 1]))

            poly <- as.data.frame(poly)
            colnames(poly) <- c("lat", "lon")
            bounding <- poly %>% st_as_sf(coords = c("lat", "lon"), crs = 4326) %>%
                summarise(geometry = st_combine(geometry)) %>% st_cast("POLYGON")
            poly <- bounding
            dat_tr_ex <- trim_osmdata(dat, bounding, exclude = TRUE)  # Returns all buildings that are fully within the specified area
            dat_tr <- trim_osmdata(dat, bounding, exclude = FALSE)  # Returns all buildings that intersect with the specified area

            warning("the bounding box is used when poly is of type 'character'")

        } else if (class(poly) == "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")

            if (is.null(value))
                dat <- opq(poly@bbox) %>% add_osm_feature(key = key) %>%
                    osmdata_sf()  ## Returns all within the bounding box
            } else
                dat <- opq(poly@bbox) %>% add_osm_feature(key = key, value = value) %>%
                    osmdata_sf()  ## Returns all within the bounding box

            coords <- rbind(c(poly@bbox[1, 1], poly@bbox[2, 1]), c(poly@bbox[1,
                                                                             2], poly@bbox[2, 1]), c(poly@bbox[1, 2], poly@bbox[2, 2]),
                            c(poly@bbox[1, 1], poly@bbox[2, 2]), c(poly@bbox[1, 1],
                                                                   poly@bbox[2, 1]))

            bounding <- as.data.frame(coords)
            colnames(bounding) <- c("lat", "lon")
            bounding <- bounding %>% st_as_sf(coords = c("lat", "lon"),
                                              crs = 4326) %>% summarise(geometry = st_combine(geometry)) %>%

            dat_tr_ex <- trim_osmdata(dat, coords, exclude = TRUE)  # Returns all buildings that are fully within the specified area
            dat_tr <- trim_osmdata(dat, coords, exclude = FALSE)  # Returns all buildings that intersect with the specified area
            bounding <- as.data.frame(coords)
            colnames(bounding) <- c("lat", "lon")
            bounding <- bounding %>% st_as_sf(coords = c("lat", "lon"),
                                              crs = 4326) %>% summarise(geometry = st_combine(geometry)) %>%

        } else
            warning("poly must be of type 'character' or 'SpatialPolygonsDataFrame'")

    } else if (boundary == 2)

        if (class(poly) == "character")

            if (buff_epsg == 4326)
                poly <- rbind(c(getbb(poly)[1, 1], getbb(poly)[2, 1]),
                              c(getbb(poly)[1, 2], getbb(poly)[2, 1]), c(getbb(poly)[1,
                                                                                     2], getbb(poly)[2, 2]), c(getbb(poly)[1, 1], getbb(poly)[2,
                                                                                                                                              2]), c(getbb(poly)[1, 1], getbb(poly)[2, 1]))

                poly <- as.data.frame(poly)
                colnames(poly) <- c("lat", "lon")
                bounding <- poly %>% st_as_sf(coords = c("lat", "lon"),
                                              crs = 4326) %>% summarise(geometry = st_combine(geometry)) %>%
                st_crs(bounding) <- 4326
                poly <- bounding
                countries_for_buff <- st_as_sf(poly)
                countries_buff <- st_buffer(countries_for_buff, buff_dist)
                    CRS.new <- CRS("+init=epsg:4326")
                countries_buff <- st_transform(countries_buff, CRS.new)
                bounding <- countries_buff

                if (is.null(value))
                    dat <- opq(st_bbox(countries_buff)) %>% add_osm_feature(key = key) %>%
                        osmdata_sf()  ## Returns all within the bounding box
                } else
                    dat <- opq(st_bbox(countries_buff)) %>% add_osm_feature(key = key,
                                                                            value = value) %>% osmdata_sf()  ## Returns all within the bounding box

            } else
                poly <- rbind(c(getbb(poly)[1, 1], getbb(poly)[2, 1]),
                              c(getbb(poly)[1, 2], getbb(poly)[2, 1]), c(getbb(poly)[1,
                                                                                     2], getbb(poly)[2, 2]), c(getbb(poly)[1, 1], getbb(poly)[2,
                                                                                                                                              2]), c(getbb(poly)[1, 1], getbb(poly)[2, 1]))

                poly <- as.data.frame(poly)
                colnames(poly) <- c("lat", "lon")
                bounding <- poly %>% st_as_sf(coords = c("lat", "lon"),
                                              crs = 4326) %>% summarise(geometry = st_combine(geometry)) %>%
                st_crs(bounding) <- 4326
                poly <- bounding
                    CRS.new <- CRS(paste0("+init=epsg:", buff_epsg))
                poly <- st_transform(poly, CRS.new)
                countries_for_buff <- st_as_sf(poly)
                countries_buff <- st_buffer(countries_for_buff, buff_dist)
                    CRS.new <- CRS("+init=epsg:4326")
                countries_buff <- st_transform(countries_buff, CRS.new)
                bounding <- countries_buff

