#' Returns one or more travel time isochrones (OTPv1 only)
#' Returns one or more travel time isochrones in either GeoJSON format or as an
#' \strong{sf} object. Only works correctly for walk and/or transit modes - a limitation
#' of OTP. Isochrones can be generated either \emph{from} a location or \emph{to}
#' a location.
#' @param otpcon An OTP connection object produced by \code{\link{otp_connect}}.
#' @param format Character, required format of returned isochrone(s). Either JSON
#' (returns GeoJSON) or SF (returns simple feature collection). Default is JSON.
#' @param cutoffs Numeric vector, containing the cutoff times in seconds. for
#' example: 'c(900, 1800, 2700)' would request 15, 30 and 60 minute isochrones.
#' Can be a single value.
#' @param location Numeric vector, Latitude/Longitude pair, e.g. `c(53.48805, -2.24258)`
#' @param fromLocation Logical. If TRUE (default) the isochrone
#' will be generated \emph{from} the \code{location}. If FALSE the isochrone will
#' be generated \emph{to} the \code{location}.
#' @param mode Character vector, mode(s) of travel. Valid values are: WALK,
#' TRANSIT, BUS, RAIL, TRAM, SUBWAY. TRANSIT will use all available transit modes.
#' Default is TRANSIT. WALK mode is automatically added to
#' TRANSIT, BUS, RAIL, TRAM, and SUBWAY. Due to an OTP limitation this
#' function is \emph{not} suitable for CAR or BICYCLE modes.
#' @param date Character, must be in the format mm-dd-yyyy. This is the desired date of travel.
#' Only relevant for transit modes. Default is the current system date.
#' @param time Character, must be in the format hh:mm:ss.
#' If \code{arriveBy} is FALSE (the default) this is the desired departure time, otherwise the
#' desired arrival time. Only relevant for transit modes. Default is the current system time.
#' @param arriveBy Logical. Whether a trip should depart (FALSE) or arrive (TRUE) at the specified
#' date and time. Default is FALSE.
#' @param maxWalkDistance Numeric. The maximum distance (in meters) that the user is
#' willing to walk. Default is NULL (the parameter is not passed to the API and the OTP
#' default of unlimited takes effect).
#' This is a soft limit in OTPv1 and is ignored if the mode is WALK only. In OTPv2
#' this parameter imposes a hard limit on WALK, CAR and BICYCLE modes (see:
#' \url{}).
#' @param walkReluctance A single numeric value. A multiplier for how bad walking is
#' compared to being in transit for equal lengths of time. Default = 2.
#' @param waitReluctance A single numeric value. A multiplier for how bad waiting for a
#' transit vehicle is compared to being on a transit vehicle. This should be greater
#' than 1 and less than \code{walkReluctance} (see API docs). Default = 1.
#' @param transferPenalty Integer. An additional penalty added to boardings after
#' the first. The value is in OTP's internal weight units, which are roughly equivalent to seconds.
#' Set this to a high value to discourage transfers. Default is 0.
#' @param minTransferTime Integer. The minimum time, in seconds, between successive
#' trips on different vehicles. This is designed to allow for imperfect schedule
#' adherence. This is a minimum; transfers over longer distances might use a longer time.
#' Default is 0.
#' @param batch Logical. If true, goal direction is turned off and a full path tree is built
#' @param extra.params A list of any other parameters accepted by the OTP API LIsochrone entry point. For
#' advanced users. Be aware that otpr will carry out no validation of these additional
#' parameters. They will be passed directly to the API. Do not pass 'fromPlace' or 'toPlace'
#' to this function. These parameters are handled internally based on the values of \code{location}
#' and \code{fromLocation}.
#' @return Returns a list. First element in the list is \code{errorId}. This is "OK" if
#' OTP successfully returned the isochrone(s), otherwise it is "ERROR". The second
#' element of list varies:
#' \itemize{
#' \item If \code{errorId} is "ERROR" then \code{response} contains the OTP error message.
#' \item If \code{errorId} is "OK" then \code{response} contains the the isochrone(s) in
#' either GeoJSON format or as an \strong{sf} object, depending on the value of the
#' \code{format} argument.