                if (is.null(value))
                    dat <- opq(st_bbox(countries_buff)) %>% add_osm_feature(key = key) %>%
                        osmdata_sf()  ## Returns all within the bounding box
                } else
                    dat <- opq(st_bbox(countries_buff)) %>% add_osm_feature(key = key,
                                                                            value = value) %>% osmdata_sf()  ## Returns all within the bounding box


            dat_tr_ex <- trim_osmdata(dat, bounding, exclude = TRUE)  # Returns all buildings that are fully within the specified area
            dat_tr <- trim_osmdata(dat, bounding, exclude = FALSE)  # Returns all buildings that intersect with the specified area

            warning("the bounding box is used when poly is of type 'character'")

        } else if (class(poly) == "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")
            if (buff_epsg == 4326)
                proj4string(poly) <- CRS("+init=epsg:4326")
                countries_for_buff <- st_as_sf(poly)
                pc <- spTransform(poly, CRS("+init=epsg:3347"))
                countries_buff <- st_buffer(countries_for_buff, buff_dist)

                if (is.null(value))
                    dat <- opq(st_bbox(countries_buff)) %>% add_osm_feature(key = key) %>%
                        osmdata_sf()  ## Returns all within the bounding box
                } else
                    dat <- opq(st_bbox(countries_buff)) %>% add_osm_feature(key = key,
                                                                            value = value) %>% osmdata_sf()  ## Returns all within the bounding box

            } else
                    CRS.new <- CRS(paste0("+init=epsg:", buff_epsg))
                poly <- spTransform(poly, CRS.new)
                countries_for_buff <- st_as_sf(poly)
                countries_buff <- st_buffer(countries_for_buff, buff_dist)
                    countries_buff <- as(countries_buff, "Spatial")
                    proj4string(countries_buff) <- CRS(paste0("+init=epsg:",
                                                              buff_epsg, ""))
                CRS.new <- CRS("+init=epsg:4326")
                countries_buff <- spTransform(countries_buff, CRS.new)

                    if (is.null(value))
                        dat <- opq(st_bbox(countries_buff)) %>% add_osm_feature(key = key) %>%
                            osmdata_sf()  ## Returns all within the bounding box
                    } else
                        dat <- opq(st_bbox(countries_buff)) %>% add_osm_feature(key = key,
                                                                                value = value) %>% osmdata_sf()  ## Returns all within the bounding box


            dat_tr_ex <- trim_osmdata(dat, countries_buff, exclude = TRUE)  # Returns all buildings that are fully within the specified area
            dat_tr <- trim_osmdata(dat, countries_buff, exclude = FALSE)  # Returns all buildings that intersect with the specified area
            bounding <- countries_buff
        } else
            warning("poly must be of type 'character' or 'SpatialPolygonsDataFrame'")

    } else
        stop("boundary must be 0,1,2 which respectively refer to exact, bounding box and buffer.")

    if (join_type == "within")

        if (is.null(dat_tr_ex$osm_points) && c("osm_points") %in% data_return)
            data_return <- data_return[!(data_return) %in% c("osm_points")]
            print("OSM have no osm_points within the specified area")
        if (is.null(dat_tr_ex$osm_lines) && c("osm_lines") %in% data_return)
            data_return <- data_return[!(data_return) %in% c("osm_lines")]
            print("OSM have no osm_lines within the specified area")
        if (is.null(dat_tr_ex$osm_polygons) && c("osm_polygons") %in% data_return)
            data_return <- data_return[!(data_return) %in% c("osm_polygons")]
            print("OSM have no osm_polygons within the specified area")
        if (is.null(dat_tr_ex$osm_multilines) && c("osm_multilines") %in%
            data_return <- data_return[!(data_return) %in% c("osm_multilines")]
            print("OSM have no osm_multilines within the specified area")
        if (is.null(dat_tr_ex$osm_multipolygons) && c("osm_multipolygons") %in%
            data_return <- data_return[!(data_return) %in% c("osm_multipolygons")]
            print("OSM have no osm_multipolygons within the specified area")

        if (length(data_return) == 1)
            obj <- dat_tr_ex[[data_return]]
            obj <- obj[c("osm_id", "geometry")]
        } else
            obj <- dat_tr_ex[data_return]
            obj3 <- data.frame(NA, NA)
            names(obj3) <- c("osm_id", "geometry")
            for (i in 1:length(obj))
                obj2 <- obj[[i]]
                obj3 <- rbind(obj3, obj2[c("osm_id", "geometry")])
            obj <- obj3[-1, ]

        obj_for_sampling <- obj
        obj <- as.data.frame(obj_for_sampling[!duplicated(obj_for_sampling$osm_id),
        obj <- obj[-1, ]
        obj <- sf::st_as_sf(obj)

    } else if (join_type == "intersect")

        if (is.null(dat_tr$osm_points) && c("osm_points") %in% data_return)
            data_return <- data_return[!(data_return) %in% c("osm_points")]
            print("OSM have no osm_points within the specified area")
        if (is.null(dat_tr$osm_lines) && c("osm_lines") %in% data_return)
            data_return <- data_return[!(data_return) %in% c("osm_lines")]
            print("OSM have no osm_lines within the specified area")
        if (is.null(dat_tr$osm_polygons) && c("osm_polygons") %in% data_return)
            data_return <- data_return[!(data_return) %in% c("osm_polygons")]
            print("OSM have no osm_polygons within the specified area")
        if (is.null(dat_tr$osm_multilines) && c("osm_multilines") %in%
            data_return <- data_return[!(data_return) %in% c("osm_multilines")]
            print("OSM have no osm_multilines within the specified area")
        if (is.null(dat_tr$osm_multipolygons) && c("osm_multipolygons") %in%
            data_return <- data_return[!(data_return) %in% c("osm_multipolygons")]
            print("OSM have no osm_multipolygons within the specified area")

        if (length(data_return) == 1)
            obj <- dat_tr[[data_return]]
            obj <- obj[c("osm_id", "geometry")]
        } else
            obj <- dat_tr[data_return]
            obj3 <- data.frame(NA, NA)
            names(obj3) <- c("osm_id", "geometry")
            for (i in 1:length(obj))
                obj2 <- obj[[i]]
                obj3 <- rbind(obj3, obj2[c("osm_id", "geometry")])
            obj <- obj3[-1, ]

        obj_for_sampling <- obj
        obj <- as.data.frame(obj_for_sampling[!duplicated(obj_for_sampling$osm_id),
        obj <- obj[-1, ]
        obj <- sf::st_as_sf(obj)

    } else
        stop("join_type must be 'within' or 'intersect'")

    if (is.null(type))
        stop("\n 'type' must be provided")
    if (type != "discrete" & type != "continuum")
        stop("'type' must be either 'discrete' or 'continuum'")

    if (type == "discrete")
        obj.origin <- obj
        poly.origin <- poly
        if (is.null(obj))
            stop("\n'obj' must be provided")
        if (!inherits(obj, "SpatialPointsDataFrame"))
            if (!inherits(obj, "SpatialPoints"))
                if (!inherits(obj, "sf") & !inherits(obj, "data.frame"))
                    stop("\n 'obj' must be of class 'sp' or 'sf'")
        if (inherits(obj, "Spatial"))
            obj <- sf::st_as_sf(obj)


        if (is.null(poly))
            poly <- sf::st_convex_hull(sf::st_union(obj))
        if (length(size) > 0)
            if (!is.numeric(size) | size <= 0)
                stop("\n 'size' must be a positive integer")
        if (size >= dim(obj)[1])
            stop("\n 'size' must be less than the total
           number of locations to sample from")
        if (size == 1)
            xy.sample <- obj[sample(1:dim(obj)[1], size, replace = FALSE),

        } else
            ctr <- 1
            while (ctr < size)
                xy.sample <- obj[sample(1:dim(obj)[1], size, replace = FALSE),
                ctr <- dim(xy.sample)[1]
        res <- xy.sample
        if (class(xy.sample)[1] != class(obj.origin)[1])
            res <- sf::as_Spatial(xy.sample, "Spatial")

    if (type == "continuum")
        if (is.null(poly))
            stop("\n Provide polygon in which to generate sample points")
        if (!is.null(poly))
            poly.origin <- poly
            if (!inherits(poly, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"))
                if (!inherits(poly, "SpatialPolygons"))
                    if (!inherits(poly, "Polygons"))
                        if (!inherits(poly, "Polygon"))
                            if (!inherits(poly, "sfc_POLYGON"))
                                if (!inherits(poly, "sfc"))
                                    if (!inherits(poly, "sf"))
                                        stop("\n 'poly' must be of class 'sp' or 'sf'")
        if (inherits(poly, "Spatial"))
            plot.poly <- sf::st_as_sf(poly)
        } else
            plot.poly <- poly

        st.poly <- sf::st_coordinates(plot.poly)[, c(1:2)]
        xy.sample <- matrix(csr(st.poly, 1), 1, 2)
        for (i in 2:size)
            xy.try <- c(csr(st.poly, 1))
            xy.sample <- rbind(xy.sample, xy.try)
        xy.sample <- xy.sample %>% as.data.frame %>% sf::st_as_sf(coords = c(1,
        res <- xy.sample <- sf::st_as_sf(xy.sample)
        if (class(poly.origin)[1] == "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")
            poly.origin <- st_as_sf(poly.origin)
        if (class(xy.sample)[1] != class(poly.origin)[1])
            res <- sf::as_Spatial(xy.sample, "Spatial")