#' }
#' The third element of the list is \code{query} which is a character string containing the URL
#' that was submitted to the OTP API.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' otp_get_isochrone(otpcon, location = c(53.48805, -2.24258), cutoffs = c(900, 1800, 2700))
#' otp_get_isochrone(otpcon, location = c(53.48805, -2.24258), fromLocation = FALSE,
#' cutoffs = c(900, 1800, 2700), mode = "BUS")
#' @export
otp_get_isochrone <-
fromLocation = TRUE,
format = "JSON",
mode = "TRANSIT",
date = format(Sys.Date(), "%m-%d-%Y"),
time = format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M:%S"),
batch = TRUE,
arriveBy = FALSE,
maxWalkDistance = NULL,
walkReluctance = 2,
waitReluctance = 1,
transferPenalty = 0,
minTransferTime = 0,
extra.params = list())
# get the OTP parameters ready to pass to check function
call <-
call[[1]] <-'list')
params <- eval.parent(call)
params <-
params[names(params) %in% c("mode", "location", "fromLocation", "format", "extra.params") == FALSE]
if (otpcon$version != 1) {
"OTP server is running OTPv",
". otp_get_isochrone() is only supported in OTPv1"
# Check for required arguments
if (missing(otpcon)) {
stop("otpcon argument is required")
} else if (missing(location)) {
stop("location argument is required")
} else if (missing(cutoffs)) {
stop("cutoffs argument is required")
# allow lowercase
format <- toupper(format)
mode <- toupper(mode)
# function specific argument checks
args.coll <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
checkmate::assert_logical(fromLocation, add = args.coll)
checkmate::assert_logical(batch, add = args.coll)
lower = -180,
upper = 180,
len = 2,
add = args.coll
# Mode is restricted for the isochrone function so handled in this function
choices = c("WALK", "BUS", "RAIL", "TRAM", "SUBWAY", "TRANSIT"),
null.ok = F,
add = args.coll
choices = c("JSON", "SF"),
null.ok = FALSE,
add = args.coll
# add WALK to relevant modes
if (identical(mode, "TRANSIT") |
identical(mode, "BUS") |
identical(mode, "SUBWAY") |
identical(mode, "TRAM") |
identical(mode, "RAIL")) {
mode <- append(mode, "WALK")
mode <- paste(mode, collapse = ",")
# OTP API parameter checks,
# Construct URL
routerUrl <- paste0(make_url(otpcon)$router, "/isochrone")
# Construct query
query <-
fromPlace = paste(location, collapse = ","),
mode = mode,
batch = batch,
date = date,
time = time,
maxWalkDistance = maxWalkDistance,
walkReluctance = walkReluctance,
waitReluctance = waitReluctance,
arriveBy = arriveBy,
transferPenalty = transferPenalty,
minTransferTime = minTransferTime
# append extra.params to query if present
if (length(extra.params) > 0) {
msg <- paste("Unknown parameters were passed to the OTP API without checks:", paste(sapply(names(extra.params), paste), collapse=", "))
warning(paste(msg), call. = FALSE)
query <- append(query, extra.params)
# make and append cutoffs into list
cutoffs <- as.list(cutoffs)
names(cutoffs) <- rep("cutoffSec", length(cutoffs))
query <- append(query, cutoffs)
if (isTRUE(fromLocation)) {
req <- httr::GET(routerUrl,
query = query)
} else {
# due to OTP bug when we require an isochrone to the location we must provide the
# location in both toPlace and fromPlace to the API. So we can just append toPlace
# to the query.
req <- httr::GET(routerUrl,
query =
append(query, list(toPlace = paste(
location, collapse = ","
# decode URL for return
url <- urltools::url_decode(req$url)
# convert response content into text
text <- httr::content(req, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
# Check that GeoJSON is returned
if (grepl("\"type\":\"FeatureCollection\"", text)) {
errorId <- "OK"
isochrone <- text
# convert to SF if requested
if (format == "SF") {
isochrone <- geojsonsf::geojson_sf(isochrone)
# correct invalid geometry that OTP tends to return
isochrone <- sf::st_make_valid(isochrone)
} else {
errorId <- "ERROR"
response <-
list("errorId" = errorId,
"response" = isochrone,
"query" = url)
return (response)
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