    } else if (boundary_or_feature == "feature")
            if (class(feature_geom) == "data.frame")
            { obj<- SpatialPointsDataFrame(feature_geom[,c("lng", "lat")],
                                           feature_geom[,c("id","lng", "lat")])

            else if (class(feature_geom) == "SpatialPointsDataFrame")
                 obj<- feature_geom
                    stop ("when boundary_or_feature= 'feature' is specified
                            then feature_geom must also be specified and have a
                             class of dataframe or SpatialPointsDataFrame")

         if (type == "discrete")
            obj.origin <- obj

            myPolygon = Polygon(cbind(c(t(bbox(obj))[1,"lng"],t(bbox(obj))[2,"lng"],t(bbox(obj))[2,"lng"],t(bbox(obj))[1,"lng"],t(bbox(obj))[1,"lng"]),

            myPolygons = Polygons(list(myPolygon), ID = "A")
            SpPolygon = SpatialPolygons(list(myPolygons))
            df = matrix(data = c(0))
            rownames(df) = "A"
            poly = SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(SpPolygon, data= as.data.frame(df))

            bounding <- poly
            proj4string(bounding) <- CRS('+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84')

            if (is.null(obj))
                 stop("\n'obj' must be provided")
             if (!inherits(obj, "SpatialPointsDataFrame"))
                 if (!inherits(obj, "SpatialPoints"))
                     if (!inherits(obj, "sf") & !inherits(obj, "data.frame"))
                         stop("\n 'obj' must be of class 'sp' or 'sf'")
             if (inherits(obj, "Spatial"))
                 obj <- sf::st_as_sf(obj)
             # if (any(!is.numeric(sf::st_coordinates(obj)))) stop('\n
             # non-numerical values in 'obj' coordinates')
             # if(any(is.na(sf::st_coordinates(obj)))){ warning('\n NA's not
             # allowed in 'obj' coordinates') obj <-
             # obj[complete.cases(st_coordinates(obj)), , drop = FALSE] warning('\n
             # eliminating rows with NA's') }
             if (length(size) > 0)
                 if (!is.numeric(size) | size <= 0)
                     stop("\n 'size' must be a positive integer")
             if (size >= dim(obj)[1])
                 stop("\n 'size' must be less than the total
           number of locations to sample from")
             if (size == 1)
                 xy.sample <- obj[sample(1:dim(obj)[1], size, replace = FALSE),

                              } else
                 ctr <- 1
                 while (ctr < size)
                     xy.sample <- obj[sample(1:dim(obj)[1], size, replace = FALSE),
                     ctr <- dim(xy.sample)[1]
             res <- xy.sample
             obj.origin <- obj.origin %>% st_as_sf(coords = c("lat", "lon"), crs = 4326)
             if (class(xy.sample)[1] != class(obj.origin)[1])
                 res <- sf::as_Spatial(xy.sample, "Spatial")

     if (type == "continuum")
         end ("you cannot ask for continuum and provide a set of features.
                  Please provide a boundary or ask for discrete")

        } else
    { end("boundary_or_feature must be defined as 'boundary' or 'feature' only")

    if (boundary_or_feature == "boundary")

    if (plotit == TRUE && plotit_leaflet == FALSE)
        oldpar<-par(oma = c(5, 5, 5, 5.5), mar = c(5.5, 5.1, 4.1, 2.1), mgp = c(3, 1, 0),
                    las = 0)

        if (type == "discrete")
            if (class(obj.origin)[1] == "sf")
                plot(st_geometry(obj.origin), pch = 19, col = "yellow",
                     axes = TRUE, xlab = "longitude", ylab = "lattitude",
                     font.main = 3, cex.main = 1.2, col.main = "blue", main = paste("Random sampling design,",
                                                                                    size, "points", sep = " "))
            } else
                plot(obj.origin, pch = 19, col = "yellow", axes = TRUE,
                     xlab = "longitude", ylab = "lattitude", font.main = 3,
                     cex.main = 1.2, col.main = "blue", main = paste("Random sampling design,",
                                                                     size, "points", sep = " "))
            plot(st_geometry(xy.sample), pch = 19, cex = 0.25, col = 1,
                 add = TRUE)
        } else
            plot(st_geometry(plot.poly), pch = 19, col = 1, axes = TRUE,
                 xlab = "longitude", ylab = "lattitude", font.main = 3,
                 cex.main = 1.2, col.main = "blue", main = paste("Random sampling design,",
                                                                 size, "points", sep = " "), xlim = c(range(st.poly[,
                                                                                                                    1])), ylim = c(range(st.poly[, 2])))
            plot(st_geometry(xy.sample), col = "yellow", add = TRUE)

    if (plotit_leaflet == TRUE)
        oldpar<-par(oma = c(5, 5, 5, 5.5), mar = c(5.5, 5.1, 4.1, 2.1), mgp = c(3, 1, 0),
                    las = 0)

        st_crs(xy.sample) <- 4326
        if (type == "discrete")
            st_crs(obj.origin) <- 4326
            if (class(obj.origin)[1] == "sf")
                print(mapview((bounding), map.types = c("OpenStreetMap.DE"),
                              layer.name = c("Boundary"), color = c("black"), alpha = 0.3,
                              label = "Boundary") + mapview(st_geometry(obj.origin),
                                                            add = TRUE, layer.name = c("All Locations"), label = obj.origin$osm_id) +
                          mapview(st_geometry(xy.sample), add = TRUE, layer.name = c("Sample Locations"),
                                  color = c("yellow"), col.regions = "yellow", label = xy.sample$osm_id,
                                  lwd = 2))
            } else
                print(mapview((bounding), map.types = c("OpenStreetMap.DE"),
                              layer.name = c("Boundary"), color = c("black"), alpha = 0.3,
                              label = "Boundary") + mapview(obj.origin, add = TRUE,
                                                            layer.name = c("All Locations"), label = obj.origin$osm_id) +
                          mapview(st_geometry(xy.sample), add = TRUE, layer.name = c("Sample Locations"),
                                  color = c("yellow"), col.regions = "yellow", lwd = 2,
                                  label = xy.sample$osm_id))
        } else
            print(mapview((bounding), add = TRUE, layer.name = c("Boundary"),
                          color = c("black"), alpha = 0.3, label = "Boundary") +
                      mapview(st_geometry(xy.sample), add = TRUE, layer.name = c("Sample Locations"),
                              color = c("yellow"), col.regions = "yellow", label = xy.sample$osm_id,
                              lwd = 2))

    if (type == "discrete")
        xy.sample_df <- as.data.frame(xy.sample)
        obj.origin_df <- as.data.frame(obj.origin)
        xy.sample_df <- xy.sample_df[, !(names(xy.sample_df) %in% c("geometry"))]
        xy.sample_df <- as.data.frame(xy.sample_df)
        obj.origin_df <- obj.origin_df[, !(names(obj.origin_df) %in% c("geometry"))]
        obj.origin_df <- as.data.frame(obj.origin_df)
        xy.sample_df$inSample <- 1
        names(xy.sample_df) <- c("osm_id", "inSample")
        names(obj.origin_df) <- "osm_id"
        results <- merge(obj.origin_df, xy.sample_df, by = "osm_id", all.x = TRUE)
        # results<-results[, -grep('.y', colnames(results))]
        results[is.na(results$inSample), "inSample"] <- 0
            results <- cbind(results, obj.origin %>% st_centroid() %>%
        results <- cbind(results, unlist(st_geometry(st_as_sf(results))) %>%
                             matrix(ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) %>% as_tibble() %>% setNames(c("centroid_lon",
        results <- results[, !(names(results) %in% c("geometry"))]
        assign("results", results)
    } else
        xy.sample_coords <- xy.sample %>% st_cast("MULTIPOINT") %>% st_cast("POINT")
        xy.sample_coords <- st_coordinates(xy.sample_coords)
        xy.sample_coords <- (cbind(c(1:nrow(xy.sample_coords)), xy.sample_coords))
        colnames(xy.sample_coords) <- c("id", "lat", "long")
        # assign('results', xy.sample_coords, envir = .GlobalEnv)
        results <- xy.sample_coords



 else if (boundary_or_feature == "feature" && join_features_to_osm == FALSE)
    if (plotit == TRUE && plotit_leaflet == FALSE)
        oldpar<-par(oma = c(5, 5, 5, 5.5), mar = c(5.5, 5.1, 4.1, 2.1), mgp = c(3, 1, 0),
                    las = 0)

        if (type == "discrete")
            if (class(obj.origin)[1] == "sf")
                plot(st_geometry(obj.origin), pch = 19, col = "yellow",
                     axes = TRUE, xlab = "longitude", ylab = "lattitude",
                     font.main = 3, cex.main = 1.2, col.main = "blue", main = paste("Random sampling design,",
                                                                                    size, "points", sep = " "))
            } else
                plot(obj.origin, pch = 19, col = "yellow", axes = TRUE,
                     xlab = "longitude", ylab = "lattitude", font.main = 3,
                     cex.main = 1.2, col.main = "blue", main = paste("Random sampling design,",
                                                                     size, "points", sep = " "))
            plot(st_geometry(xy.sample), pch = 19, cex = 0.25, col = 1,
                 add = TRUE)
        } else
            plot(st_geometry(plot.poly), pch = 19, col = 1, axes = TRUE,
                 xlab = "longitude", ylab = "lattitude", font.main = 3,
                 cex.main = 1.2, col.main = "blue", main = paste("Random sampling design,",
                                                                 size, "points", sep = " "), xlim = c(range(st.poly[,
                                                                                                                    1])), ylim = c(range(st.poly[, 2])))
            plot(st_geometry(xy.sample), col = "yellow", add = TRUE)

    if (plotit_leaflet == TRUE)
        oldpar<-par(oma = c(5, 5, 5, 5.5), mar = c(5.5, 5.1, 4.1, 2.1), mgp = c(3, 1, 0),
                    las = 0)

        st_crs(xy.sample) <- 4326
        if (type == "discrete")
            st_crs(obj.origin) <- 4326
            if (class(obj.origin)[1] == "sf")
                print(mapview((bounding), map.types = c("OpenStreetMap.DE"),
                              layer.name = c("Boundary"), color = c("black"), alpha = 0.3,
                              label = "Boundary") + mapview(st_geometry(obj.origin),
                                                            add = TRUE, layer.name = c("All Locations"), label = obj.origin$id) +
                          mapview(st_geometry(xy.sample), add = TRUE, layer.name = c("Sample Locations"),
                                  color = c("yellow"), col.regions = "yellow", label = xy.sample$id,
                                  lwd = 2))
            } else
                print(mapview((bounding), map.types = c("OpenStreetMap.DE"),
                              layer.name = c("Boundary"), color = c("black"), alpha = 0.3,
                              label = "Boundary") + mapview(obj.origin, add = TRUE,
                                                            layer.name = c("All Locations"), label = obj.origin$id) +
                          mapview(st_geometry(xy.sample), add = TRUE, layer.name = c("Sample Locations"),
                                  color = c("yellow"), col.regions = "yellow", lwd = 2,
                                  label = xy.sample$id))
        } else
            print(mapview((bounding), add = TRUE, layer.name = c("Boundary"),
                          color = c("black"), alpha = 0.3, label = "Boundary") +
                      mapview(st_geometry(xy.sample), add = TRUE, layer.name = c("Sample Locations"),
                              color = c("yellow"), col.regions = "yellow", label = xy.sample$id,
                              lwd = 2))

    if (type == "discrete")
        xy.sample_df <- as.data.frame(xy.sample)
        xy.sample_df <- subset (xy.sample_df, select = -lng)
        xy.sample_df <- subset (xy.sample_df, select = -lat)
        obj.origin_df <- as.data.frame(obj.origin)
        obj.origin_df <- subset (obj.origin_df, select = -lng)
        obj.origin_df <- subset (obj.origin_df, select = -lat)
        xy.sample_df <- xy.sample_df[, !(names(xy.sample_df) %in% c("geometry"))]
        xy.sample_df <- as.data.frame(xy.sample_df)
        obj.origin_df <- obj.origin_df[, !(names(obj.origin_df) %in% c("geometry"))]
        obj.origin_df <- as.data.frame(obj.origin_df)
        xy.sample_df$inSample <- 1
        names(xy.sample_df) <- c("orig_id","inSample")
        names(obj.origin_df) <- "orig_id"
        results <- merge(obj.origin_df, xy.sample_df, by = "orig_id", all.x = TRUE)
        results[is.na(results$inSample), "inSample"] <- 0
            results <- cbind(results, obj.origin %>% st_centroid() %>%
        results <- cbind(results, unlist(st_geometry(st_as_sf(results))) %>%
                             matrix(ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) %>% as_tibble() %>% setNames(c("centroid_lon",
        results <- results[, !(names(results) %in% c("geometry"))]
        assign("results", results)
    } else
        end ("you cannot ask for continuum and provide a set of features.
                  Please provide a boundary or ask for discrete")


 }  else if (boundary_or_feature == "feature" && join_features_to_osm == TRUE)


     poly <- bounding

     if (is.null(key))
         stop("A key must be specified")
    if (is.null(value))
                 dat <- opq(poly@bbox) %>% add_osm_feature(key = key) %>%
                     osmdata_sf()  ## Returns all within the bounding box
             } else
                 dat <- opq(poly@bbox) %>% add_osm_feature(key = key, value = value) %>%
                     osmdata_sf()  ## Returns all within the bounding box

             dat_tr_ex <- trim_osmdata(dat, poly, exclude = TRUE)  # Returns all buildings that are fully within the specified area
             dat_tr <- trim_osmdata(dat, poly, exclude = FALSE)  # Returns all buildings that intersect with the specified area
             bounding <- poly

         if (is.null(dat_tr_ex$osm_points) && c("osm_points") %in% data_return)
             data_return <- data_return[!(data_return) %in% c("osm_points")]
             stop("OSM have no osm_points within the specified area")
         if (is.null(dat_tr_ex$osm_lines) && c("osm_lines") %in% data_return)
             data_return <- data_return[!(data_return) %in% c("osm_lines")]
             stop("OSM have no osm_lines within the specified area")
         if (is.null(dat_tr_ex$osm_polygons) && c("osm_polygons") %in% data_return)
             data_return <- data_return[!(data_return) %in% c("osm_polygons")]
             stop("OSM have no osm_polygons within the specified area")
         if (is.null(dat_tr_ex$osm_multilines) && c("osm_multilines") %in%
             data_return <- data_return[!(data_return) %in% c("osm_multilines")]
             stop("OSM have no osm_multilines within the specified area")
         if (is.null(dat_tr_ex$osm_multipolygons) && c("osm_multipolygons") %in%
             data_return <- data_return[!(data_return) %in% c("osm_multipolygons")]
             stop("OSM have no osm_multipolygons within the specified area")

         if (length(data_return) == 1)
             obj_for_join <- dat_tr_ex[[data_return]]
             obj_for_join <- obj_for_join[c("osm_id", "geometry")]
         } else
             obj_for_join <- dat_tr_ex[data_return]
             obj3 <- data.frame(NA, NA)
             names(obj3) <- c("osm_id", "geometry")
             for (i in 1:length(obj))
                 obj2 <- obj_for_join[[i]]
                 obj3 <- rbind(obj3, obj2[c("osm_id", "geometry")])
             obj_for_join <- obj3[-1, ]

         obj_for_sampling <- obj_for_join
         obj_for_join <- as.data.frame(obj_for_sampling[!duplicated(obj_for_sampling$osm_id),
         obj_for_join <- obj_for_join[-1, ]
         obj_for_join <- sf::st_as_sf(obj_for_join)
         a.data <- st_join(obj_for_join, obj.origin, left = FALSE)
         names(a.data) <- c("osm_id","input_id","input_lng","input_lat","osm_geometry")

         if (plotit == TRUE && plotit_leaflet == FALSE)
             oldpar<-par(oma = c(5, 5, 5, 5.5), mar = c(5.5, 5.1, 4.1, 2.1), mgp = c(3, 1, 0),
                         las = 0)

             if (type == "discrete")
                 if (class(obj.origin)[1] == "sf")
                     plot(st_geometry(a.data$osm_geometry), pch = 19, col = "yellow",
                          axes = TRUE, xlab = "longitude", ylab = "lattitude",
                          font.main = 3, cex.main = 1.2, col.main = "blue", main = paste("Random sampling design,",
                                                                                         size, "points", sep = " "))
                     DT_sf <- as.data.frame(a.data)
                     DT_sf <- subset(DT_sf, select = c(osm_id, input_id, input_lng,input_lat))
                     DT_sf = st_as_sf(DT_sf, coords = c("input_lng", "input_lat"),crs = 4326)
                     plot(DT_sf, add = T, col="red")
                     plot(st_geometry(xy.sample), pch = 19, col = "red", fill = "red",add = TRUE)
                 } else
                     plot(obj.origin, pch = 19, col = "yellow", axes = TRUE,
                          xlab = "longitude", ylab = "lattitude", font.main = 3,
                          cex.main = 1.2, col.main = "blue", main = paste("Random sampling design,",
                                                                          size, "points", sep = " "))
                 DT_sf <- as.data.frame(a.data)
                 DT_sf <- subset(DT_sf, select = c(osm_id, input_id, input_lng,input_lat))
                 DT_sf = st_as_sf(DT_sf, coords = c("input_lng", "input_lat"),crs = 4326)
                     plot(DT_sf, add = T, col="red")
                 plot(st_geometry(xy.sample), pch = 19, col = "red", fill = "red",add = TRUE)

             } else
                 plot(st_geometry(plot.poly), pch = 19, col = 1, axes = TRUE,
                      xlab = "longitude", ylab = "lattitude", font.main = 3,
                      cex.main = 1.2, col.main = "blue", main = paste("Random sampling design,",
                                                                      size, "points", sep = " "), xlim = c(range(st.poly[,
                                                                                                                         1])), ylim = c(range(st.poly[, 2])))
                 DT_sf <- as.data.frame(a.data)
                 DT_sf <- subset(DT_sf, select = c(osm_id, input_id, input_lng,input_lat))
                 DT_sf = st_as_sf(DT_sf, coords = c("input_lng", "input_lat"),crs = 4326)
                     plot(DT_sf, add = T, col="red")
                 plot(st_geometry(xy.sample), pch = 19, col = "red", fill = "red",add = TRUE)


         if (plotit_leaflet == TRUE)
             oldpar<-par(oma = c(5, 5, 5, 5.5), mar = c(5.5, 5.1, 4.1, 2.1), mgp = c(3, 1, 0),
                         las = 0)
             st_crs(xy.sample) <- 4326
             if (type == "discrete")
                 st_crs(obj.origin) <- 4326
                 if (class(obj.origin)[1] == "sf")
                     print(mapview((bounding), map.types = c("OpenStreetMap.DE"),
                                   layer.name = c("Boundary"), color = c("black"), alpha = 0.3,
                                   label = "Boundary") +
                               mapview(a.data$osm_geometry,add = TRUE,
                                       layer.name = c("OSM Fatures"),
                                       label = a.data$osm_id, lwd = 2) +
                               mapview(st_geometry(obj.origin),add = TRUE,
                                       layer.name = c("All Locations"),
                                       label = obj.origin$id) +
                               mapview(st_geometry(xy.sample), add = TRUE,
                                       layer.name = c("Sample Locations"),
                                       color = c("yellow"),
                                       col.regions = "yellow",
                                       label = xy.sample$id,
                                       lwd = 2))
                 } else
                     print(mapview((bounding), map.types = c("OpenStreetMap.DE"),
                                   layer.name = c("Boundary"),
                                   color = c("black"), alpha = 0.3,
                                   label = "Boundary") +
                               mapview(a.data$osm_geometry,add = TRUE,
                                       layer.name = c("OSM Fatures"),
                                       label = a.data$osm_id, lwd = 2) +
                               mapview(obj.origin, add = TRUE,
                                    layer.name = c("All Locations"),
                                    label = obj.origin$id) +
                               mapview(st_geometry(xy.sample), add = TRUE,
                                       layer.name = c("Sample Locations"),
                                       color = c("yellow"),
                                       col.regions = "yellow", lwd = 2,
                                       label = xy.sample$id))
             } else
                 print(mapview((bounding), add = TRUE, layer.name = c("Boundary"),
                               color = c("black"), alpha = 0.3, label = "Boundary") +
                           mapview(st_geometry(xy.sample), add = TRUE, layer.name = c("Sample Locations"),
                                   color = c("yellow"), col.regions = "yellow", label = xy.sample$id,
                                   lwd = 2))

         if (type == "discrete")
             xy.sample_df <- as.data.frame(xy.sample)
             xy.sample_df <- subset (xy.sample_df, select = -lng)
             xy.sample_df <- subset (xy.sample_df, select = -lat)
             obj.origin_df <- as.data.frame(obj.origin)
             obj.origin_df <- subset (obj.origin_df, select = -lng)
             obj.origin_df <- subset (obj.origin_df, select = -lat)
             xy.sample_df <- xy.sample_df[, !(names(xy.sample_df) %in% c("geometry"))]
             xy.sample_df <- as.data.frame(xy.sample_df)
             obj.origin_df <- obj.origin_df[, !(names(obj.origin_df) %in% c("geometry"))]
             obj.origin_df <- as.data.frame(obj.origin_df)
             xy.sample_df$inSample <- 1
             names(xy.sample_df) <- c("input_id","inSample")
             names(obj.origin_df) <- "input_id"
             results <- merge(obj.origin_df, xy.sample_df, by = "input_id", all.x = TRUE)
             results[is.na(results$inSample), "inSample"] <- 0
                 results <- cbind(results, obj.origin %>% st_centroid() %>%
             results <- cbind(results, unlist(st_geometry(st_as_sf(results))) %>%
                                  matrix(ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) %>% as_tibble() %>% setNames(c("centroid_lon",
             results <- results[, !(names(results) %in% c("geometry"))]
             results <- merge(results, a.data, by="input_id")
             results<-subset(results, select = c(osm_id, input_id, inSample, input_lng, input_lat))
             assign("results", results)
             assign("results_sf", xy.sample)

         } else
             end ("you cannot ask for continuum and provide a set of features.
                  Please provide a boundary or ask for discrete")



Try the osmgeosample package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

osmgeosample documentation built on Feb. 7, 2021, 5:05 p.m.